OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6 */
14#include "network_stun.h"
15#include "network_turn.h"
55 std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_update;
56 std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, TCPServerConnecter *>> connecter;
57 std::map<std::string, TCPServerConnecter *> connecter_pre;
58 std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler>>> stun_handlers;
59 std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkTurnSocketHandler>> turn_handlers;
60 std::shared_ptr<TCPConnecter> game_connecter{};
63 GameInfoNewGRFLookupTable newgrf_lookup_table;
66 bool Receive_GC_ERROR(Packet &p) override;
67 bool Receive_GC_REGISTER_ACK(Packet &p) override;
68 bool Receive_GC_LISTING(Packet &p) override;
69 bool Receive_GC_CONNECTING(Packet &p) override;
70 bool Receive_GC_CONNECT_FAILED(Packet &p) override;
71 bool Receive_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT(Packet &p) override;
72 bool Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet &p) override;
73 bool Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet &p) override;
74 bool Receive_GC_NEWGRF_LOOKUP(Packet &p) override;
75 bool Receive_GC_TURN_CONNECT(Packet &p) override;
79 static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IDLE_TIMEOUT = std::chrono::seconds(60);
81 std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_activity;
86 NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true) override;
87 void SendReceive();
89 void ConnectFailure(const std::string &token, uint8_t tracking_number);
90 void ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock, NetworkAddress &address);
91 void StunResult(const std::string &token, uint8_t family, bool result);
93 void Connect();
94 void CloseToken(const std::string &token);
96 void CloseStunHandler(const std::string &token, uint8_t family = AF_UNSPEC);
97 void CloseTurnHandler(const std::string &token);
99 void Register();
100 void SendServerUpdate();
101 void GetListing();
103 void ConnectToServer(const std::string &invite_code, TCPServerConnecter *connecter);
104 void StartTurnConnection(std::string &token);
Game Coordinator communication.
bool Receive_GC_NEWGRF_LOOKUP(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator informs the client of updates for the NewGRFs lookup table as used by the NewGRF des...
GameInfoNewGRFLookupTable newgrf_lookup_table
Table to look up NewGRFs in the GC_LISTING packets.
bool Receive_GC_STUN_CONNECT(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator informs the client/server of its STUN peer (the host:ip of the other side).
bool Receive_GC_STUN_REQUEST(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator requests the client/server to do a STUN request to the STUN server.
bool Receive_GC_REGISTER_ACK(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator acknowledges the registration.
void Register()
Register our server to receive our invite code.
std::map< std::string, TCPServerConnecter * > connecter_pre
Based on invite codes, the current connecters that are pending.
void StunResult(const std::string &token, uint8_t family, bool result)
Callback from the STUN connecter to inform the Game Coordinator about the result of the STUN.
void ConnectToServer(const std::string &invite_code, TCPServerConnecter *connecter)
Join a server based on an invite code.
uint32_t newgrf_lookup_table_cursor
Last received cursor for the GameInfoNewGRFLookupTable updates.
void SendReceive()
Check whether we received/can send some data from/to the Game Coordinator server and when that's the ...
static constexpr std::chrono::seconds IDLE_TIMEOUT
The idle timeout; when to close the connection because it's idle.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_update
When to send the next update (if server and public).
bool connecting
Are we connecting to the Game Coordinator?
void CloseAllConnections()
Close all pending connection tokens.
void SendServerUpdate()
Send an update of our server status to the Game Coordinator.
void CloseStunHandler(const std::string &token, uint8_t family=AF_UNSPEC)
Close the STUN handler.
void ConnectSuccess(const std::string &token, SOCKET sock, NetworkAddress &address)
Callback from a Connecter to let the Game Coordinator know the connection to the game server is estab...
bool Receive_GC_LISTING(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator replies with a list of all public servers.
void CloseToken(const std::string &token)
Close everything related to this connection token.
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< ClientNetworkTurnSocketHandler > > turn_handlers
Pending TURN handler (if any), stored by token.
void CloseTurnHandler(const std::string &token)
Close the TURN handler.
std::map< std::string, std::map< int, std::unique_ptr< ClientNetworkStunSocketHandler > > > stun_handlers
All pending STUN handlers, stored by token:family.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point last_activity
The last time there was network activity.
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::string, TCPServerConnecter * > > connecter
Based on tokens, the current (invite-code, connecter) that are pending.
bool Receive_GC_DIRECT_CONNECT(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator requests that the Client makes a direct connection to the indicated peer,...
bool Receive_GC_CONNECTING(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator informs the Client under what token it will start the attempt to connect the Server ...
bool Receive_GC_TURN_CONNECT(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator requests that we make a connection to the indicated peer, which is a TURN server.
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error=true) override
This will put this socket handler in a close state.
bool Receive_GC_CONNECT_FAILED(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator informs the Client that it failed to find a way to connect the Client to the Server.
void ConnectFailure(const std::string &token, uint8_t tracking_number)
Callback from a Connecter to let the Game Coordinator know the connection failed.
bool Receive_GC_ERROR(Packet &p) override
Game Coordinator indicates there was an error.
std::shared_ptr< TCPConnecter > game_connecter
Pending connecter to the game server.
void GetListing()
Request a listing of all public servers.
Wrapper for (un)resolved network addresses; there's no reason to transform a numeric IP to a string a...
Definition address.h:28
Base socket handler for all Game Coordinator TCP sockets.
The socket currently connected to.
Definition tcp.h:38
Status of a network client; reasons why a client has quit.
Definition core.h:23
ClientNetworkCoordinatorSocketHandler _network_coordinator_client
The connection to the Game Coordinator.
Part of the network protocol handling STUN requests.
Part of the network protocol handling TURN requests.
Internal entity of a packet.
Definition packet.h:43
Basic functions to receive and send TCP packets to/from the Game Coordinator server.