29void CheckRedrawRailWaypointCoverage(
const Window *w);
30void CheckRedrawRoadWaypointCoverage(
const Window *w);
32using StationPickerCmdProc = std::function<bool(
bool test,
StationID to_join)>;
Types related to commands.
All geometry types in OpenTTD.
void ShowSelectStationIfNeeded(TileArea ta, StationPickerCmdProc proc)
Show the station selection window when needed.
Types of cargo to display for station coverage.
Draw all non-passenger class cargoes.
Draw only passenger class cargoes.
Draw all cargoes.
void ShowSelectRailWaypointIfNeeded(TileArea ta, StationPickerCmdProc proc)
Show the rail waypoint selection window when needed.
int DrawStationCoverageAreaText(const Rect &r, StationCoverageType sct, int rad, bool supplies)
Calculates and draws the accepted or supplied cargo around the selected tile(s)
void CheckRedrawStationCoverage(const Window *w)
Check whether we need to redraw the station coverage text.
void ShowSelectRoadWaypointIfNeeded(TileArea ta, StationPickerCmdProc proc)
Show the road waypoint selection window when needed.
Types related to stations.
Represents the covered area of e.g.
Specification of a rectangle with absolute coordinates of all edges.
Data structure for an opened window.
Type for storing the 'area' of something uses on the map.
Types related to windows.