13#include "../company_manager_face.h"
14#include "../order_base.h"
15#include "../engine_type.h"
23void ResetOldWaypoints();
30void AfterLoadStations();
40void SaveViewportBeforeSaveGame();
41void ResetViewportAfterLoadGame();
46void ResetTempEngineData();
50extern int32_t _saved_scrollpos_x;
51extern int32_t _saved_scrollpos_y;
uint32_t CompanyManagerFace
Company manager face bits, info see in company_manager_face.h.
Functions/types related to saving and loading games.
Types of save games.
uint32_t _ttdp_version
version of TTDP savegame (if applicable)
void AfterLoadVehiclesPhase1(bool part_of_load)
Called after load for phase 1 of vehicle initialisation.
Order UnpackOldOrder(uint16_t packed)
Unpacks a order from savegames made with TTD(Patch)
void ResetOldNames()
Free the memory of the old names array.
void FixupTrainLengths()
Fixup old train spacing.
void MoveBuoysToWaypoints()
Perform all steps to upgrade from the old station buoys to the new version that uses waypoints.
StringID RemapOldStringID(StringID s)
Remap a string ID from the old format to the new format.
void UpdateOldAircraft()
need to be called to load aircraft from old version
void ConvertOldMultiheadToNew()
Converts all trains to the new subtype format introduced in savegame 16.2 It also links multiheaded e...
void ConnectMultiheadedTrains()
Link front and rear multiheaded engines to each other This is done when loading a savegame.
void AfterLoadLinkGraphs()
Spawn the threads for running link graph calculations.
void AfterLoadRoadStops()
(Re)building of road stop caches after loading a savegame.
SavegameType _savegame_type
type of savegame we are loading
void AfterLoadCompanyStats()
Rebuilding of company statistics after loading a savegame.
CompanyManagerFace ConvertFromOldCompanyManagerFace(uint32_t face)
Converts an old company manager's face format to the new company manager's face format.
void MoveWaypointsToBaseStations()
Perform all steps to upgrade from the old waypoints to the new version that uses station.
void AfterLoadVehiclesPhase2(bool part_of_load)
Called after load for phase 2 of vehicle initialisation.
void UpdateHousesAndTowns()
Check and update town and house values.
void InitializeOldNames()
Initialize the old names table memory.
std::string CopyFromOldName(StringID id)
Copy and convert old custom names to UTF-8.
void AfterLoadStoryBook()
Called after load to trash broken pages.
void CopyTempEngineData()
Copy data from temporary engine array into the real engine pool.
void AfterLoadLabelMaps()
Perform rail type and road type conversion if necessary.
uint32_t StringID
Numeric value that represents a string, independent of the selected language.
All zoom levels we know.