53 return straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance ?
Wrapper class to abstract away the way the tiles are stored.
DiagDirection ReverseDiagDir(DiagDirection d)
Returns the reverse direction of the given DiagDirection.
Axis DiagDirToAxis(DiagDirection d)
Convert a DiagDirection to the axis.
RoadBits AxisToRoadBits(Axis a)
Create the road-part which belongs to the given Axis.
RoadBits DiagDirToRoadBits(DiagDirection d)
Create the road-part which belongs to the given DiagDirection.
RoadBits GetAnyRoadBits(Tile tile, RoadTramType rtt, bool straight_tunnel_bridge_entrance)
Returns the RoadBits on an arbitrary tile Special behaviour:
RoadBits GetRoadBits(Tile t, RoadTramType rtt)
Get the present road bits for a specific road type.
bool MayHaveRoad(Tile t)
Test whether a tile can have road/tram types.
bool HasTileRoadType(Tile t, RoadTramType rtt)
Check if a tile has a road or a tram road type.
DiagDirection GetRoadDepotDirection(Tile t)
Get the direction of the exit of a road depot.
Normal road.
Depot (one entrance)
Level crossing.
RoadBits GetCrossingRoadBits(Tile tile)
Get the road bits of a level crossing.
static debug_inline RoadTileType GetRoadTileType(Tile t)
Get the type of the road tile.
Enumeration for the road parts on a tile.
No road-part is build.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Maps accessors for stations.
bool IsDriveThroughStopTile(Tile t)
Is tile t a drive through road stop station or waypoint?
Axis GetDriveThroughStopAxis(Tile t)
Gets the axis of the drive through stop.
DiagDirection GetBayRoadStopDir(Tile t)
Gets the direction the bay road stop entrance points towards.
bool IsAnyRoadStopTile(Tile t)
Is tile t a road stop station?
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
static debug_inline TileType GetTileType(Tile tile)
Get the tiletype of a given tile.
A tile with road (or tram tracks)
A tile of a station.
Tunnel entry/exit and bridge heads.
Transport by road vehicle.
Functions that have tunnels and bridges in common.
DiagDirection GetTunnelBridgeDirection(Tile t)
Get the direction pointing to the other end.
TransportType GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(Tile t)
Tunnel: Get the transport type of the tunnel (road or rail) Bridge: Get the transport type of the bri...