OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
script Directory Reference


 Command definitions related to scripts.
 Implementation of ScriptConfig.
 ScriptConfig stores the configuration settings of every Script.
 The definition of Script_FatalError.
 Window for configuring the Scripts
 Implementation of ScriptInfo.
 ScriptInfo keeps track of all information of a script, like Author, Description, ...
 Implementation of a dummy Script.
 Implementation of ScriptInstance.
 The ScriptInstance tracks a script.
 Allows scanning for scripts.
 Declarations of the class for the script scanner.
 Defines ScriptStorage and includes all files required for it.
 The Script_Suspend tracks the suspension of a script.
 the implementation of the Squirrel class.
 defines the Squirrel class
 Defines templates for converting C++ classes to Squirrel classes.
 declarations and parts of the implementation of the class for convert code
 Helper structs for converting Squirrel data structures to C++.
 Implements the Squirrel Standard Function class.
 defines the Squirrel Standard Function class