static const ObjectType OBJECT_LIGHTHOUSE
The nice lighthouse.
uint16_t ObjectType
Types of objects.
static const ObjectType OBJECT_STATUE
Statue in towns.
static const ObjectType INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE
An invalid object.
static const ObjectType OBJECT_HQ
HeadQuarter of a player.
static const ObjectType NUM_OBJECTS
Number of supported objects overall.
static const ObjectType OBJECT_TRANSMITTER
The large antenna.
static const ObjectType NUM_OBJECTS_PER_GRF
Number of supported objects per NewGRF.
static const ObjectType NEW_OBJECT_OFFSET
Offset for new objects.
static const ObjectType OBJECT_OWNED_LAND
Owned land 'flag'.
Definition of Pool, structure used to access PoolItems, and PoolItem, base structure for Vehicle,...
Allow incrementing of ObjectClassID variables.
An object, such as transmitter, on the map.
Templated helper to make a PoolID a single POD value.