27 typedef void (SQPrintFunc)(
bool error_msg,
const std::string &message);
56 static void CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM
const SQChar *desc,
const SQChar *source, SQInteger line, SQInteger column);
61 static void RunError(HSQUIRRELVM
const SQChar *error);
66 static void PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM
const std::string &s);
88 bool LoadScript(HSQUIRRELVM
const std::string &script,
bool in_root =
const std::string &filename, SQBool printerror);
99 void AddMethod(
const char *method_name, SQFUNCTION proc, uint nparam = 0,
const char *params =
void *userdata =
int size = 0);
105 void AddConst(
const char *var_name,
int value);
117 void AddConst(
const char *var_name,
bool value);
129 void AddClassBegin(
const char *class_name,
const char *parent_class);
140 bool Resume(
int suspend = -1);
152 void InsertResult(
bool result);
153 void InsertResult(
int result);
154 void InsertResult(uint result) { this->InsertResult((
int)result); }
160 bool CallMethod(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name, HSQOBJECT *ret,
int suspend);
161 bool CallMethod(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name,
int suspend) {
return this->
CallMethod(instance, method_name,
nullptr, suspend); }
162 bool CallStringMethod(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name, std::string *res,
int suspend);
163 bool CallIntegerMethod(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name,
int *res,
int suspend);
164 bool CallBoolMethod(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name,
bool *res,
int suspend);
169 bool MethodExists(HSQOBJECT instance,
const char *method_name);
181 static bool CreateClassInstanceVM(HSQUIRRELVM
const std::string &class_name,
void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance, SQRELEASEHOOK release_hook,
bool prepend_API_name =
186 bool CreateClassInstance(
const std::string &class_name,
void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance);
193 static bool GetRealInstance(HSQUIRRELVM
vm, SQUserPointer *ptr) {
return SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_getinstanceup(
vm, 1, ptr,
nullptr)); }
200 static bool GetInstance(HSQUIRRELVM
vm, HSQOBJECT *ptr,
int pos = 1) { sq_getclass(
vm, pos); sq_getstackobj(
vm, pos, ptr); sq_pop(
vm, 1);
return true; }
205 static const char *
ObjectToString(HSQOBJECT *ptr) {
return sq_objtostring(ptr); }
215 static bool ObjectToBool(HSQOBJECT *ptr) {
return sq_objtobool(ptr) == 1; }
236 void ThrowError(
const std::string_view error) { sq_throwerror(this->vm, error); }
void AddClassEnd()
Finishes adding a class to the global scope.
bool Resume(int suspend=-1)
Resume a VM when it was suspended via a throw.
static void * GetGlobalPointer(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
Get the pointer as set by SetGlobalPointer.
void * global_pointer
Can be set by who ever initializes Squirrel.
void SetPrintFunction(SQPrintFunc *func)
Set a custom print function, so you can handle outputs from SQ yourself.
void AddConst(const char *var_name, uint value)
Adds a const to the stack.
static void ErrorPrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const std::string &s)
If an error has to be print, this function is called.
void CollectGarbage()
Tell the VM to do a garbage collection run.
The VirtualMachine instance for squirrel.
static bool GetRealInstance(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQUserPointer *ptr)
Get the real-instance pointer.
void Reset()
Completely reset the engine; start from scratch.
SQInteger GetOpsTillSuspend()
How many operations can we execute till suspension?
bool LoadScript(const std::string &script)
Load a script.
bool IsSuspended()
Did the squirrel code suspend or return normally.
void AddMethod(const char *method_name, SQFUNCTION proc, uint nparam=0, const char *params=nullptr, void *userdata=nullptr, int size=0)
Adds a function to the stack.
static void RunError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *error)
The RunError handler.
void ReleaseObject(HSQOBJECT *ptr)
Release a SQ object.
bool CanSuspend()
Are we allowed to suspend the squirrel script at this moment?
SQPrintFunc * print_func
Points to either nullptr, or a custom print handler.
static const char * ObjectToString(HSQOBJECT *ptr)
Convert a Squirrel-object to a string.
void ThrowError(const std::string_view error)
Throw a Squirrel error that will be nicely displayed to the user.
static void CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *desc, const SQChar *source, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
The CompileError handler.
static SQInteger _RunError(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
The internal RunError handler.
size_t GetAllocatedMemory() const noexcept
Get number of bytes allocated by this VM.
void SetGlobalPointer(void *ptr)
Sets a pointer in the VM that is reachable from where ever you are in SQ.
static void DecreaseOps(HSQUIRRELVM vm, int amount)
Tell the VM to remove amount ops from the number of ops till suspend.
static void PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const std::string &s)
If a user runs 'print' inside a script, this function gets the params.
bool HasScriptCrashed()
Find out if the squirrel script made an error before.
void CrashOccurred()
Set the script status to crashed.
SQRESULT LoadFile(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const std::string &filename, SQBool printerror)
Load a file to a given VM.
Get the squirrel VM.
static bool GetInstance(HSQUIRRELVM vm, HSQOBJECT *ptr, int pos=1)
Get the Squirrel-instance pointer.
void Initialize()
Perform all initialization steps to create the engine.
bool crashed
True if the squirrel script made an error.
static bool ObjectToBool(HSQOBJECT *ptr)
Convert a Squirrel-object to a bool.
bool CallMethod(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name, HSQOBJECT *ret, int suspend)
Call a method of an instance, in various flavors.
void AddClassBegin(const char *class_name)
Adds a class to the global scope.
int overdrawn_ops
The amount of operations we have overdrawn.
void Uninitialize()
Perform all the cleanups for the engine.
const char * GetAPIName()
Get the API name.
const char * APIName
Name of the API used for this squirrel.
void ResumeError()
Resume the VM with an error so it prints a stack trace.
void AddConst(const char *var_name, int value)
Adds a const to the stack.
static bool CreateClassInstanceVM(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const std::string &class_name, void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance, SQRELEASEHOOK release_hook, bool prepend_API_name=false)
Creates a class instance.
bool MethodExists(HSQOBJECT instance, const char *method_name)
Check if a method exists in an instance.
bool CreateClassInstance(const std::string &class_name, void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance)
Exactly the same as CreateClassInstanceVM, only callable without instance of Squirrel.
static int ObjectToInteger(HSQOBJECT *ptr)
Convert a Squirrel-object to an integer.
std::unique_ptr< ScriptAllocator > allocator
Allocator object used by this script.
ScriptAllocator * _squirrel_allocator
In the memory allocator for Squirrel we want to directly use malloc/realloc, so when the OS does not ...
The type of script we're working with, i.e.
@ AI
The script is for AI scripts.
@ GS
The script is for Game scripts.
In the memory allocator for Squirrel we want to directly use malloc/realloc, so when the OS does not ...