OpenTTD Source  20241121-master-g67a0fccfad
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #include "../../stdafx.h"
12 #include "address.h"
13 #include "../network_internal.h"
14 #include "../../debug.h"
16 #include "../../safeguards.h"
23 const std::string &NetworkAddress::GetHostname()
24 {
25  if (this->hostname.empty() && this->address.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) {
26  assert(this->address_length != 0);
28  getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&this->address, this->address_length, buffer, sizeof(buffer), nullptr, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
29  this->hostname = buffer;
30  }
31  return this->hostname;
32 }
38 uint16_t NetworkAddress::GetPort() const
39 {
40  switch (this->address.ss_family) {
41  case AF_UNSPEC:
42  case AF_INET:
43  return ntohs(((const struct sockaddr_in *)&this->address)->sin_port);
45  case AF_INET6:
46  return ntohs(((const struct sockaddr_in6 *)&this->address)->sin6_port);
48  default:
50  }
51 }
57 void NetworkAddress::SetPort(uint16_t port)
58 {
59  switch (this->address.ss_family) {
60  case AF_UNSPEC:
61  case AF_INET:
62  ((struct sockaddr_in*)&this->address)->sin_port = htons(port);
63  break;
65  case AF_INET6:
66  ((struct sockaddr_in6*)&this->address)->sin6_port = htons(port);
67  break;
69  default:
71  }
72 }
80 static const char *GetAddressFormatString(uint16_t family, bool with_family)
81 {
82  switch (family) {
83  case AF_INET: return with_family ? "{}:{} (IPv4)" : "{}:{}";
84  case AF_INET6: return with_family ? "[{}]:{} (IPv6)" : "[{}]:{}";
85  default: return with_family ? "{}:{} (IPv?)" : "{}:{}";
86  }
87 }
94 std::string NetworkAddress::GetAddressAsString(bool with_family)
95 {
96  return fmt::format(fmt::runtime(GetAddressFormatString(this->GetAddress()->ss_family, with_family)), this->GetHostname(), this->GetPort());
97 }
103 static SOCKET ResolveLoopProc(addrinfo *)
104 {
105  /* We just want the first 'entry', so return a valid socket. */
106  return !INVALID_SOCKET;
107 }
113 const sockaddr_storage *NetworkAddress::GetAddress()
114 {
115  if (!this->IsResolved()) {
116  /* Here we try to resolve a network address. We use SOCK_STREAM as
117  * socket type because some stupid OSes, like Solaris, cannot be
118  * bothered to implement the specifications and allow '0' as value
119  * that means "don't care whether it is SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM".
120  */
121  this->Resolve(this->address.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, AI_ADDRCONFIG, nullptr, ResolveLoopProc);
122  this->resolved = true;
123  }
124  return &this->address;
125 }
132 bool NetworkAddress::IsFamily(int family)
133 {
134  if (!this->IsResolved()) {
135  this->Resolve(family, SOCK_STREAM, AI_ADDRCONFIG, nullptr, ResolveLoopProc);
136  }
137  return this->address.ss_family == family;
138 }
146 bool NetworkAddress::IsInNetmask(const std::string &netmask)
147 {
148  /* Resolve it if we didn't do it already */
149  if (!this->IsResolved()) this->GetAddress();
151  int cidr = this->address.ss_family == AF_INET ? 32 : 128;
153  NetworkAddress mask_address;
155  /* Check for CIDR separator */
156  auto cidr_separator_location = netmask.find('/');
157  if (cidr_separator_location != std::string::npos) {
158  int tmp_cidr = atoi(netmask.substr(cidr_separator_location + 1).c_str());
160  /* Invalid CIDR, treat as single host */
161  if (tmp_cidr > 0 && tmp_cidr < cidr) cidr = tmp_cidr;
163  /* Remove the / so that NetworkAddress works on the IP portion */
164  mask_address = NetworkAddress(netmask.substr(0, cidr_separator_location), 0, this->address.ss_family);
165  } else {
166  mask_address = NetworkAddress(netmask, 0, this->address.ss_family);
167  }
169  if (mask_address.GetAddressLength() == 0) return false;
171  uint32_t *ip;
172  uint32_t *mask;
173  switch (this->address.ss_family) {
174  case AF_INET:
175  ip = (uint32_t*)&((struct sockaddr_in*)&this->address)->sin_addr.s_addr;
176  mask = (uint32_t*)&((struct sockaddr_in*)&mask_address.address)->sin_addr.s_addr;
177  break;
179  case AF_INET6:
180  ip = (uint32_t*)&((struct sockaddr_in6*)&this->address)->sin6_addr;
181  mask = (uint32_t*)&((struct sockaddr_in6*)&mask_address.address)->sin6_addr;
182  break;
184  default:
186  }
188  while (cidr > 0) {
189  uint32_t msk = cidr >= 32 ? (uint32_t)-1 : htonl(-(1 << (32 - cidr)));
190  if ((*mask++ & msk) != (*ip++ & msk)) return false;
192  cidr -= 32;
193  }
195  return true;
196 }
207 SOCKET NetworkAddress::Resolve(int family, int socktype, int flags, SocketList *sockets, LoopProc func)
208 {
209  struct addrinfo *ai;
210  struct addrinfo hints;
211  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
212  hints.ai_family = family;
213  hints.ai_flags = flags;
214  hints.ai_socktype = socktype;
216  /* The port needs to be a string. Six is enough to contain all characters + '\0'. */
217  std::string port_name = std::to_string(this->GetPort());
219  bool reset_hostname = false;
220  /* Setting both hostname to nullptr and port to 0 is not allowed.
221  * As port 0 means bind to any port, the other must mean that
222  * we want to bind to 'all' IPs. */
223  if (this->hostname.empty() && this->address_length == 0 && this->GetPort() == 0) {
224  reset_hostname = true;
225  int fam = this->address.ss_family;
226  if (fam == AF_UNSPEC) fam = family;
227  this->hostname = fam == AF_INET ? "" : "::";
228  }
230  static bool _resolve_timeout_error_message_shown = false;
231  auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
232  int e = getaddrinfo(this->hostname.empty() ? nullptr : this->hostname.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), &hints, &ai);
233  auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
234  std::chrono::seconds duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(end - start);
235  if (!_resolve_timeout_error_message_shown && duration >= std::chrono::seconds(5)) {
236  Debug(net, 0, "getaddrinfo for hostname \"{}\", port {}, address family {} and socket type {} took {} seconds",
237  this->hostname, port_name, AddressFamilyAsString(family), SocketTypeAsString(socktype), duration.count());
238  Debug(net, 0, " this is likely an issue in the DNS name resolver's configuration causing it to time out");
239  _resolve_timeout_error_message_shown = true;
240  }
243  if (reset_hostname) this->hostname.clear();
245  if (e != 0) {
246  if (func != ResolveLoopProc) {
247  Debug(net, 0, "getaddrinfo for hostname \"{}\", port {}, address family {} and socket type {} failed: {}",
248  this->hostname, port_name, AddressFamilyAsString(family), SocketTypeAsString(socktype), FS2OTTD(gai_strerror(e)));
249  }
250  return INVALID_SOCKET;
251  }
254  for (struct addrinfo *runp = ai; runp != nullptr; runp = runp->ai_next) {
255  /* When we are binding to multiple sockets, make sure we do not
256  * connect to one with exactly the same address twice. That's
257  * of course totally unneeded ;) */
258  if (sockets != nullptr) {
259  NetworkAddress address(runp->ai_addr, (int)runp->ai_addrlen);
260  if (std::any_of(sockets->begin(), sockets->end(), [&address](const auto &p) { return p.second == address; })) continue;
261  }
262  sock = func(runp);
263  if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) continue;
265  if (sockets == nullptr) {
266  this->address_length = (int)runp->ai_addrlen;
267  assert(sizeof(this->address) >= runp->ai_addrlen);
268  memcpy(&this->address, runp->ai_addr, runp->ai_addrlen);
269 #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
270  /* Emscripten doesn't zero sin_zero, but as we compare addresses
271  * to see if they are the same address, we need them to be zero'd.
272  * Emscripten is, as far as we know, the only OS not doing this.
273  *
274  *
275  */
276  if (this->address.ss_family == AF_INET) {
277  sockaddr_in *address_ipv4 = (sockaddr_in *)&this->address;
278  memset(address_ipv4->sin_zero, 0, sizeof(address_ipv4->sin_zero));
279  }
280 #endif
281  break;
282  }
284  NetworkAddress addr(runp->ai_addr, (int)runp->ai_addrlen);
285  (*sockets)[sock] = addr;
286  sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
287  }
288  freeaddrinfo (ai);
290  return sock;
291 }
298 static SOCKET ListenLoopProc(addrinfo *runp)
299 {
300  std::string address = NetworkAddress(runp->ai_addr, (int)runp->ai_addrlen).GetAddressAsString();
302  SOCKET sock = socket(runp->ai_family, runp->ai_socktype, runp->ai_protocol);
303  if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
304  const char *type = NetworkAddress::SocketTypeAsString(runp->ai_socktype);
305  const char *family = NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(runp->ai_family);
306  Debug(net, 0, "Could not create {} {} socket: {}", type, family, NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
307  return INVALID_SOCKET;
308  }
310  if (runp->ai_socktype == SOCK_STREAM && !SetNoDelay(sock)) {
311  Debug(net, 1, "Setting no-delay mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
312  }
314  if (!SetReusePort(sock)) {
315  Debug(net, 0, "Setting reuse-address mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
316  }
318  int on = 1;
319  if (runp->ai_family == AF_INET6 &&
320  setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on)) == -1) {
321  Debug(net, 3, "Could not disable IPv4 over IPv6: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
322  }
324  if (bind(sock, runp->ai_addr, (int)runp->ai_addrlen) != 0) {
325  Debug(net, 0, "Could not bind socket on {}: {}", address, NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
326  closesocket(sock);
327  return INVALID_SOCKET;
328  }
330  if (runp->ai_socktype != SOCK_DGRAM && listen(sock, 1) != 0) {
331  Debug(net, 0, "Could not listen on socket: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
332  closesocket(sock);
333  return INVALID_SOCKET;
334  }
336  /* Connection succeeded */
338  if (!SetNonBlocking(sock)) {
339  Debug(net, 0, "Setting non-blocking mode failed: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
340  }
342  Debug(net, 3, "Listening on {}", address);
343  return sock;
344 }
351 void NetworkAddress::Listen(int socktype, SocketList *sockets)
352 {
353  assert(sockets != nullptr);
355  /* Setting both hostname to "" and port to 0 is not allowed.
356  * As port 0 means bind to any port, the other must mean that
357  * we want to bind to 'all' IPs. */
358  if (this->address_length == 0 && this->address.ss_family == AF_UNSPEC &&
359  this->hostname.empty() && this->GetPort() == 0) {
360  this->Resolve(AF_INET, socktype, AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_PASSIVE, sockets, ListenLoopProc);
361  this->Resolve(AF_INET6, socktype, AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_PASSIVE, sockets, ListenLoopProc);
362  } else {
363  this->Resolve(AF_UNSPEC, socktype, AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_PASSIVE, sockets, ListenLoopProc);
364  }
365 }
373 /* static */ const char *NetworkAddress::SocketTypeAsString(int socktype)
374 {
375  switch (socktype) {
376  case SOCK_STREAM: return "tcp";
377  case SOCK_DGRAM: return "udp";
378  default: return "unsupported";
379  }
380 }
388 /* static */ const char *NetworkAddress::AddressFamilyAsString(int family)
389 {
390  switch (family) {
391  case AF_UNSPEC: return "either IPv4 or IPv6";
392  case AF_INET: return "IPv4";
393  case AF_INET6: return "IPv6";
394  default: return "unsupported";
395  }
396 }
404 {
405  sockaddr_storage addr = {};
406  socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
407  if (getpeername(sock, (sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len) != 0) {
408  Debug(net, 0, "Failed to get address of the peer: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
409  return NetworkAddress();
410  }
411  return NetworkAddress(addr, addr_len);
412 }
420 {
421  sockaddr_storage addr = {};
422  socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
423  if (getsockname(sock, (sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len) != 0) {
424  Debug(net, 0, "Failed to get address of the socket: {}", NetworkError::GetLast().AsString());
425  return NetworkAddress();
426  }
427  return NetworkAddress(addr, addr_len);
428 }
435 /* static */ const std::string NetworkAddress::GetPeerName(SOCKET sock)
436 {
438 }
450 /* static */ ServerAddress ServerAddress::Parse(const std::string &connection_string, uint16_t default_port, CompanyID *company_id)
451 {
452  if (connection_string.starts_with("+")) {
453  std::string_view invite_code = ParseCompanyFromConnectionString(connection_string, company_id);
454  return ServerAddress(SERVER_ADDRESS_INVITE_CODE, std::string(invite_code));
455  }
457  uint16_t port = default_port;
458  std::string_view ip = ParseFullConnectionString(connection_string, port, company_id);
459  return ServerAddress(SERVER_ADDRESS_DIRECT, std::string(ip) + ":" + std::to_string(port));
460 }
static const char * GetAddressFormatString(uint16_t family, bool with_family)
Helper to get the formatting string of an address for a given family.
Definition: address.cpp:80
static SOCKET ListenLoopProc(addrinfo *runp)
Helper function to resolve a listening.
Definition: address.cpp:298
static SOCKET ResolveLoopProc(addrinfo *)
Helper function to resolve without opening a socket.
Definition: address.cpp:103
Wrapper for network addresses.
Server-address is based on an invite code.
Definition: address.h:188
Server-address is based on an hostname:port.
Definition: address.h:187
std::map< SOCKET, NetworkAddress > SocketList
Type for a mapping between address and socket.
Definition: address.h:21
Wrapper for (un)resolved network addresses; there's no reason to transform a numeric IP to a string a...
Definition: address.h:28
static NetworkAddress GetPeerAddress(SOCKET sock)
Get the peer address of a socket as NetworkAddress.
Definition: address.cpp:403
static const char * AddressFamilyAsString(int family)
Convert the address family into a string.
Definition: address.cpp:388
bool resolved
Whether the address has been (tried to be) resolved.
Definition: address.h:33
int GetAddressLength()
Get the (valid) length of the address.
Definition: address.h:98
static const char * SocketTypeAsString(int socktype)
Convert the socket type into a string.
Definition: address.cpp:373
sockaddr_storage address
The resolved address.
Definition: address.h:32
bool IsFamily(int family)
Checks of this address is of the given family.
Definition: address.cpp:132
bool IsResolved() const
Check whether the IP address has been resolved already.
Definition: address.h:112
static const std::string GetPeerName(SOCKET sock)
Get the peer name of a socket in string format.
Definition: address.cpp:435
static NetworkAddress GetSockAddress(SOCKET sock)
Get the local address of a socket as NetworkAddress.
Definition: address.cpp:419
bool IsInNetmask(const std::string &netmask)
Checks whether this IP address is contained by the given netmask.
Definition: address.cpp:146
std::string hostname
The hostname.
Definition: address.h:30
uint16_t GetPort() const
Get the port.
Definition: address.cpp:38
void Listen(int socktype, SocketList *sockets)
Make the given socket listen.
Definition: address.cpp:351
SOCKET Resolve(int family, int socktype, int flags, SocketList *sockets, LoopProc func)
Resolve this address into a socket.
Definition: address.cpp:207
void SetPort(uint16_t port)
Set the port.
Definition: address.cpp:57
NetworkAddress(struct sockaddr_storage &address, int address_length)
Create a network address based on a resolved IP and port.
Definition: address.h:49
const sockaddr_storage * GetAddress()
Get the address in its internal representation.
Definition: address.cpp:113
const std::string & GetHostname()
Get the hostname; in case it wasn't given the IPv4 dotted representation is given.
Definition: address.cpp:23
int address_length
The length of the resolved address.
Definition: address.h:31
std::string GetAddressAsString(bool with_family=true)
Get the address as a string, e.g.
Definition: address.cpp:94
static NetworkError GetLast()
Get the last network error.
Address to a game server.
Definition: address.h:196
std::string connection_string
The connection string for this ServerAddress.
Definition: address.h:210
ServerAddress(ServerAddressType type, const std::string &connection_string)
Create a new ServerAddress object.
Definition: address.h:206
static ServerAddress Parse(const std::string &connection_string, uint16_t default_port, CompanyID *company_id=nullptr)
Convert a string containing either "hostname", "hostname:port" or invite code to a ServerAddress,...
Definition: address.cpp:450
Enum for all companies/owners.
Definition: company_type.h:18
The maximum length of the host name, in bytes including '\0'.
Definition: config.h:54
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Ouptut a line of debugging information.
Definition: debug.h:37
std::string_view ParseCompanyFromConnectionString(const std::string &connection_string, CompanyID *company_id)
Parse the company part ("#company" postfix) of a connecting string.
Definition: network.cpp:477
std::string_view ParseFullConnectionString(const std::string &connection_string, uint16_t &port, CompanyID *company_id)
Converts a string to ip/port/company Format: IP:port::company.
Definition: network.cpp:521
bool SetReusePort(SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket to reuse ports.
bool SetNonBlocking([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket into non-blocking mode.
bool SetNoDelay([[maybe_unused]] SOCKET d)
Try to set the socket to not delay sending.
std::string FS2OTTD(const std::wstring &name)
Convert to OpenTTD's encoding from a wide string.
Definition: win32.cpp:337