OpenTTD Source  20240919-master-gdf0233f4c2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
19 #include "stdafx.h"
20 #include "os_abstraction.h"
21 #include "../../string_func.h"
22 #include "../../3rdparty/fmt/format.h"
23 #include <mutex>
25 #include "../../safeguards.h"
31 NetworkError::NetworkError(int error) : error(error)
32 {
33 }
40 {
41 #if defined(_WIN32)
42  return this->error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK;
43 #else
44  /* Usually EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN are the same, but sometimes they are not
45  * and the POSIX.1 specification states that either should be checked. */
46  return this->error == EWOULDBLOCK || this->error == EAGAIN;
47 #endif
48 }
55 {
56 #if defined(_WIN32)
57  return this->error == WSAECONNRESET;
58 #else
59  return this->error == ECONNRESET;
60 #endif
61 }
68 {
69 #if defined(_WIN32)
70  return this->error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK;
71 #else
72  return this->error == EINPROGRESS;
73 #endif
74 }
80 const std::string &NetworkError::AsString() const
81 {
82  if (this->message.empty()) {
83 #if defined(_WIN32)
84  wchar_t buffer[512];
85  if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, this->error,
86  MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buffer, static_cast<DWORD>(std::size(buffer)), nullptr) == 0) {
87  this->message.assign(fmt::format("Unknown error {}", this->error));
88  } else {
89  this->message.assign(FS2OTTD(buffer));
90  }
91 #else
92  /* Make strerror thread safe by locking access to it. There is a thread safe strerror_r, however
93  * the non-POSIX variant is available due to defining _GNU_SOURCE meaning it is not portable.
94  * The problem with the non-POSIX variant is that it does not necessarily fill the buffer with
95  * the error message but can also return a pointer to a static bit of memory, whereas the POSIX
96  * variant always fills the buffer. This makes the behaviour too erratic to work with. */
97  static std::mutex mutex;
98  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
99  this->message.assign(strerror(this->error));
100 #endif
101  }
102  return this->message;
103 }
110 {
111  return this->error != 0;
112 }
119 {
120 #if defined(_WIN32)
121  return NetworkError(WSAGetLastError());
122 #else
123  return NetworkError(errno);
124 #endif
125 }
133 bool SetNonBlocking([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
134 {
135 #if defined(_WIN32)
136  u_long nonblocking = 1;
137  return ioctlsocket(d, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) == 0;
138 #elif defined __EMSCRIPTEN__
139  return true;
140 #else
141  int nonblocking = 1;
142  return ioctl(d, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) == 0;
143 #endif
144 }
151 bool SetNoDelay([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
152 {
153 #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
154  return true;
155 #else
156  int flags = 1;
157  /* The (const char*) cast is needed for windows */
158  return setsockopt(d, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&flags, sizeof(flags)) == 0;
159 #endif
160 }
167 bool SetReusePort(SOCKET d)
168 {
169 #ifdef _WIN32
170  /* Windows has no SO_REUSEPORT, but for our usecases SO_REUSEADDR does the same job. */
171  int reuse_port = 1;
172  return setsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&reuse_port, sizeof(reuse_port)) == 0;
173 #else
174  int reuse_port = 1;
175  return setsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &reuse_port, sizeof(reuse_port)) == 0;
176 #endif
177 }
185 {
186  int err;
187  socklen_t len = sizeof(err);
188  getsockopt(d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&err, &len);
190  return NetworkError(err);
191 }
bool SetNonBlocking([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket into non-blocking mode.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:133
bool SetReusePort(SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket to reuse ports.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:167
bool HasError() const
Check whether an error was actually set.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:109
std::string FS2OTTD(const std::wstring &name)
Convert to OpenTTD's encoding from a wide string.
Definition: win32.cpp:337
std::string message
The string representation of the error (set on first call to AsString).
Definition: os_abstraction.h:24
bool WouldBlock() const
Check whether this error describes that the operation would block.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:39
static NetworkError GetLast()
Get the last network error.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:118
NetworkError GetSocketError(SOCKET d)
Get the error from a socket, if any.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:184
bool SetNoDelay([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket to not delay sending.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:151
int error
The underlying error number from errno or WSAGetLastError.
Definition: os_abstraction.h:23
bool IsConnectInProgress() const
Check whether this error describes a connect is in progress.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:67
bool IsConnectionReset() const
Check whether this error describes a connection reset.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:54
const std::string & AsString() const
Get the string representation of the error message.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:80
Abstraction of a network error where all implementation details of the error codes are encapsulated i...
Definition: os_abstraction.h:21
NetworkError(int error)
Construct the network error with the given error code.
Definition: os_abstraction.cpp:31