Different types to 'show' directions.
Enumeration for diagonal directions.
bool TryReserveRailTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t, bool trigger_stations=true)
Try to reserve a specific track on a tile.
void SetRailStationPlatformReservation(TileIndex start, DiagDirection dir, bool b)
Set the reservation for a complete station platform.
bool IsSafeWaitingPosition(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool include_line_end, bool forbid_90deg=false)
Determine whether a certain track on a tile is a safe position to end a path.
bool HasReservedTracks(TileIndex tile, TrackBits tracks)
Check whether some of tracks is reserved on a tile.
bool IsWaitingPositionFree(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool forbid_90deg=false)
Check if a safe position is free.
TrackBits GetReservedTrackbits(TileIndex t)
Get the reserved trackbits for any tile, regardless of type.
Train * GetTrainForReservation(TileIndex tile, Track track)
Find the train which has reserved a specific path.
void UnreserveRailTrack(TileIndex tile, Track t)
Lift the reservation of a specific track on a tile.
PBSTileInfo FollowTrainReservation(const Train *v, Vehicle **train_on_res=nullptr)
Follow a train reservation to the last tile.
This struct contains information about the end of a reserved path.
Trackdir trackdir
The reserved trackdir on the tile.
PBSTileInfo(TileIndex _t, Trackdir _td, bool _okay)
Create a PBSTileInfo with given tile, track direction and safe waiting position information.
Create an empty PBSTileInfo.
TileIndex tile
Tile the path ends, INVALID_TILE if no valid path was found.
bool okay
True if tile is a safe waiting position, false otherwise.
'Train' is either a loco or a wagon.
constexpr TileIndex INVALID_TILE
The very nice invalid tile marker.
All types related to tracks.
Allow incrementing of Track variables.
No track.
Enumeration for tracks and directions.
Flag for an invalid trackdir.
These are used to specify a single track.
Types related to vehicles.