51 std::unique_ptr<GamelogInternalData> data;
55 void Change(std::unique_ptr<LoggedChange> &&change);
67 void Print(std::function<
const std::string &)> proc);
77 void Setting(
const std::string &name, int32_t oldval, int32_t newval);
79 void GRFUpdate(
const GRFConfigList &oldg,
const GRFConfigList &newg);
86 void GRFMove(uint32_t grfid, int32_t offset);
92 void Info(uint32_t *last_ottd_rev, uint8_t *ever_modified,
bool *removed_newgrfs);
void TestRevision()
Finds out if current revision is different than last revision stored in the savegame.
const GRFIdentifier & GetOverriddenIdentifier(const GRFConfig &c)
Try to find the overridden GRF identifier of the given GRF.
void Mode()
Logs a change in game mode (scenario editor or game)
void Info(uint32_t *last_ottd_rev, uint8_t *ever_modified, bool *removed_newgrfs)
Get some basic information from the given gamelog.
void PrintDebug(int level)
Prints gamelog to debug output.
void PrintConsole()
Print the gamelog data to the console.
void GRFParameters(uint32_t grfid)
Logs change in GRF parameters.
void Revision()
Logs a change in game revision.
void StartAction(GamelogActionType at)
Stores information about new action, but doesn't allocate it Action is allocated only when there is a...
void Reset()
Resets and frees all memory allocated - used before loading or starting a new game.
void GRFRemove(uint32_t grfid)
Logs removal of a GRF.
void GRFAddList(const GRFConfigList &newg)
Logs adding of list of GRFs.
void GRFCompatible(const GRFIdentifier &newg)
Logs loading compatible GRF (the same ID, but different MD5 hash)
void Oldver()
Logs loading from savegame without gamelog.
void Emergency()
Logs a emergency savegame.
bool GRFBugReverse(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id)
Logs GRF bug - rail vehicle has different length after reversing.
void TestMode()
Finds last stored game mode or landscape.
void StopAction()
Stops logging of any changes.
void Setting(const std::string &name, int32_t oldval, int32_t newval)
Logs change in game settings.
void Print(std::function< void(const std::string &)> proc)
Prints active gamelog.
void GRFAdd(const GRFConfig &newg)
Logs adding of a GRF.
void GRFUpdate(const GRFConfigList &oldg, const GRFConfigList &newg)
Compares two NewGRF lists and logs any change.
void Change(std::unique_ptr< LoggedChange > &&change)
Allocates a new LoggedAction if needed, and add the change when action is active.
bool TestEmergency()
Finds out if current game is a loaded emergency savegame.
void GRFMove(uint32_t grfid, int32_t offset)
Logs changing GRF order.
Gamelog _gamelog
Gamelog instance.
Type of logged change.
Scenario editor x Game, different landscape.
Loaded from savegame without logged data.
Non-networksafe setting value changed.
Loading compatible GRF.
Removed GRF.
So we know how many GLCTs are there.
Emergency savegame.
GRF parameter changed.
GRF order changed.
GRF bug triggered.
Changed game revision string.
In savegames, end of list.
The actions we log.
GRF bug was triggered.
Game created.
No logging active; in savegames, end of list.
So we know how many GLATs are there.
Cheat was used.
Emergency savegame.
Setting changed.
Functions to find and configure NewGRFs.
Encountered GRF bugs.
Information about GRF, used in the game and (part of it) in savegames.
Basic data to distinguish a GRF.
Contains information about one logged action that caused at least one logged change.