OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
13#include "network_internal.h"
14#include "core/tcp_listen.h"
24class ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler : public NetworkClientSocketPool::PoolItem<&_networkclientsocket_pool>, public NetworkGameSocketHandler, public TCPListenHandler<ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler, PACKET_SERVER_FULL, PACKET_SERVER_BANNED> {
26 std::unique_ptr<class NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler> authentication_handler = nullptr;
27 std::string peer_public_key{};
67 uint8_t lag_test = 0;
68 uint8_t last_token = 0;
69 uint32_t last_token_frame = 0;
72 size_t receive_limit = 0;
74 std::shared_ptr<struct PacketWriter> savegame = nullptr;
80 std::unique_ptr<Packet> ReceivePacket() override;
82 std::string GetClientName() const;
84 void CheckNextClientToSendMap(NetworkClientSocket *ignore_cs = nullptr);
92 NetworkRecvStatus SendRConResult(uint16_t colour, const std::string &command);
96 NetworkRecvStatus SendError(NetworkErrorCode error, const std::string &reason = {});
97 NetworkRecvStatus SendChat(NetworkAction action, ClientID client_id, bool self_send, const std::string &msg, int64_t data);
98 NetworkRecvStatus SendExternalChat(const std::string &source, TextColour colour, const std::string &user, const std::string &msg);
105 static void Send();
106 static void AcceptConnection(SOCKET s, const NetworkAddress &address);
107 static bool AllowConnection();
113 static const char *GetName()
114 {
115 return "server";
116 }
118 const std::string &GetClientIP();
119 std::string_view GetPeerPublicKey() const { return this->peer_public_key; }
124void NetworkServer_Tick(bool send_frame);
125void ChangeNetworkRestartTime(bool reset);
127#endif /* NETWORK_SERVER_H */
Wrapper for (un)resolved network addresses; there's no reason to transform a numeric IP to a string a...
Definition address.h:28
Base socket handler for all TCP sockets.
Definition tcp_game.h:141
ClientID client_id
Client identifier.
Definition tcp_game.h:486
Class for handling the server side of the game connection.
NetworkRecvStatus SendRConResult(uint16_t colour, const std::string &command)
Send the result of a console action.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_SET_NAME(Packet &p) override
Gives the client a new name: string New name of the client.
size_t receive_limit
Amount of bytes that we can receive at this moment.
static ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler * GetByClientID(ClientID client_id)
Return the client state given it's client-identifier.
Definition network.cpp:152
std::shared_ptr< struct PacketWriter > savegame
Writer used to write the savegame.
static void Send()
Send the packets for the server sockets.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_MOVE(Packet &p) override
Request the server to move this client into another company: uint8_t ID of the company the client wan...
NetworkRecvStatus SendQuit(ClientID client_id)
Tell the client another client quit.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_ACK(Packet &p) override
Tell the server we are done with this frame: uint32_t Current frame counter of the client.
uint8_t lag_test
Byte used for lag-testing the client.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_AUTH_RESPONSE(Packet &p) override
Send the response to the authentication request: 32 * uint8_t Public key of the client.
static void AcceptConnection(SOCKET s, const NetworkAddress &address)
Handle the accepting of a connection to the server.
Definition network.cpp:566
std::unique_ptr< Packet > ReceivePacket() override
Receives a packet for the given client.
Status of a client.
Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period).
The client is catching up the delayed frames.
The client is identifying itself.
The client is authorizing with game (server) password.
The client is checking NewGRFs.
The client is authorized.
The client is not connected nor active.
The client is downloading the map.
The client has downloaded the map.
The client is active within in the game.
The client is waiting as someone else is downloading the map.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_COMMAND(Packet &p) override
The client has done a command and wants us to handle it.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_QUIT(Packet &p) override
The client is quitting the game.
CommandQueue outgoing_queue
The command-queue awaiting delivery; conceptually more a bucket to gather commands in,...
static const char * GetName()
Get the name used by the listener.
const std::string & GetClientIP()
Get the IP address/hostname of the connected client.
NetworkRecvStatus SendWelcome()
Send the client a welcome message with some basic information.
NetworkRecvStatus SendAuthRequest()
Request the game password.
Clear everything related to this client.
std::string GetClientName() const
Get the name of the client, if the user did not send it yet, Client ID is used.
uint8_t last_token
The last random token we did send to verify the client is listening.
NetworkRecvStatus SendFrame()
Tell the client that they may run to a particular frame.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_ERROR(Packet &p) override
The client made an error and is quitting the game.
NetworkRecvStatus SendChat(NetworkAction action, ClientID client_id, bool self_send, const std::string &msg, int64_t data)
Send a chat message.
NetworkRecvStatus SendGameInfo()
Send the client information about the server.
NetworkRecvStatus SendJoin(ClientID client_id)
Tell that a client joined.
std::string peer_public_key
The public key of our client.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_CHAT(Packet &p) override
Sends a chat-packet to the server: uint8_t ID of the action (see NetworkAction).
NetworkRecvStatus SendExternalChat(const std::string &source, TextColour colour, const std::string &user, const std::string &msg)
Send a chat message from external source.
NetworkRecvStatus SendClientInfo(NetworkClientInfo *ci)
Send the client information about a client.
static bool AllowConnection()
Whether an connection is allowed or not at this moment.
NetworkRecvStatus SendEnableEncryption()
Notify the client that the authentication has completed and tell that for the remainder of this socke...
NetworkRecvStatus SendError(NetworkErrorCode error, const std::string &reason={})
Send an error to the client, and close its connection.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_JOIN(Packet &p) override
Try to join the server: string OpenTTD revision (norev0000 if no revision).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_GAME_INFO(Packet &p) override
Request game information.
NetworkRecvStatus SendErrorQuit(ClientID client_id, NetworkErrorCode errorno)
Tell the client another client quit with an error.
NetworkAddress client_address
IP-address of the client (so they can be banned)
NetworkRecvStatus SendNewGame()
Tell the client we're starting a new game.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_GETMAP(Packet &p) override
Request the map from the server.
NetworkRecvStatus SendSync()
Request the client to sync.
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkAuthenticationServerHandler > authentication_handler
The handler for the authentication.
NetworkRecvStatus SendMove(ClientID client_id, CompanyID company_id)
Tell that a client moved to another company.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_RCON(Packet &p) override
Send an RCon command to the server: string RCon password.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_IDENTIFY(Packet &p) override
The client tells the server about the identity of the client: string Name of the client (max NETWORK_...
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(NetworkRecvStatus status) override
Close the network connection due to the given status.
NetworkRecvStatus SendMap()
This sends the map to the client.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_NEWGRFS_CHECKED(Packet &p) override
Tell the server that we have the required GRFs.
uint32_t last_token_frame
The last frame we received the right token.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_CLIENT_MAP_OK(Packet &p) override
Tell the server that we are done receiving/loading the map.
NetworkRecvStatus SendShutdown()
Tell the client we're shutting down.
ClientStatus status
Status of this client.
NetworkRecvStatus SendNewGRFCheck()
Send the check for the NewGRFs.
NetworkRecvStatus SendConfigUpdate()
Send an update about the max company/spectator counts.
NetworkRecvStatus SendWait()
Tell the client that its put in a waiting queue.
NetworkRecvStatus SendCommand(const CommandPacket &cp)
Send a command to the client to execute.
Template for TCP listeners.
Definition tcp_listen.h:28
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
Definition core.h:23
Colour of the strings, see _string_colourmap in table/string_colours.h or docs/ottd-colourtext-palett...
Definition gfx_type.h:294
Variables and function used internally.
NetworkClientSocketPool _networkclientsocket_pool("NetworkClientSocket")
Make very sure the preconditions given in network_type.h are actually followed.
ServerNetworkGameSocketHandler NetworkClientSocket
Make the code look slightly nicer/simpler.
void ChangeNetworkRestartTime(bool reset)
Reset the automatic network restart time interval.
void NetworkServer_Tick(bool send_frame)
This is called every tick if this is a _network_server.
The error codes we send around in the protocols.
Actions that can be used for NetworkTextMessage.
'Unique' identifier to be given to clients
Everything we need to know about a command to be able to execute it.
Container for all information known about a client.
Internal entity of a packet.
Definition packet.h:43
Base class for all PoolItems.
Base class for all pools.
std::vector< CommandPacket > CommandQueue
A "queue" of CommandPackets.
Definition tcp_game.h:138
Basic functions to listen for TCP connections.