OpenTTD Source  20241108-master-g80f628063a
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
6  */
10 #include "stdafx.h"
11 #include "station_base.h"
12 #include "table/strings.h"
13 #include "table/airport_movement.h"
14 #include "table/airporttile_ids.h"
16 #include "safeguards.h"
27 #define AIRPORT_GENERIC(name, terminals, num_helipads, flags, delta_z) \
28  static const AirportFTAClass _airportfta_ ## name(_airport_moving_data_ ## name, terminals, \
29  num_helipads, _airport_entries_ ## name, flags, _airport_fta_ ## name, delta_z);
37 #define AIRPORT(name, num_helipads, short_strip) \
38  AIRPORT_GENERIC(name, _airport_terminal_ ## name, num_helipads, AirportFTAClass::ALL | (short_strip ? AirportFTAClass::SHORT_STRIP : (AirportFTAClass::Flags)0), 0)
46 #define HELIPORT(name, num_helipads, delta_z) \
47  AIRPORT_GENERIC(name, nullptr, num_helipads, AirportFTAClass::HELICOPTERS, delta_z)
49 AIRPORT(country, 0, true)
50 AIRPORT(city, 0, false)
51 HELIPORT(heliport, 1, 60)
52 AIRPORT(metropolitan, 0, false)
53 AIRPORT(international, 2, false)
54 AIRPORT(commuter, 2, true)
55 HELIPORT(helidepot, 1, 0)
56 AIRPORT(intercontinental, 2, false)
57 HELIPORT(helistation, 3, 0)
58 HELIPORT(oilrig, 1, 54)
59 AIRPORT_GENERIC(dummy, nullptr, 0, AirportFTAClass::ALL, 0)
61 #undef HELIPORT
62 #undef AIRPORT
65 #include "table/airport_defaults.h"
68 static uint16_t AirportGetNofElements(const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA);
69 static AirportFTA *AirportBuildAutomata(uint nofelements, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA);
80 AirportMovingData RotateAirportMovingData(const AirportMovingData *orig, Direction rotation, uint num_tiles_x, uint num_tiles_y)
81 {
83  amd.flag = orig->flag;
84  amd.direction = ChangeDir(orig->direction, (DirDiff)rotation);
85  switch (rotation) {
86  case DIR_N:
87  amd.x = orig->x;
88  amd.y = orig->y;
89  break;
91  case DIR_E:
92  amd.x = orig->y;
93  amd.y = num_tiles_y * TILE_SIZE - orig->x - 1;
94  break;
96  case DIR_S:
97  amd.x = num_tiles_x * TILE_SIZE - orig->x - 1;
98  amd.y = num_tiles_y * TILE_SIZE - orig->y - 1;
99  break;
101  case DIR_W:
102  amd.x = num_tiles_x * TILE_SIZE - orig->y - 1;
103  amd.y = orig->x;
104  break;
106  default: NOT_REACHED();
107  }
108  return amd;
109 }
111 AirportFTAClass::AirportFTAClass(
112  const AirportMovingData *moving_data_,
113  const uint8_t *terminals_,
114  const uint8_t num_helipads_,
115  const uint8_t *entry_points_,
116  Flags flags_,
117  const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA,
118  uint8_t delta_z_
119 ) :
120  moving_data(moving_data_),
121  terminals(terminals_),
122  num_helipads(num_helipads_),
123  flags(flags_),
124  nofelements(AirportGetNofElements(apFA)),
125  entry_points(entry_points_),
126  delta_z(delta_z_)
127 {
128  /* Build the state machine itself */
129  this->layout = AirportBuildAutomata(this->nofelements, apFA);
130 }
132 AirportFTAClass::~AirportFTAClass()
133 {
134  for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) {
135  AirportFTA *current = layout[i].next;
136  while (current != nullptr) {
137  AirportFTA *next = current->next;
138  free(current);
139  current = next;
140  }
141  }
142  free(layout);
143 }
150 static uint16_t AirportGetNofElements(const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA)
151 {
152  uint16_t nofelements = 0;
153  int temp = apFA[0].position;
155  for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_ELEMENTS; i++) {
156  if (temp != apFA[i].position) {
157  nofelements++;
158  temp = apFA[i].position;
159  }
160  if (apFA[i].position == MAX_ELEMENTS) break;
161  }
162  return nofelements;
163 }
171 static AirportFTA *AirportBuildAutomata(uint nofelements, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA)
172 {
173  AirportFTA *FAutomata = MallocT<AirportFTA>(nofelements);
174  uint16_t internalcounter = 0;
176  for (uint i = 0; i < nofelements; i++) {
177  AirportFTA *current = &FAutomata[i];
178  current->position = apFA[internalcounter].position;
179  current->heading = apFA[internalcounter].heading;
180  current->block = apFA[internalcounter].block;
181  current->next_position = apFA[internalcounter].next;
183  /* outgoing nodes from the same position, create linked list */
184  while (current->position == apFA[internalcounter + 1].position) {
185  AirportFTA *newNode = MallocT<AirportFTA>(1);
187  newNode->position = apFA[internalcounter + 1].position;
188  newNode->heading = apFA[internalcounter + 1].heading;
189  newNode->block = apFA[internalcounter + 1].block;
190  newNode->next_position = apFA[internalcounter + 1].next;
191  /* create link */
192  current->next = newNode;
193  current = current->next;
194  internalcounter++;
195  }
196  current->next = nullptr;
197  internalcounter++;
198  }
199  return FAutomata;
200 }
207 const AirportFTAClass *GetAirport(const uint8_t airport_type)
208 {
209  if (airport_type == AT_DUMMY) return &_airportfta_dummy;
210  return AirportSpec::Get(airport_type)->fsm;
211 }
218 uint8_t GetVehiclePosOnBuild(TileIndex hangar_tile)
219 {
220  const Station *st = Station::GetByTile(hangar_tile);
221  const AirportFTAClass *apc = st->airport.GetFTA();
222  /* When we click on hangar we know the tile it is on. By that we know
223  * its position in the array of depots the airport has.....we can search
224  * layout for #th position of depot. Since layout must start with a listing
225  * of all depots, it is simple */
226  for (uint i = 0;; i++) {
227  if (st->airport.GetHangarTile(i) == hangar_tile) {
228  assert(apc->layout[i].heading == HANGAR);
229  return apc->layout[i].position;
230  }
231  }
233 }
#define AIRPORT(name, num_helipads, short_strip)
Define an airport.
Definition: airport.cpp:37
#define AIRPORT_GENERIC(name, terminals, num_helipads, flags, delta_z)
Define a generic airport.
Definition: airport.cpp:27
static uint16_t AirportGetNofElements(const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA)
Get the number of elements of a source Airport state automata Since it is actually just a big array o...
Definition: airport.cpp:150
const AirportFTAClass * GetAirport(const uint8_t airport_type)
Get the finite state machine of an airport type.
Definition: airport.cpp:207
uint8_t GetVehiclePosOnBuild(TileIndex hangar_tile)
Get the vehicle position when an aircraft is build at the given tile.
Definition: airport.cpp:218
AirportMovingData RotateAirportMovingData(const AirportMovingData *orig, Direction rotation, uint num_tiles_x, uint num_tiles_y)
Rotate the airport moving data to another rotation.
Definition: airport.cpp:80
static AirportFTA * AirportBuildAutomata(uint nofelements, const AirportFTAbuildup *apFA)
Construct the FTA given a description.
Definition: airport.cpp:171
#define HELIPORT(name, num_helipads, delta_z)
Define a heliport.
Definition: airport.cpp:46
static const uint MAX_ELEMENTS
maximum number of aircraft positions at airport
Definition: airport.h:19
Dummy airport.
Definition: airport.h:43
Heading for hangar.
Definition: airport.h:62
Tables with default values for airports and airport tiles.
Heart of the airports and their finite state machines.
Enum of the default airport tiles.
Direction ChangeDir(Direction d, DirDiff delta)
Change a direction by a given difference.
Defines the 8 directions on the map.
Allow incrementing of Direction variables.
A number of safeguards to prevent using unsafe methods.
Base classes/functions for stations.
Definition of base types and functions in a cross-platform compatible way.
void free(const void *ptr)
Version of the standard free that accepts const pointers.
Definition: stdafx.h:334
Finite sTate mAchine (FTA) of an airport.
Definition: airport.h:143
struct AirportFTA * layout
state machine for airport
Definition: airport.h:177
uint8_t nofelements
number of positions the airport consists of
Definition: airport.h:181
Internal structure used in openttd - Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA.
Definition: airport.h:190
AirportFTA * next
possible extra movement choices from this position
Definition: airport.h:191
uint8_t heading
heading (current orders), guiding an airplane to its target on an airport
Definition: airport.h:195
uint64_t block
64 bit blocks (st->airport.flags), should be enough for the most complex airports
Definition: airport.h:192
uint8_t position
the position that an airplane is at
Definition: airport.h:193
uint8_t next_position
next position from this position
Definition: airport.h:194
State machine input struct (from external file, etc.) Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA.
uint8_t heading
The current orders (eg. TAKEOFF, HANGAR, ENDLANDING, etc.).
uint8_t next
Next position from this position.
uint8_t position
The position that an airplane is at.
uint64_t block
The block this position is on on the airport (st->airport.flags).
A single location on an airport where aircraft can move to.
Definition: airport.h:131
uint16_t flag
special flags when moving towards the destination.
Definition: airport.h:134
int16_t x
x-coordinate of the destination.
Definition: airport.h:132
int16_t y
y-coordinate of the destination.
Definition: airport.h:133
Direction direction
Direction to turn the aircraft after reaching the destination.
Definition: airport.h:135
const struct AirportFTAClass * fsm
the finite statemachine for the default airports
static const AirportSpec * Get(uint8_t type)
Retrieve airport spec for the given airport.
const AirportFTAClass * GetFTA() const
Get the finite-state machine for this airport or the finite-state machine for the dummy airport in ca...
Definition: station_base.h:317
TileIndex GetHangarTile(uint hangar_num) const
Get the first tile of the given hangar.
Definition: station_base.h:358
static Station * GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
Get the station belonging to a specific tile.
Station data structure.
Definition: station_base.h:439
Airport airport
Tile area the airport covers.
Definition: station_base.h:453
static const uint TILE_SIZE
Tile size in world coordinates.
Definition: tile_type.h:15