35template <
typename Tcont,
typename Titer>
uint8_t CargoType
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
Common return value for all commands.
Endian-aware buffer adapter that always reads values in little endian order.
Endian-aware buffer adapter that always writes values in little endian order.
Types related to commands.
Modifications to route management (orders, groups, etc).
Pausing/removing companies/server settings.
List of flags for a command.
modify an order (like set full-load)
move an order
clone (and share) an order
skip an order to the next of specific one
delete an order
change the refit information of an order (for "goto depot" )
clear the order backup of a given user/tile
insert a new order
the command has implicit location argument.
set p2 with the ClientID of the sending client.
'Unique' identifier to be given to clients
CommandCost CmdMoveOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh, VehicleOrderID moving_order, VehicleOrderID target_order)
Move an order inside the orderlist.
CommandCost CmdOrderRefit(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh, VehicleOrderID order_number, CargoType cargo)
Add/remove refit orders from an order.
CommandCost CmdCloneOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, CloneOptions action, VehicleID veh_dst, VehicleID veh_src)
Clone/share/copy an order-list of another vehicle.
CommandCost CmdInsertOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh, VehicleOrderID sel_ord, const Order &new_order)
Add an order to the orderlist of a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdModifyOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh, VehicleOrderID sel_ord, ModifyOrderFlags mof, uint16_t data)
Modify an order in the orderlist of a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdDeleteOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh_id, VehicleOrderID sel_ord)
Delete an order from the orderlist of a vehicle.
CommandCost CmdSkipToOrder(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh_id, VehicleOrderID sel_ord)
Goto order of order-list.
CommandCost CmdClearOrderBackup(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, ClientID user_id)
Clear an OrderBackup.
Enumeration for the data to set in CmdModifyOrder.
uint8_t VehicleOrderID
The index of an order within its current vehicle (not pool related)
Clone actions.
uint16_t max_speed
How fast the vehicle may go on the way to the destination.
uint8_t type
The type of order + non-stop flags.
uint16_t wait_time
How long in ticks to wait at the destination.
uint8_t flags
Load/unload types, depot order/action types.
DestinationID dest
The destination of the order.
CargoType refit_cargo
Refit CargoType.
uint16_t travel_time
How long in ticks the journey to this destination should take.
uint32_t VehicleID
The type all our vehicle IDs have.