23 static const size_t END = SIZE_MAX;
29 static std::unique_ptr<StringIterator>
Class for iterating over different kind of parts of a string.
static const size_t END
Sentinel to indicate end-of-iteration.
virtual size_t Prev(IterType what=ITER_CHARACTER)=0
Move the cursor back by one iteration unit.
virtual size_t SetCurPosition(size_t pos)=0
Change the current string cursor.
virtual size_t Next(IterType what=ITER_CHARACTER)=0
Advance the cursor by one iteration unit.
static std::unique_ptr< StringIterator > Create()
Create a new iterator instance.
Type of the iterator.
Iterate over words.
Iterate over characters (or more exactly grapheme clusters).
virtual void SetString(const char *s)=0
Set a new iteration string.