OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
station_cmd.cpp File Reference

Handling of station tiles. More...

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "aircraft.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "vehiclelist_func.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "viewport_kdtree.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "ship.h"
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "newgrf_debug.h"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "newgrf_canal.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf_cache.h"
#include "road_internal.h"
#include "autoslope.h"
#include "water.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "clear_func.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "animated_tile_func.h"
#include "elrail_func.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "station_func.h"
#include "station_kdtree.h"
#include "roadstop_base.h"
#include "newgrf_railtype.h"
#include "newgrf_roadtype.h"
#include "waypoint_base.h"
#include "waypoint_func.h"
#include "pbs.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "core/container_func.hpp"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "table/airporttile_ids.h"
#include "newgrf_airporttiles.h"
#include "order_backup.h"
#include "newgrf_house.h"
#include "company_gui.h"
#include "linkgraph/linkgraph_base.h"
#include "linkgraph/refresh.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "station_cmd.h"
#include "waypoint_cmd.h"
#include "landscape_cmd.h"
#include "rail_cmd.h"
#include "newgrf_roadstop.h"
#include "timer/timer.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_economy.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_tick.h"
#include "cheat_type.h"
#include "road_func.h"
#include "widgets/station_widget.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include <bitset>
#include "safeguards.h"
#include "table/station_land.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  StationNameInformation
 Information to handle station action 0 property 24 correctly. More...


#define M(x)   ((x) - STR_SV_STNAME)


typedef bool(* CMSAMatcher) (TileIndex tile)
 Function to check whether the given tile matches some criterion.


enum  StationNaming : uint8_t {


bool IsHangar (Tile t)
 Check whether the given tile is a hangar.
template<class T , class F >
CommandCost GetStationAround (TileArea ta, StationID closest_station, CompanyID company, T **st, F filter)
 Look for a station owned by the given company around the given tile area.
static int CountMapSquareAround (TileIndex tile, CMSAMatcher cmp)
 Counts the numbers of tiles matching a specific type in the area around.
static bool CMSAMine (TileIndex tile)
 Check whether the tile is a mine.
static bool CMSAWater (TileIndex tile)
 Check whether the tile is water.
static bool CMSATree (TileIndex tile)
 Check whether the tile is a tree.
static bool FindNearIndustryName (TileIndex tile, void *user_data)
 Find a station action 0 property 24 station name, or reduce the free_names if needed.
static StringID GenerateStationName (Station *st, TileIndex tile, StationNaming name_class)
static StationGetClosestDeletedStation (TileIndex tile)
 Find the closest deleted station of the current company.
void UpdateAllStationVirtCoords ()
 Update the virtual coords needed to draw the station sign for all stations.
void ClearAllStationCachedNames ()
CargoTypes GetAcceptanceMask (const Station *st)
 Get a mask of the cargo types that the station accepts.
CargoTypes GetEmptyMask (const Station *st)
 Get a mask of the cargo types that are empty at the station.
static void ShowRejectOrAcceptNews (const Station *st, CargoTypes cargoes, bool reject)
 Add news item for when a station changes which cargoes it accepts.
CargoArray GetProductionAroundTiles (TileIndex north_tile, int w, int h, int rad)
 Get the cargo types being produced around the tile (in a rectangle).
CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundTiles (TileIndex center_tile, int w, int h, int rad, CargoTypes *always_accepted)
 Get the acceptance of cargoes around the tile in 1/8.
static CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundStation (const Station *st, CargoTypes *always_accepted)
 Get the acceptance of cargoes around the station in.
void UpdateStationAcceptance (Station *st, bool show_msg)
 Update the acceptance for a station.
static void UpdateStationSignCoord (BaseStation *st)
static CommandCost BuildStationPart (Station **st, DoCommandFlags flags, bool reuse, TileArea area, StationNaming name_class)
 Common part of building various station parts and possibly attaching them to an existing one.
static void DeleteStationIfEmpty (BaseStation *st)
 This is called right after a station was deleted.
CommandCost ClearTile_Station (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Clear a single tile of a station.
CommandCost CheckBuildableTile (TileIndex tile, uint invalid_dirs, int &allowed_z, bool allow_steep, bool check_bridge=true)
 Checks if the given tile is buildable, flat and has a certain height.
static CommandCost CheckFlatLandAirport (AirportTileTableIterator tile_iter, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Checks if an airport can be built at the given location and clear the area.
static CommandCost CheckFlatLandRailStation (TileIndex tile_cur, TileIndex north_tile, int &allowed_z, DoCommandFlags flags, Axis axis, StationID *station, RailType rt, std::vector< Train * > &affected_vehicles, StationClassID spec_class, uint16_t spec_index, uint8_t plat_len, uint8_t numtracks)
 Checks if a rail station can be built at the given tile.
CommandCost CheckFlatLandRoadStop (TileIndex cur_tile, int &allowed_z, DoCommandFlags flags, uint invalid_dirs, bool is_drive_through, StationType station_type, Axis axis, StationID *station, RoadType rt)
 Checks if a road stop can be built at the given tile.
CommandCost CanExpandRailStation (const BaseStation *st, TileArea &new_ta)
 Check whether we can expand the rail part of the given station.
static uint8_t * CreateSingle (uint8_t *layout, int n)
static uint8_t * CreateMulti (uint8_t *layout, int n, uint8_t b)
void GetStationLayout (uint8_t *layout, uint numtracks, uint plat_len, const StationSpec *statspec)
 Create the station layout for the given number of tracks and platform length.
template<class T , StringID error_message, class F >
CommandCost FindJoiningBaseStation (StationID existing_station, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent, TileArea ta, T **st, F filter)
 Find a nearby station that joins this station.
static CommandCost FindJoiningStation (StationID existing_station, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent, TileArea ta, Station **st)
 Find a nearby station that joins this station.
CommandCost FindJoiningWaypoint (StationID existing_waypoint, StationID waypoint_to_join, bool adjacent, TileArea ta, Waypoint **wp, bool is_road)
 Find a nearby waypoint that joins this waypoint.
static void FreeTrainReservation (Train *v)
 Clear platform reservation during station building/removing.
static void RestoreTrainReservation (Train *v)
 Restore platform reservation during station building/removing.
static CommandCost CalculateRailStationCost (TileArea tile_area, DoCommandFlags flags, Axis axis, StationID *station, RailType rt, std::vector< Train * > &affected_vehicles, StationClassID spec_class, uint16_t spec_index, uint8_t plat_len, uint8_t numtracks)
 Calculates cost of new rail stations within the area.
static StationSpec::TileFlags GetStationTileFlags (StationGfx gfx, const StationSpec *statspec)
 Get station tile flags for the given StationGfx.
void SetRailStationTileFlags (TileIndex tile, const StationSpec *statspec)
 Set rail station tile flags for the given tile.
CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile_org, RailType rt, Axis axis, uint8_t numtracks, uint8_t plat_len, StationClassID spec_class, uint16_t spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
 Build rail station.
static TileArea MakeStationAreaSmaller (BaseStation *st, TileArea ta, bool(*func)(BaseStation *, TileIndex))
static bool TileBelongsToRailStation (BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile)
static void MakeRailStationAreaSmaller (BaseStation *st)
static bool TileBelongsToShipStation (BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile)
static void MakeShipStationAreaSmaller (Station *st)
static bool TileBelongsToRoadWaypointStation (BaseStation *st, TileIndex tile)
void MakeRoadWaypointStationAreaSmaller (BaseStation *st, TileArea &road_waypoint_area)
template<class T >
CommandCost RemoveFromRailBaseStation (TileArea ta, std::vector< T * > &affected_stations, DoCommandFlags flags, Money removal_cost, bool keep_rail)
 Remove a number of tiles from any rail station within the area.
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail)
 Remove a single tile from a rail station.
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail)
 Remove a single tile from a waypoint.
template<class T >
CommandCost RemoveRailStation (T *st, DoCommandFlags flags, Money removal_cost)
 Remove a rail station/waypoint.
static CommandCost RemoveRailStation (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Remove a rail station.
static CommandCost RemoveRailWaypoint (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Remove a rail waypoint.
static RoadStop ** FindRoadStopSpot (bool truck_station, Station *st)
static CommandCost RemoveRoadStop (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags, int replacement_spec_index)
 Remove a bus station/truck stop.
CommandCost RemoveRoadWaypointStop (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags, int replacement_spec_index)
 Remove a road waypoint.
static CommandCost FindJoiningRoadStop (StationID existing_stop, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent, TileArea ta, Station **st)
 Find a nearby station that joins this road stop.
CommandCost CalculateRoadStopCost (TileArea tile_area, DoCommandFlags flags, bool is_drive_through, StationType station_type, Axis axis, DiagDirection ddir, StationID *est, RoadType rt, Money unit_cost)
 Calculates cost of new road stops within the area.
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, uint8_t width, uint8_t length, RoadStopType stop_type, bool is_drive_through, DiagDirection ddir, RoadType rt, RoadStopClassID spec_class, uint16_t spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
 Build a bus or truck stop.
static VehicleClearRoadStopStatusEnum (Vehicle *v, void *)
static CommandCost RemoveGenericRoadStop (DoCommandFlags flags, const TileArea &roadstop_area, bool road_waypoint, bool remove_road)
 Remove a tile area of road stop or road waypoints.
CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, RoadStopType stop_type, bool remove_road)
 Remove bus or truck stops.
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRoadWaypoint (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end)
 Remove road waypoints.
uint8_t GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance (const AirportSpec *as, uint distance)
 Get a possible noise reduction factor based on distance from town center.
TownAirportGetNearestTown (const AirportSpec *as, Direction rotation, TileIndex tile, TileIterator &&it, uint &mindist)
 Finds the town nearest to given airport.
static TownAirportGetNearestTown (const Station *st, uint &mindist)
 Finds the town nearest to given existing airport.
void UpdateAirportsNoise ()
 Recalculate the noise generated by the airports of each town.
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, uint8_t airport_type, uint8_t layout, StationID station_to_join, bool allow_adjacent)
 Place an Airport.
static CommandCost RemoveAirport (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Remove an airport.
CommandCost CmdOpenCloseAirport (DoCommandFlags flags, StationID station_id)
 Open/close an airport to incoming aircraft.
bool HasStationInUse (StationID station, bool include_company, CompanyID company)
 Tests whether the company's vehicles have this station in orders.
CommandCost CmdBuildDock (DoCommandFlags flags, TileIndex tile, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent)
 Build a dock/haven.
void RemoveDockingTile (TileIndex t)
void ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours (TileIndex tile)
 Clear docking tile status from tiles around a removed dock, if the tile has no neighbours which would keep it as a docking tile.
static TileIndex FindDockLandPart (TileIndex t)
 Find the part of a dock that is land-based.
static CommandCost RemoveDock (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Remove a dock.
const DrawTileSpritesGetStationTileLayout (StationType st, uint8_t gfx)
 Get station tile layout for a station type and its station gfx.
bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay (const TileInfo *ti, SpriteID *ground, RailTrackOffset *overlay_offset)
 Check whether a sprite is a track sprite, which can be replaced by a non-track ground sprite and a rail overlay.
static void DrawTile_Station (TileInfo *ti)
void StationPickerDrawSprite (int x, int y, StationType st, RailType railtype, RoadType roadtype, int image)
static int GetSlopePixelZ_Station (TileIndex tile, uint, uint, bool)
static Foundation GetFoundation_Station (TileIndex, Slope tileh)
static void FillTileDescRoadStop (TileIndex tile, TileDesc &td)
void FillTileDescRailStation (TileIndex tile, TileDesc &td)
void FillTileDescAirport (TileIndex tile, TileDesc &td)
static void GetTileDesc_Station (TileIndex tile, TileDesc &td)
static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Station (TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
static void TileLoop_Station (TileIndex tile)
static void AnimateTile_Station (TileIndex tile)
static bool ClickTile_Station (TileIndex tile)
static VehicleEnterTileStatus VehicleEnter_Station (Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
void TriggerWatchedCargoCallbacks (Station *st)
 Run the watched cargo callback for all houses in the catchment area.
static bool StationHandleBigTick (BaseStation *st)
 This function is called for each station once every 250 ticks.
static void byte_inc_sat (uint8_t *p)
static void TruncateCargo (const CargoSpec *cs, GoodsEntry *ge, uint amount=UINT_MAX)
 Truncate the cargo by a specific amount.
static void UpdateStationRating (Station *st)
void RerouteCargo (Station *st, CargoType c, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2)
 Reroute cargo of type c at station st or in any vehicles unloading there.
void DeleteStaleLinks (Station *from)
 Check all next hops of cargo packets in this station for existence of a a valid link they may use to travel on.
void IncreaseStats (Station *st, CargoType cargo, StationID next_station_id, uint capacity, uint usage, uint32_t time, EdgeUpdateMode mode)
 Increase capacity for a link stat given by station cargo and next hop.
void IncreaseStats (Station *st, const Vehicle *front, StationID next_station_id, uint32_t time)
 Increase capacity for all link stats associated with vehicles in the given consist.
static void StationHandleSmallTick (BaseStation *st)
void OnTick_Station ()
void ModifyStationRatingAround (TileIndex tile, Owner owner, int amount, uint radius)
static uint UpdateStationWaiting (Station *st, CargoType type, uint amount, Source source)
static bool IsUniqueStationName (const std::string &name)
CommandCost CmdRenameStation (DoCommandFlags flags, StationID station_id, const std::string &text)
 Rename a station.
static void AddNearbyStationsByCatchment (TileIndex tile, StationList &stations, StationList &nearby)
static bool CanMoveGoodsToStation (const Station *st, CargoType type)
uint MoveGoodsToStation (CargoType type, uint amount, Source source, const StationList &all_stations, Owner exclusivity)
void UpdateStationDockingTiles (Station *st)
void BuildOilRig (TileIndex tile)
void DeleteOilRig (TileIndex tile)
static void ChangeTileOwner_Station (TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
static CommandCost CanRemoveRoadWithStop (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
 Check if a drive-through road stop tile can be cleared.
static CommandCost TerraformTile_Station (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags, int z_new, Slope tileh_new)


static const TileIndexDiffC _dock_tileoffs_chkaround []
static const uint8_t _dock_w_chk [4] = { 2, 1, 2, 1 }
static const uint8_t _dock_h_chk [4] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy_economy_stations_monthly ({TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::STATION}, [](auto) { for(Station *st :Station::Iterate()) { for(GoodsEntry &ge :st->goods) { SB(ge.status, GoodsEntry::GES_LAST_MONTH, 1, GB(ge.status, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH, 1));ClrBit(ge.status, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH);} } })
 Economy monthly loop for stations.
const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_station_procs

Detailed Description

Handling of station tiles.

Definition in file station_cmd.cpp.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ M

#define M (   x)    ((x) - STR_SV_STNAME)

Definition at line 213 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CMSAMatcher

typedef bool(* CMSAMatcher) (TileIndex tile)

Function to check whether the given tile matches some criterion.

tilethe tile to check
true if it matches, false otherwise

Definition at line 144 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StationNaming

enum StationNaming : uint8_t

Definition at line 215 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AddNearbyStationsByCatchment()

static void AddNearbyStationsByCatchment ( TileIndex  tile,
StationList stations,
StationList nearby 

Definition at line 4340 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ AirportGetNearestTown() [1/2]

Town * AirportGetNearestTown ( const AirportSpec as,
Direction  rotation,
TileIndex  tile,
TileIterator &&  it,
uint &  mindist 

Finds the town nearest to given airport.

Based on minimal manhattan distance to any airport's tile. If two towns have the same distance, town with lower index is returned.

asairport's description
rotationairport's rotation
tileorigin tile (top corner of the airport)
itAn iterator over all airport tiles (consumed)
[out]mindistMinimum distance to town
nearest town to airport

Definition at line 2448 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CalcClosestTownFromTile(), DIR_E, DIR_W, DistanceManhattan(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::GetNumItems(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_TILE, IsInsideBS(), AirportSpec::size_x, AirportSpec::size_y, TileX(), TileY(), and Town::xy.

Referenced by AirportGetNearestTown(), CmdBuildAirport(), RemoveAirport(), and UpdateAirportsNoise().

◆ AirportGetNearestTown() [2/2]

static Town * AirportGetNearestTown ( const Station st,
uint &  mindist 

Finds the town nearest to given existing airport.

Based on minimal manhattan distance to any airport's tile. If two towns have the same distance, town with lower index is returned.

stationexisting station with airport
[out]mindistMinimum distance to town
nearest town to airport

Definition at line 2491 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::airport, AirportGetNearestTown(), Airport::GetSpec(), Airport::rotation, and OrthogonalTileArea::tile.

◆ AnimateTile_Station()

static void AnimateTile_Station ( TileIndex  tile)

Definition at line 3667 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ BuildOilRig()

void BuildOilRig ( TileIndex  tile)

Definition at line 4502 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ BuildStationPart()

static CommandCost BuildStationPart ( Station **  st,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
bool  reuse,
TileArea  area,
StationNaming  name_class 

Common part of building various station parts and possibly attaching them to an existing one.

[in,out]stStation to attach to
flagsCommand flags
reuseWhether to try to reuse a deleted station (gray sign) if possible
areaArea occupied by the new part
name_classStation naming class to use to generate the new station's name
Command error that occurred, if any

Definition at line 697 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_station_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), ClosestTownFromTile(), CMD_ERROR, Execute, CommandCost::Failed(), GenerateStationName(), GetClosestDeletedStation(), OrthogonalTileArea::h, Kdtree< T, TxyFunc, CoordT, DistT >::Insert(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), OrthogonalTileArea::tile, and OrthogonalTileArea::w.

Referenced by CmdBuildAirport(), CmdBuildDock(), CmdBuildRailStation(), and CmdBuildRoadStop().

◆ byte_inc_sat()

static void byte_inc_sat ( uint8_t *  p)

Definition at line 3800 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ CalculateRailStationCost()

static CommandCost CalculateRailStationCost ( TileArea  tile_area,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
Axis  axis,
StationID station,
RailType  rt,
std::vector< Train * > &  affected_vehicles,
StationClassID  spec_class,
uint16_t  spec_index,
uint8_t  plat_len,
uint8_t  numtracks 

Calculates cost of new rail stations within the area.

tile_areaArea to check.
flagsOperation to perform.
axisRail station axis.
stationStationID to be queried and returned if available.
rtThe rail type to check for (overbuilding rail stations over rail).
affected_vehiclesList of trains with PBS reservations on the tiles
spec_classStation class.
spec_indexIndex into the station class.
plat_lenPlatform length.
numtracksNumber of platforms.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 1265 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CommandCost::AddCost(), CheckFlatLandRailStation(), EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), GetRailStationAxis(), IsRailStationTile(), RailBuildCost(), and OrthogonalTileArea::tile.

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation().

◆ CalculateRoadStopCost()

CommandCost CalculateRoadStopCost ( TileArea  tile_area,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
bool  is_drive_through,
StationType  station_type,
Axis  axis,
DiagDirection  ddir,
StationID est,
RoadType  rt,
Money  unit_cost 

Calculates cost of new road stops within the area.

tile_areaArea to check.
flagsOperation to perform.
is_drive_throughTrue if trying to build a drive-through station.
station_typeStation type (bus, truck or road waypoint).
axisAxis of a drive-through road stop.
ddirEntrance direction (DiagDirection) for normal stops. Converted to the axis for drive-through stops.
stationStationID to be queried and returned if available.
rtRoad type to build, may be INVALID_ROADTYPE if an existing road is required.
unit_costThe cost to build one road stop of the current type.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 1915 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CommandCost::AddCost(), AxisToDiagDir(), CheckFlatLandRoadStop(), EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), IsAnyRoadStop(), IsTileType(), MP_STATION, ReverseDiagDir(), and SetBit().

Referenced by CmdBuildRoadStop(), and CmdBuildRoadWaypoint().

◆ CanExpandRailStation()

CommandCost CanExpandRailStation ( const BaseStation st,
TileArea new_ta 

Check whether we can expand the rail part of the given station.

stthe station to expand
new_tathe current (and if all is fine new) tile area of the rail part of the station
Succeeded or failed command.

Definition at line 1077 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, OrthogonalTileArea::h, GameSettings::station, StationSettings::station_spread, OrthogonalTileArea::tile, TileX(), TileXY(), TileY(), BaseStation::train_station, and OrthogonalTileArea::w.

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation(), and CmdBuildRailWaypoint().

◆ CanMoveGoodsToStation()

static bool CanMoveGoodsToStation ( const Station st,
CargoType  type 

Definition at line 4370 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ CanRemoveRoadWithStop()

static CommandCost CanRemoveRoadWithStop ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

Check if a drive-through road stop tile can be cleared.

Road stops built on town-owned roads check the conditions that would allow clearing of the original road.

tileThe road stop tile to check.
flagsCommand flags.
A succeeded command if the road can be removed, a failed command with the relevant error message otherwise.

Definition at line 4660 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CheckAllowRemoveRoad(), CheckOwnership(), CommandCost::Failed(), GetAnyRoadBits(), GetRoadOwner(), INVALID_ROADTYPE, OWNER_NONE, OWNER_TOWN, and OWNER_WATER.

Referenced by ClearTile_Station().

◆ ChangeTileOwner_Station()

static void ChangeTileOwner_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
Owner  old_owner,
Owner  new_owner 

Definition at line 4566 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ CheckBuildableTile()

CommandCost CheckBuildableTile ( TileIndex  tile,
uint  invalid_dirs,
int &  allowed_z,
bool  allow_steep,
bool  check_bridge = true 

Checks if the given tile is buildable, flat and has a certain height.

tileTileIndex to check.
invalid_dirsProhibited directions for slopes (set of DiagDirection).
allowed_zHeight allowed for the tile. If allowed_z is negative, it will be set to the height of this tile.
allow_steepWhether steep slopes are allowed.
check_bridgeCheck for the existence of a bridge.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 799 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, CommandCost::AddCost(), ConstructionSettings::build_on_slopes, CanBuildDepotByTileh(), GameSettings::construction, DIAGDIR_BEGIN, DIAGDIR_END, EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(), EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), GetSlopeMaxZ(), GetTileSlopeZ(), HasBit(), IsBridgeAbove(), IsSteepSlope(), and SLOPE_FLAT.

Referenced by CheckFlatLandAirport(), CheckFlatLandRailStation(), CheckFlatLandRoadStop(), and CmdBuildObject().

◆ CheckFlatLandAirport()

static CommandCost CheckFlatLandAirport ( AirportTileTableIterator  tile_iter,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

Checks if an airport can be built at the given location and clear the area.

tile_iterAirport tile iterator.
flagsOperation to perform.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 848 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CommandCost::AddCost(), CheckBuildableTile(), EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), and INVALID_TILE.

Referenced by CmdBuildAirport().

◆ CheckFlatLandRailStation()

static CommandCost CheckFlatLandRailStation ( TileIndex  tile_cur,
TileIndex  north_tile,
int &  allowed_z,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
Axis  axis,
StationID station,
RailType  rt,
std::vector< Train * > &  affected_vehicles,
StationClassID  spec_class,
uint16_t  spec_index,
uint8_t  plat_len,
uint8_t  numtracks 

Checks if a rail station can be built at the given tile.

tile_curTile to check.
north_tileNorth tile of the area being checked.
allowed_zHeight allowed for the tile. If allowed_z is negative, it will be set to the height of this tile.
flagsOperation to perform.
axisRail station axis.
stationStationID to be queried and returned if available.
rtThe rail type to check for (overbuilding rail stations over rail).
affected_vehiclesList of trains with PBS reservations on the tiles
spec_classStation class.
spec_indexIndex into the station class.
plat_lenPlatform length.
numtracksNumber of platforms.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 882 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CommandCost::AddCost(), Auto, StationSpec::callback_mask, CheckBuildableTile(), ClearTile_Station(), DIAGDIR_NE, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::Get(), GetRailReservationTrackBits(), GetRailType(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetSpec(), GetStationIndex(), GetTrackBits(), GetTrainForReservation(), HasBit(), HasPowerOnRail(), HasSignals(), INVALID_RAILTYPE, IsPlainRailTile(), IsRailStation(), IsTileType(), MP_STATION, PerformStationTileSlopeCheck(), RemoveFirstTrack(), SlopeCheck, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), TRACK_BIT_NONE, TRACK_X, and TRACK_Y.

Referenced by CalculateRailStationCost().

◆ CheckFlatLandRoadStop()

CommandCost CheckFlatLandRoadStop ( TileIndex  cur_tile,
int &  allowed_z,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
uint  invalid_dirs,
bool  is_drive_through,
StationType  station_type,
Axis  axis,
StationID station,
RoadType  rt 

Checks if a road stop can be built at the given tile.

cur_tileTile to check.
allowed_zHeight allowed for the tile. If allowed_z is negative, it will be set to the height of this tile.
flagsOperation to perform.
invalid_dirsProhibited directions (set of DiagDirections).
is_drive_throughTrue if trying to build a drive-through station.
station_typeStation type (bus, truck or road waypoint).
axisAxis of a drive-through road stop.
stationStationID to be queried and returned if available.
rtRoad type to build, may be INVALID_ROADTYPE if an existing road is required.
The cost in case of success, or an error code if it failed.

Definition at line 964 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, CommandCost::AddCost(), Auto, AXIS_X, CheckBuildableTile(), CheckOwnership(), ClearTile_Station(), GameSettings::construction, CountBits(), DRD_NONE, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), GetAllRoadBits(), GetDisallowedRoadDirections(), GetDriveThroughStopAxis(), GetRoadBits(), GetRoadOwner(), GetStationIndex(), GetStationType(), HasExactlyOneBit(), HasPowerOnRoad(), INVALID_ROADTYPE, IsAnyRoadStop(), IsDriveThroughStopTile(), IsNormalRoadTile(), IsTileType(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), MP_STATION, OWNER_NONE, OWNER_TOWN, ROAD_NONE, ConstructionSettings::road_stop_on_competitor_road, ConstructionSettings::road_stop_on_town_road, ROAD_X, ROAD_Y, and RoadBuildCost().

Referenced by CalculateRoadStopCost().

◆ ClearAllStationCachedNames()

void ClearAllStationCachedNames ( )

Definition at line 487 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours()

void ClearDockingTilesCheckingNeighbours ( TileIndex  tile)

Clear docking tile status from tiles around a removed dock, if the tile has no neighbours which would keep it as a docking tile.

tileEx-dock tile to check.

Definition at line 2893 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CheckForDockingTile(), DIAGDIR_BEGIN, DIAGDIR_END, IsValidTile(), SetDockingTile(), and TileOffsByDiagDir().

Referenced by RemoveDock().

◆ ClearRoadStopStatusEnum()

static Vehicle * ClearRoadStopStatusEnum ( Vehicle v,
void *   

Definition at line 2112 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ ClearTile_Station()

CommandCost ClearTile_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

◆ ClickTile_Station()

static bool ClickTile_Station ( TileIndex  tile)

Definition at line 3686 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ CmdBuildAirport()

CommandCost CmdBuildAirport ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
uint8_t  airport_type,
uint8_t  layout,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  allow_adjacent 

Place an Airport.

flagsoperation to perform
tiletile where airport will be built
airport_typeairport type,
See also
layoutairport layout
station_to_joinstation ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
allow_adjacentallow airports directly adjacent to other airports.
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 2521 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, AAT_BUILT, OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), AddAnimatedTile(), CommandCost::AddCost(), Station::AddFacility(), Station::AfterStationTileSetChange(), AirportFTAClass::Airplanes, Station::airport, Airport, AirportGetNearestTown(), ANIM_STATUS_NO_ANIMATION, AirportTileSpec::animation, AT_OILRIG, Airport::blocks, BuildStationPart(), CheckFlatLandAirport(), CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(), ClosestTownFromTile(), CMD_ERROR, CommandCostWithParam(), GameSettings::difficulty, DIR_E, DIR_W, StationSettings::distant_join_stations, GameSettings::economy, Execute, BaseStation::facilities, CommandCost::Failed(), FindJoiningStation(), GB(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), AirportTileSpec::Get(), AirportSpec::Get(), GetAirport(), GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::GetIfValid(), GetTranslatedAirportTileID(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_TILE, InvalidateWindowData(), AirportSpec::IsAvailable(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::IsValidID(), AirportSpec::IsWithinMapBounds(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::Iterate(), Airport::layout, AirportSpec::layouts, MakeAirport(), Town::MaxTownNoise(), Town::noise_reached, NUM_AIRPORTS, BaseStation::owner, Random, BaseStation::rect, Airport::rotation, SetStationTileRandomBits(), SetWindowDirty(), AirportSpec::size_x, AirportSpec::size_y, GameSettings::station, EconomySettings::station_noise_level, StationSettings::station_spread, AnimationInfo::status, Swap(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), OrthogonalTileArea::tile, BaseStation::town, DifficultySettings::town_council_tolerance, Airport::type, UpdateAirplanesOnNewStation(), WATER_CLASS_INVALID, WC_STATION_VIEW, and WC_TOWN_VIEW.

◆ CmdBuildDock()

CommandCost CmdBuildDock ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent 

◆ CmdBuildRailStation()

CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  tile_org,
RailType  rt,
Axis  axis,
uint8_t  numtracks,
uint8_t  plat_len,
StationClassID  spec_class,
uint16_t  spec_index,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent 

Build rail station.

flagsoperation to perform
tile_orgnorthern most position of station dragging/placement
axisorientation (Axis)
numtracksnumber of tracks
plat_lenplatform length
spec_classcustom station class
spec_indexcustom station id
station_to_joinstation ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
adjacentallow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 1340 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, _settings_game, Station::AddFacility(), AddTrackToSignalBuffer(), Station::AfterStationTileSetChange(), AllocateSpecToStation(), Avail, AXIS_X, AxisToDiagDir(), AxisToTrack(), BuildStationPart(), BaseStation::cached_anim_triggers, CalculateRailStationCost(), CALLBACK_FAILED, StationSpec::callback_mask, CanExpandRailStation(), CBID_STATION_AVAILABILITY, CBID_STATION_BUILD_TILE_LAYOUT, CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(), CMD_ERROR, Convert8bitBooleanCallback(), DeallocateSpecFromStation(), DeleteAnimatedTile(), StationSpec::disallowed_lengths, StationSpec::disallowed_platforms, StationSettings::distant_join_stations, ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(), Execute, CommandCost::Failed(), FindJoiningStation(), FreeTrainReservation(), GB(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::Get(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetClassCount(), GetCustomStationSpecIndex(), GetPlatformInfo(), GetRailStationAxis(), GetRailType(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetSpec(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetSpecCount(), GetStationGfx(), GetStationLayout(), GetTrainForReservation(), StationSpec::grf_prop, GRFFilePropsBase::grffile, GRFFilePropsBase::grfid, HasBit(), HasStationReservation(), HasStationTileRail(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Company::infrastructure, INVALID_TILE, IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(), IsRailStationTile(), IsStationTileBlocked(), IsValidAxis(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::IsValidID(), IsWaypointClass(), MakeRailStation(), Station::MarkTilesDirty(), OtherAxis(), BaseStation::owner, CompanyInfrastructure::rail, Random, BaseStation::rect, RestoreTrainReservation(), SAT_BUILT, SetAnimationFrame(), SetCustomStationSpecIndex(), SetRailStationPlatformReservation(), SetRailStationTileFlags(), SetStationGfx(), SetStationTileRandomBits(), CompanyInfrastructure::station, GameSettings::station, StationSettings::station_spread, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), OrthogonalTileArea::tile, TileOffsByAxis(), TileOffsByDiagDir(), Train, BaseStation::train_station, AnimationInfo::triggers, ValParamRailType(), and YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange().

◆ CmdBuildRoadStop()

CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
uint8_t  width,
uint8_t  length,
RoadStopType  stop_type,
bool  is_drive_through,
DiagDirection  ddir,
RoadType  rt,
RoadStopClassID  spec_class,
uint16_t  spec_index,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent 

Build a bus or truck stop.

flagsOperation to perform.
tileNorthernmost tile of the stop.
widthWidth of the road stop.
lengthLength of the road stop.
stop_typeType of road stop (bus/truck).
is_drive_throughFalse for normal stops, true for drive-through.
ddirEntrance direction (DiagDirection) for normal stops. Converted to the axis for drive-through stops.
rtThe roadtype.
spec_classRoad stop spec class.
spec_indexRoad stop spec index.
station_to_joinStation ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one).
adjacentAllow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
The cost of this operation or an error.

Definition at line 1960 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, _settings_game, OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), Station::AddFacility(), Station::AfterStationTileSetChange(), Avail, BuildStationPart(), Bus, Station::bus_station, BusStop, BaseStation::cached_roadstop_anim_triggers, CalculateRoadStopCost(), CALLBACK_FAILED, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_roadstop_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), CBID_STATION_AVAILABILITY, CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(), CMD_ERROR, Convert8bitBooleanCallback(), CountBits(), DiagDirToAxis(), StationSettings::distant_join_stations, DriveThroughOnly, End, Execute, CommandCost::Failed(), FindJoiningRoadStop(), FindRoadStopSpot(), GB(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::Get(), RoadStopSpec::GetBuildCost(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetClassCount(), GetRoadBits(), GetRoadOwner(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetSpec(), NewGRFClass< Tspec, Tindex, Tmax >::GetSpecCount(), RoadStopSpec::grf_prop, GRFFilePropsBase::grffile, OrthogonalTileArea::h, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_ROADTYPE, INVALID_TILE, IsNormalRoadTile(), IsStationRoadStop(), IsTileType(), IsValidDiagDirection(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::IsValidID(), IsValidTile(), IsWaypointClass(), RoadStop::MakeDriveThrough(), MakeDriveThroughRoadStop(), MakeRoadStop(), MarkTileDirtyByTile(), MayHaveRoad(), MP_STATION, BaseStation::owner, Random, BaseStation::rect, RemoveRoadStop(), ROAD_STOP_TRACKBIT_FACTOR, ROADSTOPTYPE_ALL, ROADSTOPTYPE_FREIGHT, ROADSTOPTYPE_PASSENGER, SAT_BUILT, SetCustomRoadStopSpecIndex(), GameSettings::station, StationSettings::station_spread, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), TileAddWrap(), AnimationInfo::triggers, Truck, Station::truck_station, TruckStop, UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure(), ValParamRoadType(), and OrthogonalTileArea::w.

◆ CmdOpenCloseAirport()

◆ CmdRemoveFromRailStation()

CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  start,
TileIndex  end,
bool  keep_rail 

Remove a single tile from a rail station.

This allows for custom-built station with holes and weird layouts

flagsoperation to perform
starttile of station piece to remove
endother edge of the rect to remove
keep_railif set keep the rail
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 1745 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CMD_ERROR, CommandCost::Failed(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_TILE, RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), SetWindowWidgetDirty(), Map::Size(), OrthogonalTileArea::tile, BaseStation::train_station, WC_STATION_VIEW, and WID_SV_TRAINS.

◆ CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint()

CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  start,
TileIndex  end,
bool  keep_rail 

Remove a single tile from a waypoint.

This allows for custom-built waypoint with holes and weird layouts

flagsoperation to perform
starttile of waypoint piece to remove
endother edge of the rect to remove
keep_railif set keep the rail
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 1778 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CMD_ERROR, RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), and Map::Size().

◆ CmdRemoveFromRoadWaypoint()

CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRoadWaypoint ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  start,
TileIndex  end 

Remove road waypoints.

flagsoperation to perform
starttile of road waypoint piece to remove
endother edge of the rect to remove
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 2399 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References CMD_ERROR, RemoveGenericRoadStop(), and Map::Size().

◆ CmdRemoveRoadStop()

CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
uint8_t  width,
uint8_t  height,
RoadStopType  stop_type,
bool  remove_road 

Remove bus or truck stops.

flagsOperation to perform.
tileNorthernmost tile of the removal area.
widthWidth of the removal area.
heightHeight of the removal area.
stop_typeType of stop (bus/truck).
remove_roadRemove roads of drive-through stops?
The cost of this operation or an error.

Definition at line 2377 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Bankrupt, CMD_ERROR, End, INVALID_TILE, IsValidTile(), RemoveGenericRoadStop(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), and TileAddWrap().

◆ CmdRenameStation()

CommandCost CmdRenameStation ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
StationID  station_id,
const std::string &  text 

Rename a station.

flagsoperation to perform
station_idstation ID that is to be renamed
textthe new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 4310 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References BaseStation::cached_name, CheckOwnership(), CMD_ERROR, Execute, CommandCost::Failed(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::GetIfValid(), InvalidateWindowData(), MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME_CHARS, BaseStation::name, BaseStation::owner, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), Station::UpdateVirtCoord(), Utf8StringLength(), and WC_STATION_LIST.

◆ CMSAMine()

static bool CMSAMine ( TileIndex  tile)

◆ CMSATree()

static bool CMSATree ( TileIndex  tile)

Check whether the tile is a tree.

tilethe tile to investigate.
true if and only if the tile is a tree tile

Definition at line 208 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References IsTileType(), and MP_TREES.

Referenced by GenerateStationName().

◆ CMSAWater()

static bool CMSAWater ( TileIndex  tile)

Check whether the tile is water.

tilethe tile to investigate.
true if and only if the tile is a water tile

Definition at line 198 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References IsTileType(), IsWater(), and MP_WATER.

Referenced by GenerateStationName().

◆ CountMapSquareAround()

static int CountMapSquareAround ( TileIndex  tile,
CMSAMatcher  cmp 

Counts the numbers of tiles matching a specific type in the area around.

tilethe center tile of the 'count area'
cmpthe comparator/matcher (
See also
the number of matching tiles around

Definition at line 152 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References INVALID_TILE, and TileAddWrap().

Referenced by GenerateStationName().

◆ CreateMulti()

static uint8_t * CreateMulti ( uint8_t *  layout,
int  n,
uint8_t  b 

Definition at line 1104 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ CreateSingle()

static uint8_t * CreateSingle ( uint8_t *  layout,
int  n 

Definition at line 1096 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ DeleteOilRig()

void DeleteOilRig ( TileIndex  tile)

Definition at line 4550 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ DeleteStaleLinks()

◆ DeleteStationIfEmpty()

static void DeleteStationIfEmpty ( BaseStation st)

This is called right after a station was deleted.

It checks if the whole station is free of substations, and if so, the station will be deleted after a little while.


Definition at line 734 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References BaseStation::delete_ctr, InvalidateWindowData(), BaseStation::IsInUse(), BaseStation::owner, and WC_STATION_LIST.

Referenced by Station::AfterStationTileSetChange(), RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), and RemoveRoadWaypointStop().

◆ DrawTile_Station()

static void DrawTile_Station ( TileInfo ti)

Definition at line 3081 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ FillTileDescAirport()

void FillTileDescAirport ( TileIndex  tile,
TileDesc td 

Definition at line 3508 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ FillTileDescRailStation()

void FillTileDescRailStation ( TileIndex  tile,
TileDesc td 

Definition at line 3489 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ FillTileDescRoadStop()

static void FillTileDescRoadStop ( TileIndex  tile,
TileDesc td 

Definition at line 3451 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ FindDockLandPart()

static TileIndex FindDockLandPart ( TileIndex  t)

Find the part of a dock that is land-based.

tDock tile to find land part of
tile of land part of dock

Definition at line 2914 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References DIAGDIR_BEGIN, DIAGDIR_END, GetDockDirection(), GetStationGfx(), GFX_DOCK_BASE_WATER_PART, INVALID_TILE, IsDockTile(), IsValidTile(), and TileOffsByDiagDir().

Referenced by RemoveDock().

◆ FindJoiningBaseStation()

template<class T , StringID error_message, class F >
CommandCost FindJoiningBaseStation ( StationID  existing_station,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent,
TileArea  ta,
T **  st,

Find a nearby station that joins this station.

Template Parameters
Tthe class to find a station for
error_messagethe error message when building a station on top of others
Fthe filter functor type
existing_stationan existing station we build over
station_to_jointhe station to join to
adjacentwhether adjacent stations are allowed
tathe area of the newly build station
st'return' pointer for the found station
command cost with the error or 'okay'

Definition at line 1159 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CommandCost::Failed(), and GetStationAround().

◆ FindJoiningRoadStop()

static CommandCost FindJoiningRoadStop ( StationID  existing_stop,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent,
TileArea  ta,
Station **  st 

Find a nearby station that joins this road stop.

existing_stopan existing road stop we build over
station_to_jointhe station to join to
adjacentwhether adjacent stations are allowed
tathe area of the newly build station
st'return' pointer for the found station
command cost with the error or 'okay'

Definition at line 1897 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Referenced by CmdBuildRoadStop().

◆ FindJoiningStation()

static CommandCost FindJoiningStation ( StationID  existing_station,
StationID  station_to_join,
bool  adjacent,
TileArea  ta,
Station **  st 

Find a nearby station that joins this station.

existing_stationan existing station we build over
station_to_jointhe station to join to
adjacentwhether adjacent stations are allowed
tathe area of the newly build station
st'return' pointer for the found station
command cost with the error or 'okay'

Definition at line 1203 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Referenced by CmdBuildAirport(), CmdBuildDock(), and CmdBuildRailStation().

◆ FindJoiningWaypoint()

CommandCost FindJoiningWaypoint ( StationID  existing_waypoint,
StationID  waypoint_to_join,
bool  adjacent,
TileArea  ta,
Waypoint **  wp,
bool  is_road 

Find a nearby waypoint that joins this waypoint.

existing_waypointan existing waypoint we build over
waypoint_to_jointhe waypoint to join to
adjacentwhether adjacent waypoints are allowed
tathe area of the newly build waypoint
wp'return' pointer for the found waypoint
is_roadwhether to find a road waypoint
command cost with the error or 'okay'

Definition at line 1218 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References HasBit(), Waypoint::waypoint_flags, and WPF_ROAD.

Referenced by CmdBuildRailWaypoint(), and CmdBuildRoadWaypoint().

◆ FindNearIndustryName()

static bool FindNearIndustryName ( TileIndex  tile,
void *  user_data 

Find a station action 0 property 24 station name, or reduce the free_names if needed.

tilethe tile to search
user_datathe StationNameInformation to base the search on
true if the tile contains an industry that has not given its name to one of the other stations in town.

Definition at line 238 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References StationNameInformation::free_names, GetIndustrySpec(), GetIndustryType(), StationNameInformation::indtypes, IsTileType(), M, and MP_INDUSTRY.

Referenced by GenerateStationName().

◆ FindRoadStopSpot()

static RoadStop ** FindRoadStopSpot ( bool  truck_station,
Station st 
truck_stationDetermines whether a stop is RoadStopType::Bus or RoadStopType::Truck
stThe Station to do the whole procedure for
a pointer to where to link a new RoadStop*

Definition at line 1870 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::bus_stops, RoadStop::next, and Station::truck_stops.

Referenced by CmdBuildRoadStop().

◆ FreeTrainReservation()

static void FreeTrainReservation ( Train v)

Clear platform reservation during station building/removing.

vvehicle which holds reservation

Definition at line 1231 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References FreeTrainTrackReservation(), Train::GetVehicleTrackdir(), IsRailStationTile(), SpecializedVehicle< T, Type >::Last(), ReverseTrackdir(), SetRailStationPlatformReservation(), Vehicle::tile, and TrackdirToExitdir().

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation(), and RemoveFromRailBaseStation().

◆ GenerateStationName()

◆ GetAcceptanceAroundStation()

static CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundStation ( const Station st,
CargoTypes *  always_accepted 

Get the acceptance of cargoes around the station in.

stStation to get acceptance of.
always_acceptedbitmask of cargo accepted by houses and headquarters; can be nullptr

Definition at line 603 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::catchment_tiles, and INVALID_TILE.

Referenced by UpdateStationAcceptance().

◆ GetAcceptanceAroundTiles()

CargoArray GetAcceptanceAroundTiles ( TileIndex  center_tile,
int  w,
int  h,
int  rad,
CargoTypes *  always_accepted 

Get the acceptance of cargoes around the tile in 1/8.

center_tileCenter of the search area
wX extent of area
hY extent of area
radSearch radius in addition to given area
always_acceptedbitmask of cargo accepted by houses and headquarters; can be nullptr
indIndustry associated with neutral station (e.g. oil rig) or nullptr

Definition at line 581 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, OrthogonalTileArea::Expand(), Industry::GetByTile(), IsTileType(), MP_INDUSTRY, Industry::neutral_station, StationSettings::serve_neutral_industries, and GameSettings::station.

Referenced by DrawStationCoverageAreaText().

◆ GetAcceptanceMask()

CargoTypes GetAcceptanceMask ( const Station st)

Get a mask of the cargo types that the station accepts.

stStation to query
the expected mask

Definition at line 499 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE, Station::goods, HasBit(), and SetBit().

Referenced by StationViewWindow::DrawAcceptedCargo(), and UpdateStationAcceptance().

◆ GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance()

uint8_t GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance ( const AirportSpec as,
uint  distance 

Get a possible noise reduction factor based on distance from town center.

The further you get, the less noise you generate. So all those folks at city council can now happily slee... work in their offices

asairport information
distanceminimum distance between town and airport
the noise that will be generated, according to distance

Definition at line 2417 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, GameSettings::difficulty, AirportSpec::noise_level, and DifficultySettings::town_council_tolerance.

Referenced by CmdBuildAirport(), RemoveAirport(), and UpdateAirportsNoise().

◆ GetClosestDeletedStation()

static Station * GetClosestDeletedStation ( TileIndex  tile)

Find the closest deleted station of the current company.

tilethe tile to search from.
the closest station or nullptr if too far.

Definition at line 388 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, ForAllStationsRadius(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, BaseStation::IsInUse(), and BaseStation::owner.

Referenced by BuildStationPart().

◆ GetEmptyMask()

CargoTypes GetEmptyMask ( const Station st)

Get a mask of the cargo types that are empty at the station.

stStation to query
the empty mask

Definition at line 514 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::goods, and SetBit().

Referenced by TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(), and TriggerStationRandomisation().

◆ GetFoundation_Station()

static Foundation GetFoundation_Station ( TileIndex  ,
Slope  tileh 

Definition at line 3446 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ GetProductionAroundTiles()

CargoArray GetProductionAroundTiles ( TileIndex  north_tile,
int  w,
int  h,
int  rad 

Get the cargo types being produced around the tile (in a rectangle).

north_tileNorthern most tile of area
wX extent of the area
hY extent of the area
radSearch radius in addition to the given area

Definition at line 543 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, OrthogonalTileArea::Expand(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool >::Get(), GetIndustryIndex(), IsTileType(), IsValidCargoType(), MP_INDUSTRY, Industry::neutral_station, Industry::produced, StationSettings::serve_neutral_industries, and GameSettings::station.

Referenced by DrawStationCoverageAreaText().

◆ GetSlopePixelZ_Station()

static int GetSlopePixelZ_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
uint  ,
uint  ,

Definition at line 3441 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ GetStationAround()

template<class T , class F >
CommandCost GetStationAround ( TileArea  ta,
StationID  closest_station,
CompanyID  company,
T **  st,

Look for a station owned by the given company around the given tile area.

tathe area to search over
closest_stationthe closest owned station found so far
companythe company whose stations to look for
stto 'return' the found station
filterFilter function
Succeeded command (if zero or one station found) or failed command (for two or more stations found).

Definition at line 119 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References OrthogonalTileArea::Expand(), GetStationIndex(), IsTileType(), and MP_STATION.

Referenced by FindJoiningBaseStation().

◆ GetStationLayout()

void GetStationLayout ( uint8_t *  layout,
uint  numtracks,
uint  plat_len,
const StationSpec statspec 

Create the station layout for the given number of tracks and platform length.

layoutThe layout to write to.
numtracksThe number of tracks to write.
plat_lenThe length of the platforms.
statspecThe specification of the station to (possibly) get the layout from.

Definition at line 1122 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References GetStationLayoutKey(), and StationSpec::layouts.

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation(), and CmdBuildRailWaypoint().

◆ GetStationTileFlags()

static StationSpec::TileFlags GetStationTileFlags ( StationGfx  gfx,
const StationSpec statspec 

Get station tile flags for the given StationGfx.

gfxStationGfx of station tile.
statspecStation spec of station tile.
Tile flags to apply.

Definition at line 1306 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References StationSpec::Pylons, and StationSpec::tileflags.

Referenced by SetRailStationTileFlags().

◆ GetStationTileLayout()

const DrawTileSprites * GetStationTileLayout ( StationType  st,
uint8_t  gfx 

Get station tile layout for a station type and its station gfx.

stStation type to draw.
gfxStationGfx of tile to draw.
Tile layout to draw.

Definition at line 3009 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References to_underlying().

Referenced by DrawStationTile().

◆ GetTileDesc_Station()

static void GetTileDesc_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
TileDesc td 

Definition at line 3526 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ GetTileTrackStatus_Station()

static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
TransportType  mode,
uint  sub_mode,
DiagDirection  side 

Definition at line 3561 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ HasStationInUse()

bool HasStationInUse ( StationID  station,
bool  include_company,
CompanyID  company 

Tests whether the company's vehicles have this station in orders.

stationstation ID
include_companyIf true only check vehicles of company, if false only check vehicles of other companies
companycompany ID

Definition at line 2753 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_orderlist_pool >::Iterate(), and Vehicle::owner.

Referenced by CompanyStationsWindow::BuildStationsList(), and RemoveBuoy().

◆ IncreaseStats() [1/2]

void IncreaseStats ( Station st,
CargoType  cargo,
StationID  next_station_id,
uint  capacity,
uint  usage,
uint32_t  time,
EdgeUpdateMode  mode 

◆ IncreaseStats() [2/2]

void IncreaseStats ( Station st,
const Vehicle front,
StationID  next_station_id,
uint32_t  time 

Increase capacity for all link stats associated with vehicles in the given consist.

stStation to get the link stats from.
frontFirst vehicle in the consist.
next_station_idStation the consist will be travelling to next.

Definition at line 4167 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Vehicle::cargo, Vehicle::cargo_type, EUM_INCREASE, IncreaseStats(), Vehicle::Next(), Vehicle::refit_cap, and VehicleCargoList::StoredCount().

◆ IsHangar()

bool IsHangar ( Tile  t)

Check whether the given tile is a hangar.

tthe tile to of whether it is a hangar.
IsTileType(t, MP_STATION)
true if and only if the tile is a hangar.

Definition at line 92 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::airport, AirportSpec::depots, BaseStation::GetByTile(), Airport::GetRotatedTileFromOffset(), Airport::GetSpec(), IsAirport(), IsTileType(), and MP_STATION.

Referenced by IsHangarTile().

◆ IsUniqueStationName()

static bool IsUniqueStationName ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 4294 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ MakeRailStationAreaSmaller()

static void MakeRailStationAreaSmaller ( BaseStation st)

Definition at line 1601 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ MakeRoadWaypointStationAreaSmaller()

void MakeRoadWaypointStationAreaSmaller ( BaseStation st,
TileArea road_waypoint_area 

Definition at line 1622 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ MakeShipStationAreaSmaller()

static void MakeShipStationAreaSmaller ( Station st)

Definition at line 1611 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ MakeStationAreaSmaller()

static TileArea MakeStationAreaSmaller ( BaseStation st,
TileArea  ta,
bool(*)(BaseStation *, TileIndex func 

Definition at line 1546 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ ModifyStationRatingAround()

void ModifyStationRatingAround ( TileIndex  tile,
Owner  owner,
int  amount,
uint  radius 

Definition at line 4233 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ MoveGoodsToStation()

uint MoveGoodsToStation ( CargoType  type,
uint  amount,
Source  source,
const StationList all_stations,
Owner  exclusivity 

Definition at line 4391 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ OnTick_Station()

void OnTick_Station ( )

Definition at line 4195 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ RemoveAirport()

static CommandCost RemoveAirport ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

◆ RemoveDock()

◆ RemoveDockingTile()

void RemoveDockingTile ( TileIndex  t)

Definition at line 2872 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ RemoveFromRailBaseStation()

template<class T >
CommandCost RemoveFromRailBaseStation ( TileArea  ta,
std::vector< T * > &  affected_stations,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
Money  removal_cost,
bool  keep_rail 

Remove a number of tiles from any rail station within the area.

tathe area to clear station tile from.
affected_stationsthe stations affected.
flagsthe command flags.
removal_costthe cost for removing the tile, including the rail.
keep_railwhether to keep the rail of the station.
Template Parameters
Tthe type of station to remove.
the number of cleared tiles or an error.

Definition at line 1638 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CommandCost::AddCost(), AddTrackToSignalBuffer(), CheckOwnership(), DeallocateSpecFromStation(), DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(), DeleteStationIfEmpty(), DirtyCompanyInfrastructureWindows(), EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(), Execute, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, BaseStation::facilities, CommandCost::Failed(), FreeTrainReservation(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), GetCustomStationSpecIndex(), GetRailStationTrack(), GetRailType(), GetTileOwner(), GetTrainForReservation(), HasStationReservation(), HasStationTileRail(), include(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, INVALID_TILE, IsStationTileBlocked(), OWNER_WATER, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Reset(), RestoreTrainReservation(), SetWindowClassesDirty(), SetWindowWidgetDirty(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), OrthogonalTileArea::tile, TrackToTrackBits(), Train, BaseStation::train_station, BaseStation::UpdateVirtCoord(), WC_STATION_VIEW, WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, WID_SV_TRAINS, and YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange().

Referenced by CmdRemoveFromRailStation(), CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint(), and RemoveRailStation().

◆ RemoveGenericRoadStop()

static CommandCost RemoveGenericRoadStop ( DoCommandFlags  flags,
const TileArea roadstop_area,
bool  road_waypoint,
bool  remove_road 

Remove a tile area of road stop or road waypoints.

flagsoperation to perform
roadstop_areatile area of road stop or road waypoint tiles to remove
road_waypointWhether to remove road waypoints or road stops
remove_roadRemove roads of drive-through stops?
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 2314 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CommandCost::AddCost(), AxisToRoadBits(), ClosestTownFromTile(), CountBits(), Execute, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), GetDriveThroughStopAxis(), GetRoadOwner(), INVALID_ROADTYPE, IsAnyRoadStop(), IsDriveThroughStopTile(), IsRoadWaypoint(), IsTileType(), MakeRoadNormal(), MP_STATION, OWNER_NONE, RemoveRoadStop(), RemoveRoadWaypointStop(), ROAD_NONE, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), and UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure().

Referenced by CmdRemoveFromRoadWaypoint(), and CmdRemoveRoadStop().

◆ RemoveRailStation() [1/2]

template<class T >
CommandCost RemoveRailStation ( T *  st,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
Money  removal_cost 

Remove a rail station/waypoint.

stThe station/waypoint to remove the rail part from
flagsoperation to perform
removal_costthe cost for removing a tile
Template Parameters
Tthe type of station to remove
cost or failure of operation

Definition at line 1799 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CommandCost::AddCost(), CheckOwnership(), EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), OrthogonalTileArea::h, OWNER_WATER, RemoveFromRailBaseStation(), and OrthogonalTileArea::w.

Referenced by ClearTile_Station(), RemoveRailStation(), and RemoveRailWaypoint().

◆ RemoveRailStation() [2/2]

static CommandCost RemoveRailStation ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

Remove a rail station.

tileTile of the station.
flagsoperation to perform
cost or failure of operation

Definition at line 1833 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, Execute, BaseStation::GetByTile(), OWNER_WATER, Station::RecomputeCatchment(), RemoveRailStation(), and BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test().

◆ RemoveRailWaypoint()

static CommandCost RemoveRailWaypoint ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags 

Remove a rail waypoint.

tileTile of the waypoint.
flagsoperation to perform
cost or failure of operation

Definition at line 1854 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, Execute, BaseStation::GetByTile(), OWNER_WATER, and RemoveRailStation().

Referenced by ClearTile_Station().

◆ RemoveRoadStop()

static CommandCost RemoveRoadStop ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
int  replacement_spec_index 

Remove a bus station/truck stop.

tileTileIndex been queried
flagsoperation to perform
replacement_spec_indexreplacement spec index to avoid deallocating, if < 0, tile is not being replaced
cost or failure of operation

Definition at line 2136 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, OrthogonalTileArea::Add(), Station::AfterStationTileSetChange(), Bankrupt, Bus, Station::bus_station, Station::bus_stops, BusStop, CheckOwnership(), OrthogonalTileArea::Clear(), RoadStop::ClearDriveThrough(), Vehicle::current_order, DeleteAnimatedTile(), DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(), Vehicle::dest_tile, DirtyCompanyInfrastructureWindows(), EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(), Execute, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, BaseStation::facilities, CommandCost::Failed(), FindVehicleOnPos(), FindVehiclesWithOrder(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::Get(), BaseStation::GetByTile(), RoadStop::GetByTile(), RoadStopSpec::GetClearCost(), GetCustomRoadStopSpecIndex(), Vehicle::GetOrderStationLocation(), GetRoadOwner(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, IsDriveThroughStopTile(), IsTruckStop(), Order::IsType(), RoadStop::next, BaseStation::owner, OWNER_WATER, BaseStation::rect, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Reset(), ROAD_STOP_TRACKBIT_FACTOR, SetWindowClassesDirty(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), Truck, Station::truck_station, Station::truck_stops, TruckStop, BaseVehicle::type, UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure(), VEH_ROAD, and WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS.

Referenced by ClearTile_Station(), CmdBuildRoadStop(), and RemoveGenericRoadStop().

◆ RemoveRoadWaypointStop()

◆ RerouteCargo()

void RerouteCargo ( Station st,
CargoType  c,
StationID  avoid,
StationID  avoid2 

Reroute cargo of type c at station st or in any vehicles unloading there.

Make sure the cargo's new next hop is neither "avoid" nor "avoid2".

stStation to be rerouted at.
cType of cargo.
avoidOriginal next hop of cargo, avoid this.
avoid2Another station to be avoided when rerouting.

Definition at line 3997 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References GoodsEntry::GoodsEntryData::cargo, GoodsEntry::GetData(), Station::goods, GoodsEntry::HasData(), Vehicle::Next(), and StationCargoList::Reroute().

Referenced by DeleteStaleLinks(), LinkGraphJob::~LinkGraphJob(), and Station::~Station().

◆ RestoreTrainReservation()

static void RestoreTrainReservation ( Train v)

Restore platform reservation during station building/removing.

vvehicle which held reservation

Definition at line 1243 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Train::GetVehicleTrackdir(), IsRailStationTile(), SpecializedVehicle< T, Type >::Last(), ReverseTrackdir(), SetRailStationPlatformReservation(), Vehicle::tile, TrackdirToExitdir(), and TryPathReserve().

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation(), and RemoveFromRailBaseStation().

◆ SetRailStationTileFlags()

void SetRailStationTileFlags ( TileIndex  tile,
const StationSpec statspec 

Set rail station tile flags for the given tile.

tileTile to set flags on.
statspecStatspec of the tile.

Definition at line 1318 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References StationSpec::Blocked, GetStationGfx(), GetStationTileFlags(), StationSpec::NoWires, StationSpec::Pylons, SetStationTileBlocked(), SetStationTileHavePylons(), and SetStationTileHaveWires().

Referenced by CmdBuildRailStation(), and CmdBuildRailWaypoint().

◆ ShowRejectOrAcceptNews()

static void ShowRejectOrAcceptNews ( const Station st,
CargoTypes  cargoes,
bool  reject 

Add news item for when a station changes which cargoes it accepts.

stStation of cargo change.
cargoesBit mask of cargo types to list.
rejectTrue iff the station rejects the cargo types.

Definition at line 530 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Acceptance, AddNewsItem(), GetEncodedString(), InColour, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, and Small.

Referenced by UpdateStationAcceptance().

◆ SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay()

bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay ( const TileInfo ti,
SpriteID ground,
RailTrackOffset overlay_offset 

Check whether a sprite is a track sprite, which can be replaced by a non-track ground sprite and a rail overlay.

If the ground sprite is suitable, ground is replaced with the new non-track ground sprite, and overlay_offset is set to the overlay to draw.

tiPositional info for the tile to decide snowyness etc. May be nullptr.
[in,out]groundGroundsprite to draw.
[out]overlay_offsetOverlay to draw.
true if overlay can be drawn.

Definition at line 3025 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, GameSettings::game_creation, GetSnowLine(), GetTropicZone(), GameCreationSettings::landscape, RTO_X, RTO_Y, TileInfo::tile, TILE_HEIGHT, TROPICZONE_DESERT, and TileInfo::z.

Referenced by DrawStationTile().

◆ StationHandleBigTick()

static bool StationHandleBigTick ( BaseStation st)

This function is called for each station once every 250 ticks.

Not all stations will get the tick at the same time.

stthe station receiving the tick.
true if the station is still valid (wasn't deleted)

Definition at line 3779 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References ClrBit(), BaseStation::delete_ctr, BaseStation::facilities, SpecializedStation< Station, false >::From(), GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK, Station::goods, SpecializedStation< Station, false >::IsExpected(), BaseStation::IsInUse(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), TriggerWatchedCargoCallbacks(), UpdateStationAcceptance(), and Waypoint.

◆ StationHandleSmallTick()

static void StationHandleSmallTick ( BaseStation st)

Definition at line 4184 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ StationPickerDrawSprite()

void StationPickerDrawSprite ( int  x,
int  y,
StationType  st,
RailType  railtype,
RoadType  roadtype,
int  image 

Definition at line 3390 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TerraformTile_Station()

static CommandCost TerraformTile_Station ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlags  flags,
int  z_new,
Slope  tileh_new 

Definition at line 4737 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TileBelongsToRailStation()

static bool TileBelongsToRailStation ( BaseStation st,
TileIndex  tile 

Definition at line 1596 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TileBelongsToRoadWaypointStation()

static bool TileBelongsToRoadWaypointStation ( BaseStation st,
TileIndex  tile 

Definition at line 1617 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TileBelongsToShipStation()

static bool TileBelongsToShipStation ( BaseStation st,
TileIndex  tile 

Definition at line 1606 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TileLoop_Station()

static void TileLoop_Station ( TileIndex  tile)

Definition at line 3608 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ TriggerWatchedCargoCallbacks()

void TriggerWatchedCargoCallbacks ( Station st)

Run the watched cargo callback for all houses in the catchment area.


Definition at line 3753 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Station::catchment_tiles, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK, Station::goods, HasBit(), INVALID_TILE, IsTileType(), MP_HOUSE, NUM_CARGO, SetBit(), and WatchedCargoCallback().

Referenced by StationHandleBigTick().

◆ TruncateCargo()

static void TruncateCargo ( const CargoSpec cs,
GoodsEntry ge,
uint  amount = UINT_MAX 

Truncate the cargo by a specific amount.

csThe type of cargo to perform the truncation for.
geThe goods entry, of the station, to truncate.
amountThe amount to truncate the cargo by.

Definition at line 3812 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References GoodsEntry::GoodsEntryData::cargo, GoodsEntry::GetData(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::GetIfValid(), Station::goods, GoodsEntry::HasData(), CargoSpec::Index(), GoodsEntry::max_waiting_cargo, and StationCargoList::Truncate().

◆ UpdateAirportsNoise()

◆ UpdateAllStationVirtCoords()

void UpdateAllStationVirtCoords ( )

Update the virtual coords needed to draw the station sign for all stations.

Definition at line 474 of file station_cmd.cpp.

References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_station_pool >::Iterate().

Referenced by CmdRenameTown(), and UpdateAllVirtCoords().

◆ UpdateStationAcceptance()

◆ UpdateStationDockingTiles()

void UpdateStationDockingTiles ( Station st)

Definition at line 4476 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ UpdateStationRating()

static void UpdateStationRating ( Station st)

Definition at line 3830 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ UpdateStationSignCoord()

static void UpdateStationSignCoord ( BaseStation st)

Definition at line 669 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ UpdateStationWaiting()

static uint UpdateStationWaiting ( Station st,
CargoType  type,
uint  amount,
Source  source 

Definition at line 4246 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ VehicleEnter_Station()

static VehicleEnterTileStatus VehicleEnter_Station ( Vehicle v,
TileIndex  tile,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 3701 of file station_cmd.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _dock_h_chk

const uint8_t _dock_h_chk[4] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }

Definition at line 2776 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ _dock_tileoffs_chkaround

const TileIndexDiffC _dock_tileoffs_chkaround[]
Initial value:
= {
{-1, 0},
{ 0, 0},
{ 0, 0},
{ 0, -1}

Definition at line 2769 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ _dock_w_chk

const uint8_t _dock_w_chk[4] = { 2, 1, 2, 1 }

Definition at line 2775 of file station_cmd.cpp.

◆ _tile_type_station_procs

const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_station_procs
Initial value:
= {
CommandCost ClearTile_Station(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlags flags)
Clear a single tile of a station.

Definition at line 53 of file landscape.cpp.