OpenTTD Source  20241120-master-g6d3adc6169
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #include "stdafx.h"
11 #include "saveload/saveload.h"
12 #include "string_func.h"
13 #include "settings_type.h"
14 #include "gamelog_internal.h"
15 #include "console_func.h"
16 #include "debug.h"
18 #include "timer/timer_game_tick.h"
19 #include "rev.h"
21 #include "safeguards.h"
23 extern const SaveLoadVersion SAVEGAME_VERSION;
27 extern uint32_t _ttdp_version;
29 extern uint8_t _sl_minor_version;
33 Gamelog::Gamelog()
34 {
35  this->data = std::make_unique<GamelogInternalData>();
36  this->action_type = GLAT_NONE;
37  this->current_action = nullptr;
38 }
40 Gamelog::~Gamelog()
41 {
42 }
47 static std::string GetGamelogRevisionString()
48 {
49  if (IsReleasedVersion()) {
50  return _openttd_revision;
51  }
53  /* Prefix character indication revision status */
54  assert(_openttd_revision_modified < 3);
55  return fmt::format("{}{}",
56  "gum"[_openttd_revision_modified], // g = "git", u = "unknown", m = "modified"
57  _openttd_revision_hash);
58 }
66 {
67  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_NONE); // do not allow starting new action without stopping the previous first
68  this->action_type = at;
69 }
75 {
76  assert(this->action_type != GLAT_NONE); // nobody should try to stop if there is no action in progress
78  bool print = this->current_action != nullptr;
80  this->current_action = nullptr;
81  this->action_type = GLAT_NONE;
83  if (print) this->PrintDebug(5);
84 }
86 void Gamelog::StopAnyAction()
87 {
88  if (this->action_type != GLAT_NONE) this->StopAction();
89 }
95 {
96  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_NONE);
97  this->data->action.clear();
98  this->current_action = nullptr;
99 }
109 static void AddGrfInfo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, uint32_t grfid, const MD5Hash *md5sum, const GRFConfig *gc)
110 {
111  if (md5sum != nullptr) {
112  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "GRF ID {:08X}, checksum {}", BSWAP32(grfid), FormatArrayAsHex(*md5sum));
113  } else {
114  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "GRF ID {:08X}", BSWAP32(grfid));
115  }
117  if (gc != nullptr) {
118  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ", filename: {} (md5sum matches)", gc->filename);
119  } else {
120  gc = FindGRFConfig(grfid, FGCM_ANY);
121  if (gc != nullptr) {
122  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ", filename: {} (matches GRFID only)", gc->filename);
123  } else {
124  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ", unknown GRF");
125  }
126  }
127 }
131 static const char * const la_text[] = {
132  "new game started",
133  "game loaded",
134  "GRF config changed",
135  "cheat was used",
136  "settings changed",
137  "GRF bug triggered",
138  "emergency savegame",
139 };
141 static_assert(lengthof(la_text) == GLAT_END);
147 void Gamelog::Print(std::function<void(const std::string &)> proc)
148 {
149  GrfIDMapping grf_names;
151  proc("---- gamelog start ----");
153  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
154  assert( < GLAT_END);
156  proc(fmt::format("Tick {}: {}", la.tick, la_text[]));
158  for (auto &lc : la.change) {
159  std::string message;
160  auto output_iterator = std::back_inserter(message);
161  lc->FormatTo(output_iterator, grf_names,;
163  proc(message);
164  }
165  }
167  proc("---- gamelog end ----");
168 }
171 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeMode::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &, GamelogActionType)
172 {
173  /* Changing landscape, or going from scenario editor to game or back. */
174  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "New game mode: {} landscape: {}", this->mode, this->landscape);
175 }
177 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeRevision::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &, GamelogActionType)
178 {
179  /* The game was loaded in a diffferent version than before. */
180  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Revision text changed to {}, savegame version {}, ",
181  this->text, this->slver);
183  switch (this->modified) {
184  case 0: fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "not "); break;
185  case 1: fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "maybe "); break;
186  default: break;
187  }
189  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x{:08x}", this->newgrf);
190 }
192 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeOldVersion::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &, GamelogActionType)
193 {
194  /* The game was loaded from before 0.7.0-beta1. */
195  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Conversion from ");
196  switch (this->type) {
197  default: NOT_REACHED();
198  case SGT_OTTD:
199  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "OTTD savegame without gamelog: version {}, {}",
200  GB(this->version, 8, 16), GB(this->version, 0, 8));
201  break;
203  case SGT_TTO:
204  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "TTO savegame");
205  break;
207  case SGT_TTD:
208  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "TTD savegame");
209  break;
211  case SGT_TTDP1:
212  case SGT_TTDP2:
213  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "TTDP savegame, {} format",
214  this->type == SGT_TTDP1 ? "old" : "new");
215  if (this->version != 0) {
216  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ", TTDP version {}.{}.{}.{}",
217  GB(this->version, 24, 8), GB(this->version, 20, 4),
218  GB(this->version, 16, 4), GB(this->version, 0, 16));
219  }
220  break;
221  }
222 }
224 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeSettingChanged::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &, GamelogActionType)
225 {
226  /* A setting with the SF_NO_NETWORK flag got changed; these settings usually affect NewGRFs, such as road side or wagon speed limits. */
227  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Setting changed: {} : {} -> {}", this->name, this->oldval, this->newval);
228 }
230 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFAdd::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType)
231 {
232  /* A NewGRF got added to the game, either at the start of the game (never an issue), or later on when it could be an issue. */
233  const GRFConfig *gc = FindGRFConfig(this->grfid, FGCM_EXACT, &this->md5sum);
234  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Added NewGRF: ");
235  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, &this->md5sum, gc);
236  auto gm = grf_names.find(this->grfid);
237  if (gm != grf_names.end() && !gm->second.was_missing) fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was already added!");
238  grf_names[this->grfid] = gc;
239 }
241 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFRemoved::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType action_type)
242 {
243  /* A NewGRF got removed from the game, either manually or by it missing when loading the game. */
244  auto gm = grf_names.find(this->grfid);
245  if (action_type == GLAT_LOAD) {
246  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Missing NewGRF: ");
247  } else {
248  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Removed NewGRF: ");
249  }
250  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, nullptr, gm != grf_names.end() ? gm->second.gc : nullptr);
251  if (gm == grf_names.end()) {
252  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was never added!");
253  } else {
254  if (action_type == GLAT_LOAD) {
255  /* Missing grfs on load are not removed from the configuration */
256  gm->second.was_missing = true;
257  } else {
258  grf_names.erase(gm);
259  }
260  }
261 }
263 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFChanged::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType)
264 {
265  /* Another version of the same NewGRF got loaded. */
266  const GRFConfig *gc = FindGRFConfig(this->grfid, FGCM_EXACT, &this->md5sum);
267  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Compatible NewGRF loaded: ");
268  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, &this->md5sum, gc);
269  if (grf_names.count(this->grfid) == 0) fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was never added!");
270  grf_names[this->grfid] = gc;
271 }
273 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFParameterChanged::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType)
274 {
275  /* A parameter of a NewGRF got changed after the game was started. */
276  auto gm = grf_names.find(this->grfid);
277  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "GRF parameter changed: ");
278  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, nullptr, gm != grf_names.end() ? gm->second.gc : nullptr);
279  if (gm == grf_names.end()) fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was never added!");
280 }
282 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFMoved::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType)
283 {
284  /* The order of NewGRFs got changed, which might cause some other NewGRFs to behave differently. */
285  auto gm = grf_names.find(this->grfid);
286  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "GRF order changed: {:08X} moved {} places {}",
287  BSWAP32(this->grfid), abs(this->offset), this->offset >= 0 ? "down" : "up" );
288  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, nullptr, gm != grf_names.end() ? gm->second.gc : nullptr);
289  if (gm == grf_names.end()) fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was never added!");
290 }
292 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeGRFBug::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output_iterator, GrfIDMapping &grf_names, GamelogActionType)
293 {
294  /* A specific bug in a NewGRF, that could cause wide spread problems, has been noted during the execution of the game. */
295  auto gm = grf_names.find(this->grfid);
296  assert(this->bug == GBUG_VEH_LENGTH);
298  fmt::format_to(output_iterator, "Rail vehicle changes length outside a depot: GRF ID {:08X}, internal ID 0x{:X}", BSWAP32(this->grfid), this->data);
299  AddGrfInfo(output_iterator, this->grfid, nullptr, gm != grf_names.end() ? gm->second.gc : nullptr);
300  if (gm == grf_names.end()) fmt::format_to(output_iterator, ". Gamelog inconsistency: GrfID was never added!");
301 }
303 /* virtual */ void LoggedChangeEmergencySave::FormatTo(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &, GrfIDMapping &, GamelogActionType)
304 {
305  /* At one point the savegame was made during the handling of a game crash.
306  * The generic code already mentioned the emergency savegame, and there is no extra information to log. */
307 }
311 {
312  this->Print([](const std::string &s) {
314  });
315 }
323 void Gamelog::PrintDebug(int level)
324 {
325  this->Print([level](const std::string &s) {
326  Debug(gamelog, level, "{}", s);
327  });
328 }
335 void Gamelog::Change(std::unique_ptr<LoggedChange> &&change)
336 {
337  if (this->current_action == nullptr) {
338  if (this->action_type == GLAT_NONE) return;
340  this->current_action = &this->data->action.emplace_back();
341  this->current_action->at = this->action_type;
342  this->current_action->tick = TimerGameTick::counter;
343  }
345  this->current_action->change.push_back(std::move(change));
346 }
353 {
354  /* Terminate any active action */
355  if (this->action_type != GLAT_NONE) this->StopAction();
357  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeEmergencySave>());
358  this->StopAction();
359 }
365 {
366  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
367  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
368  if (lc->ct == GLCT_EMERGENCY) return true;
369  }
370  }
372  return false;
373 }
379 {
380  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_START || this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD);
382  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeRevision>(
383  GetGamelogRevisionString(), _openttd_newgrf_version, SAVEGAME_VERSION, _openttd_revision_modified));
384 }
390 {
391  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_START || this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD || this->action_type == GLAT_CHEAT);
393  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeMode>(_game_mode, _settings_game.game_creation.landscape));
394 }
400 {
401  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD);
403  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeOldVersion>(_savegame_type,
404  (_savegame_type == SGT_OTTD ? ((uint32_t)_sl_version << 8 | _sl_minor_version) : _ttdp_version)));
405 }
413 void Gamelog::Setting(const std::string &name, int32_t oldval, int32_t newval)
414 {
415  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_SETTING);
417  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeSettingChanged>(name, oldval, newval));
418 }
426 {
427  const LoggedChangeRevision *rev = nullptr;
429  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
430  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
431  if (lc->ct == GLCT_REVISION) rev = static_cast<const LoggedChangeRevision *>(lc.get());
432  }
433  }
435  if (rev == nullptr || rev->text != GetGamelogRevisionString() ||
436  rev->modified != _openttd_revision_modified ||
437  rev->newgrf != _openttd_newgrf_version) {
438  this->Revision();
439  }
440 }
447 {
448  const LoggedChangeMode *mode = nullptr;
450  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
451  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
452  if (lc->ct == GLCT_MODE) mode = static_cast<const LoggedChangeMode *>(lc.get());
453  }
454  }
456  if (mode == nullptr || mode->mode != _game_mode || mode->landscape != _settings_game.game_creation.landscape) this->Mode();
457 }
466 void Gamelog::GRFBug(uint32_t grfid, uint8_t bug, uint64_t data)
467 {
468  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_GRFBUG);
470  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFBug>(data, grfid, bug));
471 }
482 bool Gamelog::GRFBugReverse(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id)
483 {
484  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
485  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
486  if (lc->ct == GLCT_GRFBUG) {
487  LoggedChangeGRFBug *bug = static_cast<LoggedChangeGRFBug *>(lc.get());
488  if (bug->grfid == grfid && bug->bug == GBUG_VEH_LENGTH && bug->data == internal_id) {
489  return false;
490  }
491  }
492  }
493  }
495  this->StartAction(GLAT_GRFBUG);
496  this->GRFBug(grfid, GBUG_VEH_LENGTH, internal_id);
497  this->StopAction();
499  return true;
500 }
508 static inline bool IsLoggableGrfConfig(const GRFConfig *g)
509 {
510  return !HasBit(g->flags, GCF_STATIC) && g->status != GCS_NOT_FOUND;
511 }
517 void Gamelog::GRFRemove(uint32_t grfid)
518 {
519  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD || this->action_type == GLAT_GRF);
521  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFRemoved>(grfid));
522 }
528 void Gamelog::GRFAdd(const GRFConfig *newg)
529 {
530  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD || this->action_type == GLAT_START || this->action_type == GLAT_GRF);
532  if (!IsLoggableGrfConfig(newg)) return;
534  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFAdd>(newg->ident));
535 }
543 {
544  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD || this->action_type == GLAT_GRF);
546  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFChanged>(*newg));
547 }
554 void Gamelog::GRFMove(uint32_t grfid, int32_t offset)
555 {
556  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_GRF);
558  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFMoved>(grfid, offset));
559 }
566 void Gamelog::GRFParameters(uint32_t grfid)
567 {
568  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_GRF);
570  this->Change(std::make_unique<LoggedChangeGRFParameterChanged>(grfid));
571 }
579 {
580  assert(this->action_type == GLAT_START || this->action_type == GLAT_LOAD);
582  for (; newg != nullptr; newg = newg->next) {
583  this->GRFAdd(newg);
584  }
585 }
591 static std::vector<const GRFConfig *> GenerateGRFList(const GRFConfig *grfc)
592 {
593  std::vector<const GRFConfig *> list;
594  for (const GRFConfig *g = grfc; g != nullptr; g = g->next) {
595  if (IsLoggableGrfConfig(g)) list.push_back(g);
596  }
598  return list;
599 }
606 void Gamelog::GRFUpdate(const GRFConfig *oldc, const GRFConfig *newc)
607 {
608  std::vector<const GRFConfig *> ol = GenerateGRFList(oldc);
609  std::vector<const GRFConfig *> nl = GenerateGRFList(newc);
611  uint o = 0, n = 0;
613  while (o < ol.size() && n < nl.size()) {
614  const GRFConfig *og = ol[o];
615  const GRFConfig *ng = nl[n];
617  if (og->ident.grfid != ng->ident.grfid) {
618  uint oi, ni;
619  for (oi = 0; oi < ol.size(); oi++) {
620  if (ol[oi]->ident.grfid == nl[n]->ident.grfid) break;
621  }
622  if (oi < o) {
623  /* GRF was moved, this change has been logged already */
624  n++;
625  continue;
626  }
627  if (oi == ol.size()) {
628  /* GRF couldn't be found in the OLD list, GRF was ADDED */
629  this->GRFAdd(nl[n++]);
630  continue;
631  }
632  for (ni = 0; ni < nl.size(); ni++) {
633  if (nl[ni]->ident.grfid == ol[o]->ident.grfid) break;
634  }
635  if (ni < n) {
636  /* GRF was moved, this change has been logged already */
637  o++;
638  continue;
639  }
640  if (ni == nl.size()) {
641  /* GRF couldn't be found in the NEW list, GRF was REMOVED */
642  this->GRFRemove(ol[o++]->ident.grfid);
643  continue;
644  }
646  /* o < oi < ol->n
647  * n < ni < nl->n */
648  assert(ni > n && ni < nl.size());
649  assert(oi > o && oi < ol.size());
651  ni -= n; // number of GRFs it was moved downwards
652  oi -= o; // number of GRFs it was moved upwards
654  if (ni >= oi) { // prefer the one that is moved further
655  /* GRF was moved down */
656  this->GRFMove(ol[o++]->ident.grfid, ni);
657  } else {
658  this->GRFMove(nl[n++]->ident.grfid, -(int)oi);
659  }
660  } else {
661  if (og->ident.md5sum != ng->ident.md5sum) {
662  /* md5sum changed, probably loading 'compatible' GRF */
663  this->GRFCompatible(&nl[n]->ident);
664  }
666  if (og->num_params != ng->num_params || og->param == ng->param) {
667  this->GRFParameters(ol[o]->ident.grfid);
668  }
670  o++;
671  n++;
672  }
673  }
675  while (o < ol.size()) this->GRFRemove(ol[o++]->ident.grfid); // remaining GRFs were removed ...
676  while (n < nl.size()) this->GRFAdd (nl[n++]); // ... or added
677 }
685 void Gamelog::Info(uint32_t *last_ottd_rev, uint8_t *ever_modified, bool *removed_newgrfs)
686 {
687  for (const LoggedAction &la : this->data->action) {
688  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
689  switch (lc->ct) {
690  default: break;
692  case GLCT_REVISION: {
693  const LoggedChangeRevision *rev = static_cast<const LoggedChangeRevision *>(lc.get());
694  *last_ottd_rev = rev->newgrf;
695  *ever_modified = std::max(*ever_modified, rev->modified);
696  break;
697  }
699  case GLCT_GRFREM:
700  *removed_newgrfs = true;
701  break;
702  }
703  }
704  }
705 }
713 {
714  assert(c != nullptr);
715  const LoggedAction &la = this->data->action.back();
716  if ( != GLAT_LOAD) return &c->ident;
718  for (const auto &lc : la.change) {
719  if (lc->ct != GLCT_GRFCOMPAT) continue;
721  const LoggedChangeGRFChanged *grf = static_cast<const LoggedChangeGRFChanged *>(lc.get());
722  if (grf->grfid == c->ident.grfid) return grf;
723  }
725  return &c->ident;
726 }
constexpr debug_inline bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
static uint32_t BSWAP32(uint32_t x)
Perform a 32 bits endianness bitswap on x.
constexpr static debug_inline uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
void TestRevision()
Finds out if current revision is different than last revision stored in the savegame.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:425
void GRFBug(uint32_t grfid, uint8_t bug, uint64_t data)
Logs triggered GRF bug.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:466
void Mode()
Logs a change in game mode (scenario editor or game)
Definition: gamelog.cpp:389
void Info(uint32_t *last_ottd_rev, uint8_t *ever_modified, bool *removed_newgrfs)
Get some basic information from the given gamelog.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:685
void PrintDebug(int level)
Prints gamelog to debug output.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:323
void GRFAddList(const GRFConfig *newg)
Logs adding of list of GRFs.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:578
void PrintConsole()
Print the gamelog data to the console.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:310
void GRFCompatible(const GRFIdentifier *newg)
Logs loading compatible GRF (the same ID, but different MD5 hash)
Definition: gamelog.cpp:542
void GRFParameters(uint32_t grfid)
Logs change in GRF parameters.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:566
void Revision()
Logs a change in game revision.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:378
void StartAction(GamelogActionType at)
Stores information about new action, but doesn't allocate it Action is allocated only when there is a...
Definition: gamelog.cpp:65
void Reset()
Resets and frees all memory allocated - used before loading or starting a new game.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:94
const GRFIdentifier * GetOverriddenIdentifier(const GRFConfig *c)
Try to find the overridden GRF identifier of the given GRF.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:712
void GRFRemove(uint32_t grfid)
Logs removal of a GRF.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:517
void GRFUpdate(const GRFConfig *oldg, const GRFConfig *newg)
Compares two NewGRF lists and logs any change.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:606
void Oldver()
Logs loading from savegame without gamelog.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:399
void Emergency()
Logs a emergency savegame.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:352
bool GRFBugReverse(uint32_t grfid, uint16_t internal_id)
Logs GRF bug - rail vehicle has different length after reversing.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:482
void TestMode()
Finds last stored game mode or landscape.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:446
void StopAction()
Stops logging of any changes.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:74
void Setting(const std::string &name, int32_t oldval, int32_t newval)
Logs change in game settings.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:413
void Print(std::function< void(const std::string &)> proc)
Prints active gamelog.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:147
void Change(std::unique_ptr< LoggedChange > &&change)
Allocates a new LoggedAction if needed, and add the change when action is active.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:335
bool TestEmergency()
Finds out if current game is a loaded emergency savegame.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:364
void GRFMove(uint32_t grfid, int32_t offset)
Logs changing GRF order.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:554
void GRFAdd(const GRFConfig *newg)
Logs adding of a GRF.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:528
static TickCounter counter
Monotonic counter, in ticks, since start of game.
void IConsolePrint(TextColour colour_code, const std::string &string)
Handle the printing of text entered into the console or redirected there by any other means.
Definition: console.cpp:89
Console functions used outside of the console code.
static const TextColour CC_WARNING
Colour for warning lines.
Definition: console_type.h:25
Functions related to debugging.
#define Debug(category, level, format_string,...)
Ouptut a line of debugging information.
Definition: debug.h:37
uint32_t _ttdp_version
version of TTDP savegame (if applicable)
Definition: saveload.cpp:62
SaveLoadVersion _sl_version
the major savegame version identifier
Definition: saveload.cpp:63
uint8_t _sl_minor_version
the minor savegame version, DO NOT USE!
Definition: saveload.cpp:64
static std::string GetGamelogRevisionString()
Return the revision string for the current client version, for use in gamelog.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:47
Gamelog _gamelog
Gamelog instance.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:31
static const char *const la_text[]
Text messages for various logged actions.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:131
static std::vector< const GRFConfig * > GenerateGRFList(const GRFConfig *grfc)
Generates GRFList.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:591
static void AddGrfInfo(std::back_insert_iterator< std::string > &output_iterator, uint32_t grfid, const MD5Hash *md5sum, const GRFConfig *gc)
Adds the GRF ID, checksum and filename if found to the output iterator.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:109
SavegameType _savegame_type
type of savegame we are loading
Definition: saveload.cpp:59
static bool IsLoggableGrfConfig(const GRFConfig *g)
Decides if GRF should be logged.
Definition: gamelog.cpp:508
const SaveLoadVersion SAVEGAME_VERSION
current savegame version
Scenario editor x Game, different landscape.
Definition: gamelog.h:30
Loading compatible GRF.
Definition: gamelog.h:36
Emergency savegame.
Definition: gamelog.h:40
Added GRF.
Definition: gamelog.h:35
GRF bug triggered.
Definition: gamelog.h:39
Changed game revision string.
Definition: gamelog.h:31
The actions we log.
Definition: gamelog.h:16
GRF bug was triggered.
Definition: gamelog.h:22
Game created.
Definition: gamelog.h:17
No logging active; in savegames, end of list.
Definition: gamelog.h:25
GRF changed.
Definition: gamelog.h:19
So we know how many GLATs are there.
Definition: gamelog.h:24
Game loaded.
Definition: gamelog.h:18
Cheat was used.
Definition: gamelog.h:20
Emergency savegame.
Definition: gamelog.h:23
Setting changed.
Definition: gamelog.h:21
Declaration shared among gamelog.cpp and saveload/gamelog_sl.cpp.
constexpr T abs(const T a)
Returns the absolute value of (scalar) variable.
Definition: math_func.hpp:23
const GRFConfig * FindGRFConfig(uint32_t grfid, FindGRFConfigMode mode, const MD5Hash *md5sum, uint32_t desired_version)
Find a NewGRF in the scanned list.
GRF file is used statically (can be used in any MP game)
Definition: newgrf_config.h:24
GRF file was not found in the local cache.
Definition: newgrf_config.h:36
Length of rail vehicle changes when not inside a depot.
Definition: newgrf_config.h:43
Use first found.
Only find Grfs matching md5sum.
declaration of OTTD revision dependent variables
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Functions/types related to saving and loading games.
Types of save games.
Definition: saveload.h:421
TTD savegame (can be detected incorrectly)
Definition: saveload.h:422
OTTD savegame.
Definition: saveload.h:425
TTDP savegame in new format (data at SE border)
Definition: saveload.h:424
TTO savegame.
Definition: saveload.h:426
TTDP savegame ( -//- ) (data at NW border)
Definition: saveload.h:423
SaveLoad versions Previous savegame versions, the trunk revision where they were introduced and the r...
Definition: saveload.h:30
GameSettings _settings_game
Game settings of a running game or the scenario editor.
Definition: settings.cpp:57
Types related to global configuration settings.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
#define lengthof(array)
Return the length of an fixed size array.
Definition: stdafx.h:280
std::string FormatArrayAsHex(std::span< const uint8_t > data)
Format a byte array into a continuous hex string.
Definition: string.cpp:81
Functions related to low-level strings.
Information about GRF, used in the game and (part of it) in savegames.
uint8_t flags
NOSAVE: GCF_Flags, bitset.
uint8_t num_params
Number of used parameters.
struct GRFConfig * next
NOSAVE: Next item in the linked list.
GRFStatus status
NOSAVE: GRFStatus, enum.
std::string filename
Filename - either with or without full path.
GRFIdentifier ident
grfid and md5sum to uniquely identify newgrfs
std::array< uint32_t, 0x80 > param
GRF parameters.
Basic data to distinguish a GRF.
Definition: newgrf_config.h:82
uint32_t grfid
GRF ID (defined by Action 0x08)
Definition: newgrf_config.h:83
MD5Hash md5sum
MD5 checksum of file to distinguish files with the same GRF ID (eg. newer version of GRF)
Definition: newgrf_config.h:84
uint8_t landscape
the landscape we're currently in
GameCreationSettings game_creation
settings used during the creation of a game (map)
Contains information about one logged action that caused at least one logged change.
uint64_t tick
Tick when it happened.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LoggedChange > > change
Logged changes in this action.
GamelogActionType at
Type of action.
uint8_t bug
type of bug,
uint64_t data
additional data
uint32_t grfid
ID of problematic GRF.
uint32_t grfid
ID of moved GRF.
int32_t offset
offset, positive = move down
uint32_t grfid
ID of GRF with changed parameters.
uint32_t grfid
ID of removed GRF.
uint8_t landscape
landscape (temperate, arctic, ...)
uint8_t mode
new game mode - Editor x Game
uint32_t type
type of savegame,
uint32_t version
major and minor version OR ttdp version
std::string text
revision string, _openttd_revision
uint16_t slver
uint32_t newgrf
std::string name
name of the setting
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Definition of the tick-based game-timer.