Types related to companies.
void SetYearEngineAgingStops()
Compute the value for _year_engine_aging_stops.
const uint8_t _engine_counts[4]
Number of engines of each vehicle type in original engine data.
void SetupEngines()
Initialise the engine pool with the data from the original vehicles.
const uint8_t _engine_offsets[4]
Offset of the first engine of each vehicle type in original engine data.
uint GetTotalCapacityOfArticulatedParts(EngineID engine)
Get the capacity of an engine with articulated parts.
bool IsEngineBuildable(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, CompanyID company)
Check if an engine is buildable.
void StartupEngines()
Start/initialise all our engines.
void StartupOneEngine(Engine *e, const TimerGameCalendar::YearMonthDay &aging_ymd, uint32_t seed)
Start/initialise one engine.
void CheckEngines()
Check for engines that have an appropriate availability.
bool IsEngineRefittable(EngineID engine)
Check if an engine is refittable.
void CalcEngineReliability(Engine *e, bool new_month)
Update Engine::reliability and (if needed) update the engine GUIs.
Types related to engines.
Definition of the game-calendar-timer.
Types related to vehicles.
Available vehicle types.