16#include "script_log_types.hpp"
18#include "../command_type.h"
19#include "../company_type.h"
20#include "../fileio_type.h"
40 friend class ScriptObject;
41 friend class ScriptController;
43 typedef std::variant<SQInteger, std::string, SQBool, SQSaveLoadType> ScriptDataVariant;
44 typedef std::list<ScriptDataVariant> ScriptData;
58 void Initialize(
const std::string &main_script,
const std::string &instance_name,
CompanyID company);
177 static ScriptData *
int version);
241 size_t GetAllocatedMemory()
324 static bool SaveObject(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger index,
int max_depth,
bool test);
332 static bool LoadObjects(HSQUIRRELVM vm, ScriptData *data);
Common return value for all commands.
All static information from an Script like name, version, etc.
Runtime information about a script like a pointer to the squirrel vm and the current state.
virtual class ScriptInfo * FindLibrary(const std::string &library, int version)=0
Find a library.
bool LoadCompatibilityScripts(Subdirectory dir, std::span< const std::string_view > api_versions)
Load squirrel scripts to emulate an older API.
static ScriptData * Load(int version)
Load data from a savegame.
virtual void RegisterAPI()
Register all API functions to the VM.
void InsertEvent(class ScriptEvent *event)
Insert an event for this script.
void Unpause()
Resume execution of the script.
virtual CommandCallbackData * GetDoCommandCallback()=0
Get the callback handling DoCommands in case of networking.
class ScriptStorage * GetStorage()
Get the storage of this script.
bool IsPaused()
Checks if the script is paused.
virtual void Died()
Tell the script it died.
static bool LoadObjects(ScriptData *data)
Load all objects from a savegame.
void ReleaseSQObject(HSQOBJECT *obj)
Decrease the ref count of a squirrel object.
static void DoCommandReturnLeagueTableElementID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a LeagueTableElementID reply for a DoCommand.
void CollectGarbage()
Let the VM collect any garbage.
class Squirrel * engine
A wrapper around the squirrel vm.
The type of the data that follows in the savegame.
The following data is a boolean.
The following data is an string.
The following data is an table.
Marks the end of an array or table, no data follows.
The following data is an array.
A null variable.
The following data is an integer.
The following data is an instance.
static void DoCommandReturn(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a true/false reply for a DoCommand.
static void SaveEmpty()
Don't save any data in the savegame.
static void DoCommandReturnStoryPageElementID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a StoryPageElementID reply for a DoCommand.
void LoadOnStack(ScriptData *data)
Store loaded data on the stack.
void Save()
Call the script Save function and save all data in the savegame.
bool is_save_data_on_stack
Is the save data still on the squirrel stack?
bool in_shutdown
Is this instance currently being destructed?
virtual void LoadDummyScript()=0
Load the dummy script.
static void DoCommandReturnVehicleID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a VehicleID reply for a DoCommand.
static void DoCommandReturnGoalID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a GoalID reply for a DoCommand.
static void DoCommandReturnGroupID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a GroupID reply for a DoCommand.
class ScriptController * GetController()
Get the controller attached to the instance.
bool IsSleeping()
Check if the instance is sleeping, which either happened because the script executed a DoCommand,...
bool DoCommandCallback(const CommandCost &result, const CommandDataBuffer &data, CommandDataBuffer result_data, Commands cmd)
DoCommand callback function for all commands executed by scripts.
SQObject * instance
Squirrel-pointer to the script main class.
ScriptLogTypes::LogData & GetLogData()
Get the log pointer of this script.
void Pause()
Suspends the script for the current tick and then pause the execution of script.
Script_SuspendCallbackProc * callback
Callback that should be called in the next tick the script runs.
void Initialize(const std::string &main_script, const std::string &instance_name, CompanyID company)
Initialize the script and prepare it for its first run.
static bool SaveObject(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger index, int max_depth, bool test)
Save one object (int / string / array / table) to the savegame.
bool CallLoad()
Call the script Load function if it exists and data was loaded from a savegame.
bool is_dead
True if the script has been stopped.
bool InShutdown() const
Indicate whether this instance is currently being destroyed.
bool IsDead() const
Return the "this script died" value.
size_t last_allocated_memory
Last known allocated memory value (for display for crashed scripts)
void Continue()
A script in multiplayer waits for the server to handle its DoCommand.
virtual int GetSetting(const std::string &name)=0
Get the value of a setting of the current instance.
static void LoadEmpty()
Load and discard data from a savegame.
void GameLoop()
Run the GameLoop of a script.
int suspend
The amount of ticks to suspend this script before it's allowed to continue.
bool IsAlive() const
Return whether the script is alive.
std::string versionAPI
Current API used by this script.
static void DoCommandReturnLeagueTableID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a LeagueTableID reply for a DoCommand.
class ScriptController * controller
The script main class.
static void DoCommandReturnSignID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a SignID reply for a DoCommand.
SQInteger GetOpsTillSuspend()
Get the number of operations the script can execute before being suspended.
bool is_started
Is the scripts constructor executed?
static void DoCommandReturnStoryPageID(ScriptInstance *instance)
Return a StoryPageID reply for a DoCommand.
class ScriptStorage * storage
Some global information for each running script.
bool LoadCompatibilityScript(std::string_view api_version, Subdirectory dir)
Load squirrel script for a specific version to emulate an older API.
bool is_paused
Is the script paused? (a paused script will not be executed until unpaused)
The storage for each script.
void CommandCallbackData(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, const CommandDataBuffer &data, CommandDataBuffer result_data)
Define a callback function for the client, after the command is finished.
std::vector< uint8_t > CommandDataBuffer
Storage buffer for serialized command data.
List of commands.
The different kinds of subdirectories OpenTTD uses.
static const uint SQUIRREL_MAX_DEPTH
The maximum recursive depth for items stored in the savegame.
The Script_Suspend tracks the suspension of a script.
void() Script_SuspendCallbackProc(class ScriptInstance *instance)
The callback function when a script suspends.