OpenTTD Source  20240919-master-gdf0233f4c2
road_cmd.cpp File Reference
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "road.h"
#include "road_internal.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf_cache.h"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "autoslope.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "tunnelbridge.h"
#include "cheat_type.h"
#include "effectvehicle_func.h"
#include "effectvehicle_base.h"
#include "elrail_func.h"
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "core/container_func.hpp"
#include "newgrf_debug.h"
#include "newgrf_railtype.h"
#include "newgrf_roadtype.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_calendar.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "company_gui.h"
#include "road_func.h"
#include "road_cmd.h"
#include "landscape_cmd.h"
#include "rail_cmd.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/roadtypes.h"
#include "safeguards.h"
#include "table/road_land.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  DrawRoadTileStruct


typedef std::vector< RoadVehicle * > RoadVehicleList
 Helper type for lists/vectors of road vehicles.


void ResetRoadTypes ()
 Reset all road type information to its default values.
void ResolveRoadTypeGUISprites (RoadTypeInfo *rti)
static bool CompareRoadTypes (const RoadType &first, const RoadType &second)
 Compare roadtypes based on their sorting order. More...
void InitRoadTypes ()
 Resolve sprites of custom road types.
RoadType AllocateRoadType (RoadTypeLabel label, RoadTramType rtt)
 Allocate a new road type label.
bool RoadVehiclesAreBuilt ()
 Verify whether a road vehicle is available. More...
void UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure (RoadType rt, Owner o, int count)
 Update road infrastructure counts for a company. More...
static Foundation GetRoadFoundation (Slope tileh, RoadBits bits)
 Get the foundationtype of a RoadBits Slope combination. More...
CommandCost CheckAllowRemoveRoad (TileIndex tile, RoadBits remove, Owner owner, RoadTramType rtt, DoCommandFlag flags, bool town_check)
 Is it allowed to remove the given road bits from the given tile? More...
static CommandCost RemoveRoad (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, RoadBits pieces, RoadTramType rtt, bool town_check)
 Delete a piece of road. More...
static CommandCost CheckRoadSlope (Slope tileh, RoadBits *pieces, RoadBits existing, RoadBits other)
 Calculate the costs for roads on slopes Aside modify the RoadBits to fit on the slopes. More...
CommandCost CmdBuildRoad (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RoadBits pieces, RoadType rt, DisallowedRoadDirections toggle_drd, TownID town_id)
 Build a piece of road. More...
static bool CanConnectToRoad (TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, DiagDirection dir)
 Checks whether a road or tram connection can be found when building a new road or tram. More...
CommandCost CmdBuildLongRoad (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex end_tile, TileIndex start_tile, RoadType rt, Axis axis, DisallowedRoadDirections drd, bool start_half, bool end_half, bool is_ai)
 Build a long piece of road. More...
std::tuple< CommandCost, MoneyCmdRemoveLongRoad (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex end_tile, TileIndex start_tile, RoadType rt, Axis axis, bool start_half, bool end_half)
 Remove a long piece of road. More...
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadDepot (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, RoadType rt, DiagDirection dir)
 Build a road depot. More...
static CommandCost RemoveRoadDepot (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
static CommandCost ClearTile_Road (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
static uint GetRoadSpriteOffset (Slope slope, RoadBits bits)
 Get the sprite offset within a spritegroup. More...
static bool DrawRoadAsSnowDesert (bool snow_or_desert, Roadside roadside)
 Should the road be drawn as a unpaved snow/desert road? By default, roads are always drawn as unpaved if they are on desert or above the snow line, but NewGRFs can override this for desert. More...
void DrawRoadTypeCatenary (const TileInfo *ti, RoadType rt, RoadBits rb)
 Draws the catenary for the RoadType of the given tile. More...
void DrawRoadCatenary (const TileInfo *ti)
 Draws the catenary for the given tile. More...
static void DrawRoadDetail (SpriteID img, const TileInfo *ti, int dx, int dy, int h, bool transparent)
 Draws details on/around the road. More...
void DrawRoadOverlays (const TileInfo *ti, PaletteID pal, const RoadTypeInfo *road_rti, const RoadTypeInfo *tram_rti, uint road_offset, uint tram_offset, bool draw_underlay)
 Draw road underlay and overlay sprites. More...
static SpriteID GetRoadGroundSprite (const TileInfo *ti, Roadside roadside, const RoadTypeInfo *rti, uint offset, bool snow_or_desert, PaletteID *pal)
 Get ground sprite to draw for a road tile. More...
void DrawRoadGroundSprites (const TileInfo *ti, RoadBits road, RoadBits tram, const RoadTypeInfo *road_rti, const RoadTypeInfo *tram_rti, Roadside roadside, bool snow_or_desert)
 Draw road ground sprites. More...
static void DrawRoadBits (TileInfo *ti)
 Draw ground sprite and road pieces. More...
static void DrawTile_Road (TileInfo *ti)
 Tile callback function for rendering a road tile to the screen.
void DrawRoadDepotSprite (int x, int y, DiagDirection dir, RoadType rt)
 Draw the road depot sprite. More...
void UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles (bool invalidate)
 Updates cached nearest town for all road tiles. More...
static int GetSlopePixelZ_Road (TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y, bool)
static Foundation GetFoundation_Road (TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
static void TileLoop_Road (TileIndex tile)
static bool ClickTile_Road (TileIndex tile)
static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Road (TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
static void GetTileDesc_Road (TileIndex tile, TileDesc *td)
static VehicleEnterTileStatus VehicleEnter_Road (Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int, int)
static void ChangeTileOwner_Road (TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
static CommandCost TerraformTile_Road (TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, int z_new, Slope tileh_new)
static VehicleUpdateRoadVehPowerProc (Vehicle *v, void *data)
 Update power of road vehicle under which is the roadtype being converted.
static bool CanConvertUnownedRoadType (Owner owner, RoadTramType rtt)
 Checks the tile and returns whether the current player is allowed to convert the roadtype to another roadtype without taking ownership. More...
static void ConvertRoadTypeOwner (TileIndex tile, uint num_pieces, Owner owner, RoadType from_type, RoadType to_type)
 Convert the ownership of the RoadType of the tile if applicable. More...
CommandCost CmdConvertRoad (DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, TileIndex area_start, RoadType to_type)
 Convert one road subtype to another. More...


RoadTypeInfo _roadtypes [ROADTYPE_END]
std::vector< RoadType_sorted_roadtypes
RoadTypes _roadtypes_hidden_mask
RoadTypes _roadtypes_type
 Bitmap of road/tram types. More...
static const RoadBits _invalid_tileh_slopes_road [2][15]
 Invalid RoadBits on slopes. More...
const uint8_t _road_sloped_sprites [14]
static const Roadside _town_road_types [][2]
static const Roadside _town_road_types_2 [][2]
static const TrackBits _road_trackbits [16]
static const StringID _road_tile_strings []
static const uint8_t _roadveh_enter_depot_dir [4]
 Given the direction the road depot is pointing, this is the direction the vehicle should be travelling in in order to enter the depot. More...
const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_road_procs
 Tile callback functions for road tiles. More...

Detailed Description

Commands related to road tiles.

Definition in file road_cmd.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CanConnectToRoad()

static bool CanConnectToRoad ( TileIndex  tile,
RoadType  rt,
DiagDirection  dir 

Checks whether a road or tram connection can be found when building a new road or tram.

tileTile at which the road being built will end.
rtRoadtype of the road being built.
dirDirection that the road is following.
True if the next tile at dir direction is suitable for being connected directly by a second roadbit at the end of the road being built.

Definition at line 950 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References IsValidTile(), MayHaveRoad(), and TileOffsByDiagDir().

Referenced by CmdBuildLongRoad().

◆ CanConvertUnownedRoadType()

static bool CanConvertUnownedRoadType ( Owner  owner,
RoadTramType  rtt 

Checks the tile and returns whether the current player is allowed to convert the roadtype to another roadtype without taking ownership.

ownerthe tile owner.
rttRoad/tram type.
whether the road is convertible

Definition at line 2394 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References OWNER_NONE, and OWNER_TOWN.

◆ CheckAllowRemoveRoad()

CommandCost CheckAllowRemoveRoad ( TileIndex  tile,
RoadBits  remove,
Owner  owner,
RoadTramType  rtt,
DoCommandFlag  flags,
bool  town_check 

Is it allowed to remove the given road bits from the given tile?

tilethe tile to remove the road from
removethe roadbits that are going to be removed
ownerthe actual owner of the roadbits of the tile
rtthe road type to remove the bits from
flagscommand flags
town_checkShall the town rating checked/affected
A succeeded command when it is allowed to remove the road bits, a failed command otherwise.

Definition at line 262 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ CheckRoadSlope()

static CommandCost CheckRoadSlope ( Slope  tileh,
RoadBits pieces,
RoadBits  existing,
RoadBits  other 

Calculate the costs for roads on slopes Aside modify the RoadBits to fit on the slopes.

The RoadBits are modified too!
tilehThe current slope
piecesThe RoadBits we want to add
existingThe existent RoadBits of the current type
otherThe other existent RoadBits
The costs for these RoadBits on this slope

Definition at line 545 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _invalid_tileh_slopes_road, _settings_game, ConstructionSettings::build_on_slopes, CLRBITS, CMD_ERROR, GameSettings::construction, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, GetHighestSlopeCorner(), IsSteepSlope(), ROAD_NONE, SLOPE_FLAT, and SlopeWithOneCornerRaised().

◆ CmdBuildLongRoad()

CommandCost CmdBuildLongRoad ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  end_tile,
TileIndex  start_tile,
RoadType  rt,
Axis  axis,
DisallowedRoadDirections  drd,
bool  start_half,
bool  end_half,
bool  is_ai 

Build a long piece of road.

flagsoperation to perform
end_tileend tile of drag
start_tilestart tile of drag
rtroad type
drdset road direction
start_halfstart tile starts in the 2nd half of tile (p2 & 1). Only used if is_ai is set or if we are building a single tile
end_halfend tile starts in the 2nd half of tile (p2 & 2). Only used if is_ai is set or if we are building a single tile
is_aidefines two different behaviors for this command:
  • false = Build up to an obstacle. Do not build the first and last roadbits unless they can be connected to something, or if we are building a single tile
  • true = Fail if an obstacle is found. Always take into account start_half and end_half. This behavior is used for scripts
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 979 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References CommandCost::AddCost(), AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AxisToDiagDir(), AxisToRoadBits(), CanConnectToRoad(), CMD_ERROR, DiagDirToRoadBits(), DRD_BOTH, DRD_NORTHBOUND, DRD_SOUTHBOUND, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, CommandCost::Failed(), CommandCost::GetErrorMessage(), GetTunnelBridgeDirection(), IsBridge(), IsTileType(), IsValidAxis(), IsValidDisallowedRoadDirections(), MP_TUNNELBRIDGE, ReverseDiagDir(), Map::Size(), TileOffsByDiagDir(), TileX(), TileY(), and ValParamRoadType().

◆ CmdBuildRoad()

CommandCost CmdBuildRoad ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
RoadBits  pieces,
RoadType  rt,
DisallowedRoadDirections  toggle_drd,
TownID  town_id 

Build a piece of road.

flagsoperation to perform
tiletile where to build road
piecesroad pieces to build (RoadBits)
rtroad type
toggle_drddisallowed directions to toggle
town_idthe town that is building the road (0 if not applicable)
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 610 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, CalcClosestTownFromTile(), CMD_ERROR, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_company_pool >::IsValidID(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::IsValidID(), OWNER_DEITY, OWNER_TOWN, and ROAD_NONE.

◆ CmdBuildRoadDepot()

CommandCost CmdBuildRoadDepot ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
RoadType  rt,
DiagDirection  dir 

Build a road depot.

tiletile where to build the depot
flagsoperation to perform
rtroad type
direntrance direction
the cost of this operation or an error
When checking for the tile slope, distinguish between "Flat land required" and "land sloped in wrong direction"

Definition at line 1149 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, CommandCost::AddCost(), ConstructionSettings::build_on_slopes, CanBuildDepotByTileh(), CMD_ERROR, GameSettings::construction, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, GetTileSlope(), IsValidDiagDirection(), return_cmd_error, SLOPE_FLAT, and ValParamRoadType().

◆ CmdConvertRoad()

CommandCost CmdConvertRoad ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  tile,
TileIndex  area_start,
RoadType  to_type 

Convert one road subtype to another.

Not meant to convert from road to tram.

flagsoperation to perform
tileend tile of road conversion drag
area_startstart tile of drag
to_typenew roadtype to convert to.
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 2442 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References CMD_ERROR, Map::Size(), and ValParamRoadType().

◆ CmdRemoveLongRoad()

std::tuple<CommandCost, Money> CmdRemoveLongRoad ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
TileIndex  end_tile,
TileIndex  start_tile,
RoadType  rt,
Axis  axis,
bool  start_half,
bool  end_half 

Remove a long piece of road.

flagsoperation to perform
end_tileend tile of drag
start_tilestart tile of drag
rtroad type
start_halfstart tile starts in the 2nd half of tile
end_halfend tile starts in the 2nd half of tile (p2 & 2)
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 1075 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AxisToRoadBits(), CMD_ERROR, EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, GetAvailableMoneyForCommand(), IsValidAxis(), ROAD_NE, ROAD_NW, ROAD_SE, ROAD_SW, Map::Size(), TileX(), TileY(), and ValParamRoadType().

◆ CompareRoadTypes()

static bool CompareRoadTypes ( const RoadType first,
const RoadType second 

Compare roadtypes based on their sorting order.

firstThe roadtype to compare to.
secondThe roadtype to compare.
True iff the first should be sorted before the second.

Definition at line 103 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ ConvertRoadTypeOwner()

static void ConvertRoadTypeOwner ( TileIndex  tile,
uint  num_pieces,
Owner  owner,
RoadType  from_type,
RoadType  to_type 

Convert the ownership of the RoadType of the tile if applicable.

tilethe tile of which convert ownership
num_piecesthe count of the roadbits to assign to the new owner
ownerthe current owner of the RoadType
from_typethe old road type
to_typethe new road type

Definition at line 2407 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _current_company, MAX_COMPANIES, OWNER_NONE, and SetRoadOwner().

◆ DrawRoadAsSnowDesert()

static bool DrawRoadAsSnowDesert ( bool  snow_or_desert,
Roadside  roadside 

Should the road be drawn as a unpaved snow/desert road? By default, roads are always drawn as unpaved if they are on desert or above the snow line, but NewGRFs can override this for desert.

snow_or_desertIs snowy or desert tile
roadsideWhat sort of road this is
True if snow/desert road sprites should be used.

Definition at line 1366 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _settings_game, GameSettings::game_creation, and GameCreationSettings::landscape.

Referenced by GetRoadGroundSprite().

◆ DrawRoadBits()

static void DrawRoadBits ( TileInfo ti)

Draw ground sprite and road pieces.


Definition at line 1623 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References GetRoadBits(), and TileInfo::tile.

Referenced by DrawTile_Road().

◆ DrawRoadCatenary()

void DrawRoadCatenary ( const TileInfo ti)

Draws the catenary for the given tile.

tiinformation about the tile (slopes, height etc)

Definition at line 1451 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References GetRoadBits(), IsNormalRoad(), IsTileType(), MP_ROAD, ROAD_NONE, and TileInfo::tile.

◆ DrawRoadDepotSprite()

void DrawRoadDepotSprite ( int  x,
int  y,
DiagDirection  dir,
RoadType  rt 

Draw the road depot sprite.

xThe x offset to draw at.
yThe y offset to draw at.
dirThe direction the depot must be facing.
rtThe road type of the depot to draw.

Definition at line 1875 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ DrawRoadDetail()

static void DrawRoadDetail ( SpriteID  img,
const TileInfo ti,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  h,
bool  transparent 

Draws details on/around the road.

imgthe sprite to draw
tithe tile to draw on
dxthe offset from the top of the BB of the tile
dythe offset from the top of the BB of the tile
hthe height of the sprite to draw
transparentwhether the sprite should be transparent (used for roadside trees)

Definition at line 1497 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ DrawRoadGroundSprites()

void DrawRoadGroundSprites ( const TileInfo ti,
RoadBits  road,
RoadBits  tram,
const RoadTypeInfo road_rti,
const RoadTypeInfo tram_rti,
Roadside  roadside,
bool  snow_or_desert 

Draw road ground sprites.

roadRoad bits
tramTram bits
road_rtiRoad road type information
tram_rtiTram road type information
roadsideRoadside type
snow_or_desertWhether to draw snow/desert ground sprites

Definition at line 1605 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References GetRoadSpriteOffset(), and TileInfo::tileh.

◆ DrawRoadOverlays()

void DrawRoadOverlays ( const TileInfo ti,
PaletteID  pal,
const RoadTypeInfo road_rti,
const RoadTypeInfo tram_rti,
uint  road_offset,
uint  tram_offset,
bool  draw_underlay 

Draw road underlay and overlay sprites.

road_rtiRoad road type information
tram_rtiTram road type information
road_offsetRoad sprite offset (based on road bits)
tram_offsetTram sprite offset (based on road bits)
draw_underlayWhether to draw underlays

Definition at line 1515 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References DrawGroundSprite(), GetCustomRoadSprite(), ROTSG_GROUND, and TileInfo::tile.

◆ DrawRoadTypeCatenary()

void DrawRoadTypeCatenary ( const TileInfo ti,
RoadType  rt,
RoadBits  rb 

Draws the catenary for the RoadType of the given tile.

tiinformation about the tile (slopes, height etc)
rtroad type to draw catenary for
rbthe roadbits for the tram

< big number compared to sprite size

Definition at line 1379 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References CountBits(), DIAGDIR_BEGIN, DIAGDIR_END, DiagDirToRoadBits(), GetBridgeHeight(), GetNorthernBridgeEnd(), GetTileMaxZ(), IsBridgeAbove(), IsTransparencySet(), MayHaveRoad(), ROAD_NONE, TileInfo::tile, TileAddByDiagDir(), and TO_CATENARY.

◆ GetRoadFoundation()

static Foundation GetRoadFoundation ( Slope  tileh,
RoadBits  bits 

Get the foundationtype of a RoadBits Slope combination.

tilehThe Slope part
bitsThe RoadBits part
The resulting Foundation

Definition at line 1301 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _invalid_tileh_slopes_road, FOUNDATION_INCLINED_X, FOUNDATION_INCLINED_Y, FOUNDATION_LEVELED, FOUNDATION_NONE, GetHighestSlopeCorner(), IsSlopeWithOneCornerRaised(), IsSteepSlope(), ROAD_NONE, ROAD_X, SLOPE_FLAT, and SlopeWithOneCornerRaised().

◆ GetRoadGroundSprite()

static SpriteID GetRoadGroundSprite ( const TileInfo ti,
Roadside  roadside,
const RoadTypeInfo rti,
uint  offset,
bool  snow_or_desert,
PaletteID pal 

Get ground sprite to draw for a road tile.

roadsideRoad side type
rtiRoad type info
offsetRoad sprite offset
snow_or_desertWhether to get snow/desert ground sprite
[out]palPalette to draw.

Definition at line 1562 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References DrawRoadAsSnowDesert().

◆ GetRoadSpriteOffset()

static uint GetRoadSpriteOffset ( Slope  slope,
RoadBits  bits 

Get the sprite offset within a spritegroup.

Offset for the sprite within the spritegroup.

Definition at line 1336 of file road_cmd.cpp.


Referenced by DrawRoadGroundSprites().

◆ RemoveRoad()

static CommandCost RemoveRoad ( TileIndex  tile,
DoCommandFlag  flags,
RoadBits  pieces,
RoadTramType  rtt,
bool  town_check 

Delete a piece of road.

tiletile where to remove road from
flagsoperation to perform
piecesroadbits to remove
rtroadtype to remove
town_checkshould we check if the town allows removal?

Definition at line 325 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References MayHaveRoad(), and ROAD_NONE.

◆ RoadVehiclesAreBuilt()

bool RoadVehiclesAreBuilt ( )

Verify whether a road vehicle is available.

true if at least one road vehicle is available, false if not

Definition at line 179 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References SpecializedVehicle< RoadVehicle, Type >::Iterate().

◆ UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure()

void UpdateCompanyRoadInfrastructure ( RoadType  rt,
Owner  o,
int  count 

◆ UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles()

void UpdateNearestTownForRoadTiles ( bool  invalidate)

Updates cached nearest town for all road tiles.

invalidateare we just invalidating cached data?
invalidate == true implies _generating_world == true

Definition at line 1918 of file road_cmd.cpp.

References _generating_world, HasTownOwnedRoad(), IsRoadDepot(), IsTileType(), MP_ROAD, and Map::Size().

Variable Documentation

◆ _invalid_tileh_slopes_road

const RoadBits _invalid_tileh_slopes_road[2][15]

Invalid RoadBits on slopes.

Definition at line 202 of file road_cmd.cpp.

Referenced by CheckRoadSlope(), and GetRoadFoundation().

◆ _road_sloped_sprites

const uint8_t _road_sloped_sprites[14]
Initial value:
= {
0, 0, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
3, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0

Definition at line 1323 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ _road_tile_strings

const StringID _road_tile_strings[]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 2172 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ _road_trackbits

◆ _roadtypes_type

RoadTypes _roadtypes_type

Bitmap of road/tram types.

Bit if set if a roadtype is tram.

Definition at line 62 of file road_cmd.cpp.

Referenced by ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow::OnPaint().

◆ _roadveh_enter_depot_dir

const uint8_t _roadveh_enter_depot_dir[4]
Initial value:

Given the direction the road depot is pointing, this is the direction the vehicle should be travelling in in order to enter the depot.

Definition at line 2253 of file road_cmd.cpp.

◆ _tile_type_road_procs

const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_road_procs
Initial value:
= {

Tile callback functions for road tiles.

Definition at line 50 of file landscape.cpp.

◆ _town_road_types

const Roadside _town_road_types[][2]

◆ _town_road_types_2

const Roadside _town_road_types_2[][2]
X-axis and direction to south-west.
Definition: track_type.h:77
Road with trees on paved sidewalks.
Definition: road_map.h:483
X-axis track.
Definition: track_type.h:37
No track.
Definition: track_type.h:36
Y-axis and direction to south-east.
Definition: track_type.h:70
Road with street lights on paved sidewalks.
Definition: road_map.h:481
Left track.
Definition: track_type.h:41
Y-axis and direction to north-west.
Definition: track_type.h:78
All possible tracks.
Definition: track_type.h:50
Upper track.
Definition: track_type.h:39
static void DrawTile_Road(TileInfo *ti)
Tile callback function for rendering a road tile to the screen.
Definition: road_cmd.cpp:1704
Right track.
Definition: track_type.h:42
Road on grass.
Definition: road_map.h:479
X-axis and direction to north-east.
Definition: track_type.h:69
Y-axis track.
Definition: track_type.h:38
Lower track.
Definition: track_type.h:40
Road with paved sidewalks.
Definition: road_map.h:480