Common return value for all commands.
Container for an encoded string, created by GetEncodedString.
Types related to commands.
Construction and destruction of objects on the map.
Renaming stuff, changing company colours, placing signs, etc.
@ Deity
the command may be executed by COMPANY_DEITY
@ StrCtrl
the command's string may contain control strings
List of commands.
change industry control flags
change additional text for the industry
change industry exclusive consumer/supplier
change industry production
build a new industry
Types related to companies.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetExclusivity(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, Owner company_id, bool consumer)
Change exclusive consumer or supplier for the industry.
void CcBuildIndustry(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, TileIndex tile, IndustryType indtype, uint32_t, bool, uint32_t)
Command callback.
CommandCost CmdBuildIndustry(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, IndustryType it, uint32_t first_layout, bool fund, uint32_t seed)
Build/Fund an industry.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetFlags(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, IndustryControlFlags ctlflags)
Set industry control flags.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetProduction(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, uint8_t prod_level, bool show_news, const EncodedString &text)
Set industry production.
CommandCost CmdIndustrySetText(DoCommandFlags flags, IndustryID ind_id, const EncodedString &text)
Change additional industry text.
Types related to the industry.
Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value.