constexpr debug_inline bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8_t y)
Checks if a bit in a value is set.
constexpr T SB(T &x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n, const U d)
Set n bits in x starting at bit s to d.
constexpr T SetBit(T &x, const uint8_t y)
Set a bit in a variable.
constexpr static debug_inline uint GB(const T x, const uint8_t s, const uint8_t n)
Fetch n bits from x, started at bit s.
Types related to cargoes...
uint8_t CargoID
Cargo slots to indicate a cargo type within a game.
uint16_t SourceID
Contains either industry ID, town ID or company ID (or INVALID_SOURCE)
static const CargoID NUM_CARGO
Maximum number of cargo types in a game.
Types of cargo source and destination.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_COMPANY_START
Start bit of the company field.
CargoID DecodeMonitorCargoType(CargoMonitorID num)
Extract the cargo type from the cargo monitor.
void ClearCargoDeliveryMonitoring(CompanyID company=INVALID_OWNER)
Clear all delivery cargo monitors.
void AddCargoDelivery(CargoID cargo_type, CompanyID company, uint32_t amount, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, const Station *st, IndustryID dest=INVALID_INDUSTRY)
Cargo was delivered to its final destination, update the pickup and delivery maps.
CargoMonitorID EncodeCargoTownMonitor(CompanyID company, CargoID ctype, TownID town)
Encode a cargo monitoring number for pickup or delivery at a town.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_START
Start bit of the town or industry number.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_IS_INDUSTRY_BIT
Bit indicating the town/industry number is an industry.
CargoMonitorMap _cargo_deliveries
Map of monitored deliveries to the amount since last query/activation.
void ClearCargoPickupMonitoring(CompanyID company=INVALID_OWNER)
Clear all pick-up cargo monitors.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_CARGO_TYPE_LENGTH
Number of bits of the cargo type field.
IndustryID DecodeMonitorIndustry(CargoMonitorID num)
Extract the industry number from the cargo monitor.
bool MonitorMonitorsIndustry(CargoMonitorID num)
Does the cargo number monitor an industry or a town?
uint32_t CargoMonitorID
Unique number for a company / cargo type / (town or industry).
constexpr uint8_t CCB_TOWN_IND_NUMBER_LENGTH
Number of bits of the town or industry number.
int32_t GetPickupAmount(CargoMonitorID monitor, bool keep_monitoring)
Get the amount of cargo picked up for the given cargo monitor since activation or last query.
int32_t GetDeliveryAmount(CargoMonitorID monitor, bool keep_monitoring)
Get the amount of cargo delivered for the given cargo monitor since activation or last query.
CargoMonitorMap _cargo_pickups
Map of monitored pick-ups to the amount since last query/activation.
CargoMonitorID EncodeCargoIndustryMonitor(CompanyID company, CargoID ctype, IndustryID ind)
Encode a cargo monitor for pickup or delivery at an industry.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_CARGO_TYPE_START
Start bit of the cargo type field.
std::map< CargoMonitorID, OverflowSafeInt32 > CargoMonitorMap
Map type for storing and updating active cargo monitor numbers and their amounts.
CompanyID DecodeMonitorCompany(CargoMonitorID num)
Extract the company from the cargo monitor.
TownID DecodeMonitorTown(CargoMonitorID num)
Extract the town number from the cargo monitor.
constexpr uint8_t CCB_COMPANY_LENGTH
Number of bits of the company field.
Functions related to companies.
Enum for all companies/owners.
An invalid owner.
Maximum number of companies.
An overflow safe integer-like type.
Town * town
The town this station is associated with.