Types for Standard In/Out file operations.
Kinds of files in each AbstractFileType.
bool LoadHeightmap(DetailedFileType dft, const char *filename)
Load a heightmap from file and change the map in its current dimensions to a landscape representing t...
bool GetHeightmapDimensions(DetailedFileType dft, const char *filename, uint *x, uint *y)
Get the dimensions of a heightmap.
void FlatEmptyWorld(uint8_t tile_height)
Make an empty world where all tiles are of height 'tile_height'.
Order of these enums has to be the same as in lang/english.txt Otherwise you will get inconsistent be...
Rotate the map clockwise 45 degrees.
Rotate the map counter clockwise 45 degrees.
void FixSlopes()
This function takes care of the fact that land in OpenTTD can never differ more than 1 in height.