47template <
typename Tcont,
typename Titer>
50 for (
const uint &amt : cargo_array) {
58 for (uint &amt : cargo_array) {
Types related to cargoes...
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Common return value for all commands.
Endian-aware buffer adapter that always reads values in little endian order.
Endian-aware buffer adapter that always writes values in little endian order.
Types related to commands.
Construction, modification (incl. refit) and destruction of vehicles.
Stopping, starting, sending to depot, turning around, replace orders etc.
Renaming stuff, changing company colours, placing signs, etc.
@ ClientID
set p2 with the ClientID of the sending client.
@ Location
the command has implicit location argument.
@ NoTest
the command's output may differ between test and execute due to town rating changes etc.
List of commands.
start/stop all vehicles (in a depot)
sell a vehicle
clone a vehicle
build a vehicle
sell all vehicles which are in a given depot
refit the cargo space of a vehicle
rename a whole vehicle
force the autoreplace to take action in a given depot
send a vehicle to a depot
start or stop a vehicle
change the server interval of a vehicle
bool do_start
flag for starting playback of next_file at next opportunity
Types related to engines.
'Unique' identifier to be given to clients
Class for storing amounts of cargo.
The information about a vehicle list.
CommandCost CmdMassStartStopVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, bool do_start, bool vehicle_list_window, const VehicleListIdentifier &vli)
Starts or stops a lot of vehicles.
CommandCost CmdDepotSellAllVehicles(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, VehicleType vehicle_type)
Sells all vehicles in a depot.
std::tuple< CommandCost, VehicleID > CmdCloneVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, VehicleID veh_id, bool share_orders)
Clone a vehicle.
void CcStartStopVehicle(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, VehicleID veh_id, bool)
This is the Callback method after attempting to start/stop a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdChangeServiceInt(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID veh_id, uint16_t serv_int, bool is_custom, bool is_percent)
Change the service interval of a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdSellVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID v_id, bool sell_chain, bool backup_order, ClientID client_id)
Sell a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdSendVehicleToDepot(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID veh_id, DepotCommandFlags depot_cmd, const VehicleListIdentifier &vli)
Send a vehicle to the depot.
std::tuple< CommandCost, uint, uint16_t, CargoArray > CmdRefitVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID veh_id, CargoType new_cargo_type, uint8_t new_subtype, bool auto_refit, bool only_this, uint8_t num_vehicles)
Refits a vehicle to the specified cargo type.
void CcBuildPrimaryVehicle(Commands cmd, const CommandCost &result, VehicleID new_veh_id, uint, uint16_t, CargoArray)
This is the Callback method after the construction attempt of a primary vehicle.
CommandCost CmdRenameVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID veh_id, const std::string &text)
Give a custom name to your vehicle.
CommandCost CmdStartStopVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, VehicleID veh_id, bool evaluate_startstop_cb)
Start/Stop a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdDepotMassAutoReplace(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, VehicleType vehicle_type)
Autoreplace all vehicles in the depot.
std::tuple< CommandCost, VehicleID, uint, uint16_t, CargoArray > CmdBuildVehicle(DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, EngineID eid, bool use_free_vehicles, CargoType cargo, ClientID client_id)
Build a vehicle.
Types related to vehicles.
Available vehicle types.
Functions and type for generating vehicle lists.
Functions and type for serializing vehicle lists.