OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
14#include "32bpp_optimized.hpp"
15#include "../video/video_driver.hpp"
21 void SetPixel(void *video, int x, int y, uint8_t colour) override;
22 void DrawRect(void *video, int width, int height, uint8_t colour) override;
23 void DrawLine(void *video, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int screen_width, int screen_height, uint8_t colour, int width, int dash) override;
24 void CopyFromBuffer(void *video, const void *src, int width, int height) override;
25 void CopyToBuffer(const void *video, void *dst, int width, int height) override;
26 void CopyImageToBuffer(const void *video, void *dst, int width, int height, int dst_pitch) override;
27 void ScrollBuffer(void *video, int &left, int &top, int &width, int &height, int scroll_x, int scroll_y) override;
28 void Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom) override;
29 void DrawColourMappingRect(void *dst, int width, int height, PaletteID pal) override;
30 Sprite *Encode(const SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, SpriteAllocator &allocator) override;
31 size_t BufferSize(uint width, uint height) override;
33 bool NeedsAnimationBuffer() override;
35 std::string_view GetName() override { return "40bpp-anim"; }
37 template <BlitterMode mode> void Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom);
40 static inline Colour RealizeBlendedColour(uint8_t anim, Colour c)
41 {
42 return anim != 0 ? AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(anim), GetColourBrightness(c)) : c;
43 }
50 bool IsUsable() const override
51 {
53 }
56 FBlitter_40bppAnim() : BlitterFactory("40bpp-anim", "40bpp Animation Blitter (OpenGL)") {}
57 Blitter *CreateInstance() override { return new Blitter_40bppAnim(); }
Optimized 32 bpp blitter.
The modes of blitting we can do.
Definition base.hpp:17
The base factory, keeping track of all blitters.
Definition factory.hpp:21
static Colour LookupColourInPalette(uint index)
Look up the colour in the current palette.
The optimised 32 bpp blitter (without palette animation).
The optimized 40 bpp blitter (for OpenGL video driver).
size_t BufferSize(uint width, uint height) override
Calculate how much memory there is needed for an image of this size in the video-buffer.
Sprite * Encode(const SpriteLoader::SpriteCollection &sprite, SpriteAllocator &allocator) override
Convert a sprite from the loader to our own format.
bool NeedsAnimationBuffer() override
Does this blitter require a separate animation buffer from the video backend?
Blitter::PaletteAnimation UsePaletteAnimation() override
Check if the blitter uses palette animation at all.
std::string_view GetName() override
Get the name of the blitter, the same as the Factory-instance returns.
void DrawLine(void *video, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int screen_width, int screen_height, uint8_t colour, int width, int dash) override
Draw a line with a given colour.
void ScrollBuffer(void *video, int &left, int &top, int &width, int &height, int scroll_x, int scroll_y) override
Scroll the videobuffer some 'x' and 'y' value.
void DrawRect(void *video, int width, int height, uint8_t colour) override
Make a single horizontal line in a single colour on the video-buffer.
void CopyImageToBuffer(const void *video, void *dst, int width, int height, int dst_pitch) override
Copy from the screen to a buffer in a palette format for 8bpp and RGBA format for 32bpp.
void SetPixel(void *video, int x, int y, uint8_t colour) override
Draw a pixel with a given colour on the video-buffer.
void CopyFromBuffer(void *video, const void *src, int width, int height) override
Copy from a buffer to the screen.
void CopyToBuffer(const void *video, void *dst, int width, int height) override
Copy from the screen to a buffer.
void Draw(Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, BlitterMode mode, ZoomLevel zoom) override
Draws a sprite to a (screen) buffer.
void DrawColourMappingRect(void *dst, int width, int height, PaletteID pal) override
Draw a colourtable to the screen.
How all blitters should look like.
Definition base.hpp:29
Types of palette animation.
Definition base.hpp:50
Factory for the 40 bpp animated blitter (for OpenGL).
Blitter * CreateInstance() override
Create an instance of this Blitter-class.
bool IsUsable() const override
Is the blitter usable with the current drivers and hardware config?
Interface for something that can allocate memory for a sprite.
std::array< Sprite, ZOOM_LVL_END > SpriteCollection
Type defining a collection of sprites, one for each zoom level.
virtual bool HasAnimBuffer()
Does this video driver support a separate animation buffer in addition to the colour buffer?
static VideoDriver * GetInstance()
Get the currently active instance of the video driver.
uint32_t PaletteID
The number of the palette.
Definition gfx_type.h:18
static uint8_t GetColourBrightness(Colour colour)
Get the brightness of a colour.
Parameters related to blitting.
Definition base.hpp:32
Data structure describing a sprite.
Definition spritecache.h:17
All zoom levels we know.
Definition zoom_type.h:16