OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
13#include "network_internal.h"
18 std::unique_ptr<class NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler> authentication_handler = nullptr;
19 std::string connection_string;
20 std::shared_ptr<struct PacketReader> savegame = nullptr;
21 uint8_t token = 0;
41 friend void NetworkClose(bool close_admins);
74 static NetworkRecvStatus SendIdentify();
75 void CheckConnection();
77 ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler(SOCKET s, const std::string &connection_string);
91 static NetworkRecvStatus SendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const std::string &msg, int64_t data);
92 static NetworkRecvStatus SendSetName(const std::string &name);
93 static NetworkRecvStatus SendRCon(const std::string &password, const std::string &command);
94 static NetworkRecvStatus SendMove(CompanyID company);
96 static bool IsConnected();
98 static void Send();
99 static bool Receive();
100 static bool GameLoop();
118#endif /* NETWORK_CLIENT_H */
Class for handling the client side of the game connection.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_QUIT(Packet &p) override
Notification that a client left the game: uint32_t ID of the client.
static ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler * my_client
This is us!
static NetworkRecvStatus SendQuit()
Tell the server we would like to quit.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_SYNC(Packet &p) override
Sends a sync-check to the client: uint32_t Frame counter.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION(Packet &p) override
Indication to the client that authentication is complete and encryption has to be used from here on f...
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_MAP_SIZE(Packet &p) override
Sends the size of the map to the client.
static bool Receive()
Check whether we received/can send some data from/to the server and when that's the case handle it ap...
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_MAP_DONE(Packet &p) override
Sends that all data of the map are sent to the client:
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO(Packet &p) override
Send information about a client: uint32_t ID of the client (always unique on a server.
Clear whatever we assigned.
std::string connection_string
Address we are connected to.
ServerStatus status
Status of the connection with the server.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CHECK_NEWGRFS(Packet &p) override
Sends information about all used GRFs to the client: uint8_t Amount of GRFs (the following data is re...
static NetworkRecvStatus SendMove(CompanyID company)
Ask the server to move us.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_WAIT(Packet &p) override
Notification that another client is currently receiving the map: uint8_t Number of clients waiting in...
std::unique_ptr< class NetworkAuthenticationClientHandler > authentication_handler
The handler for the authentication.
std::shared_ptr< struct PacketReader > savegame
Packet reader for reading the savegame.
static bool IsConnected()
Check whether the client is actually connected (and in the game).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_EXTERNAL_CHAT(Packet &p) override
Sends a chat-packet for external source to the client: string Name of the source this message came fr...
uint8_t token
The token we need to send back to the server to prove we're the right client.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendSetName(const std::string &name)
Tell the server that we like to change the name of the client.
friend void NetworkExecuteLocalCommandQueue()
Execute all commands on the local command queue that ought to be executed this frame.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ERROR_QUIT(Packet &p) override
Inform all clients that one client made an error and thus has quit/been disconnected: uint32_t ID of ...
static NetworkRecvStatus SendNewGRFsOk()
Tell the server we got all the NewGRFs.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendMapOk()
Tell the server we received the complete map.
void CheckConnection()
Check the connection's state, i.e.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_RCON(Packet &p) override
Send the result of an issues RCon command back to the client: uint16_t Colour code.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_BANNED(Packet &p) override
Notification that the client trying to join is banned.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CONFIG_UPDATE(Packet &p) override
Update the clients knowledge of the max settings: uint8_t Maximum number of companies allowed.
void ClientError(NetworkRecvStatus res)
Handle an error coming from the client side.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_WELCOME(Packet &p) override
The client is joined and ready to receive their map: uint32_t Own client ID.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendAck()
Send an acknowledgement from the server's ticks.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_MAP_BEGIN(Packet &p) override
Sends that the server will begin with sending the map to the client: uint32_t Current frame.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_JOIN(Packet &p) override
A client joined (PACKET_CLIENT_MAP_OK), what usually directly follows is a PACKET_SERVER_CLIENT_INFO:...
static NetworkRecvStatus SendAuthResponse()
Set the game password as requested.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendRCon(const std::string &password, const std::string &command)
Send a console command.
static bool GameLoop()
Actual game loop for the client.
static void Send()
Send the packets of this socket handler.
Status of the connection with the server.
We are trying to join a server.
The game authentication has completed and from here on the connection to the server is encrypted.
Last action was checking NewGRFs.
The client is downloading the map.
Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
Last action was requesting game (server) password.
The client is active within in the game.
The client is waiting as someone else is downloading the map.
The client is not connected nor active.
The client is authorized at the server.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_CHAT(Packet &p) override
Sends a chat-packet to the client: uint8_t ID of the action (see NetworkAction).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_MOVE(Packet &p) override
Move a client from one company into another: uint32_t ID of the client.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendCommand(const CommandPacket &cp)
Send a command to the server.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_FRAME(Packet &p) override
Sends the current frame counter to the client: uint32_t Frame counter uint32_t Frame counter max (how...
static NetworkRecvStatus SendChat(NetworkAction action, DestType type, int dest, const std::string &msg, int64_t data)
Send a chat-packet over the network.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_COMMAND(Packet &p) override
Sends a DoCommand to the client: uint8_t ID of the company (0..MAX_COMPANIES-1).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_NEWGAME(Packet &p) override
Let the clients know that the server is loading a new map.
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(NetworkRecvStatus status) override
Close the network connection due to the given status.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendGetMap()
Request the map from the server.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_AUTH_REQUEST(Packet &p) override
Indication to the client that it needs to authenticate: uint8_t The NetworkAuthenticationMethod to us...
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_MAP_DATA(Packet &p) override
Sends the data of the map to the client: Contains a part of the map (until max size of packet).
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_ERROR(Packet &p) override
The client made an error: uint8_t Error code caused (see NetworkErrorCode).
static NetworkRecvStatus SendError(NetworkErrorCode errorno)
Send an error-packet over the network.
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_SHUTDOWN(Packet &p) override
Let the clients know that the server is closing.
static NetworkRecvStatus SendJoin()
Tell the server we would like to join.
friend void NetworkClose(bool close_admins)
Close current connections.
Definition network.cpp:592
NetworkRecvStatus Receive_SERVER_FULL(Packet &p) override
Notification that the server is full.
Base socket handler for all TCP sockets.
Definition tcp_game.h:141
static constexpr CompanyID COMPANY_SPECTATOR
The client is spectating.
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
Definition core.h:23
NetworkJoinInfo _network_join
Information about the game to join to.
void NetworkClient_Connected()
Is called after a client is connected to the server.
ClientNetworkGameSocketHandler MyClient
Helper to make the code look somewhat nicer.
Variables and function used internally.
Destination of our chat messages.
The error codes we send around in the protocols.
Actions that can be used for NetworkTextMessage.
Everything we need to know about a command to be able to execute it.
Information required to join a server.
std::string connection_string
The address of the server to join.
std::string server_password
The password of the server to join.
CompanyID company
The company to join.
Internal entity of a packet.
Definition packet.h:43