OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
viewport_func.h File Reference

Functions related to (drawing on) viewports. More...

#include "gfx_type.h"
#include "viewport_type.h"
#include "window_type.h"
#include "tile_map.h"
#include "station_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"

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void SetSelectionRed (bool)
void DeleteWindowViewport (Window *w)
void InitializeWindowViewport (Window *w, int x, int y, int width, int height, std::variant< TileIndex, VehicleID > focus, ZoomLevel zoom)
 Initialize viewport of the window for use.
ViewportIsPtInWindowViewport (const Window *w, int x, int y)
 Is a xy position inside the viewport of the window?
Point TranslateXYToTileCoord (const Viewport *vp, int x, int y, bool clamp_to_map=true)
 Translate screen coordinate in a viewport to underlying tile coordinate.
Point GetTileBelowCursor ()
void UpdateViewportPosition (Window *w, uint32_t delta_ms)
 Update the viewport position being displayed.
bool MarkAllViewportsDirty (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
 Mark all viewports that display an area as dirty (in need of repaint).
bool DoZoomInOutWindow (ZoomStateChange how, Window *w)
 Zooms a viewport in a window in or out.
void ZoomInOrOutToCursorWindow (bool in, Window *w)
void ConstrainAllViewportsZoom ()
Point GetTileZoomCenterWindow (bool in, Window *w)
void FixTitleGameZoom (int zoom_adjust=0)
void HandleZoomMessage (Window *w, const Viewport *vp, WidgetID widget_zoom_in, WidgetID widget_zoom_out)
 Update the status of the zoom-buttons according to the zoom-level of the viewport.
void MaxZoomInOut (ZoomStateChange how, Window *w)
 Zoom a viewport as far as possible in the given direction.
void OffsetGroundSprite (int x, int y)
 Called when a foundation has been drawn for the current tile.
void DrawGroundSprite (SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, const SubSprite *sub=nullptr, int extra_offs_x=0, int extra_offs_y=0)
 Draws a ground sprite for the current tile.
void DrawGroundSpriteAt (SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, int32_t x, int32_t y, int z, const SubSprite *sub=nullptr, int extra_offs_x=0, int extra_offs_y=0)
 Draws a ground sprite at a specific world-coordinate relative to the current tile.
void AddSortableSpriteToDraw (SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, int w, int h, int dz, int z, bool transparent=false, int bb_offset_x=0, int bb_offset_y=0, int bb_offset_z=0, const SubSprite *sub=nullptr)
 Draw a (transparent) sprite at given coordinates with a given bounding box.
void AddChildSpriteScreen (SpriteID image, PaletteID pal, int x, int y, bool transparent=false, const SubSprite *sub=nullptr, bool scale=true, bool relative=true)
 Add a child sprite to a parent sprite.
std::string * ViewportAddString (const DrawPixelInfo *dpi, const ViewportSign *sign, ViewportStringFlags flags, Colours colour)
 Add a string to draw in the current viewport.
void StartSpriteCombine ()
 Starts a block of sprites, which are "combined" into a single bounding box.
void EndSpriteCombine ()
 Terminates a block of sprites started by StartSpriteCombine.
bool HandleViewportClicked (const Viewport *vp, int x, int y)
void SetRedErrorSquare (TileIndex tile)
 Set a tile to display a red error square.
void SetTileSelectSize (int w, int h)
 Highlight w by h tiles at the cursor.
void SetTileSelectBigSize (int ox, int oy, int sx, int sy)
void ViewportDoDraw (const Viewport *vp, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
bool ScrollWindowToTile (TileIndex tile, Window *w, bool instant=false)
 Scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location.
bool ScrollWindowTo (int x, int y, int z, Window *w, bool instant=false)
 Scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location.
void RebuildViewportOverlay (Window *w)
bool ScrollMainWindowToTile (TileIndex tile, bool instant=false)
 Scrolls the viewport of the main window to a given location.
bool ScrollMainWindowTo (int x, int y, int z=-1, bool instant=false)
 Scrolls the main window to given coordinates.
void UpdateAllVirtCoords ()
 Update the viewport coordinates of all signs.
void ClearAllCachedNames ()
void MarkTileDirtyByTile (TileIndex tile, int bridge_level_offset, int tile_height_override)
 Mark a tile given by its index dirty for repaint.
void MarkTileDirtyByTile (TileIndex tile, int bridge_level_offset=0)
 Mark a tile given by its index dirty for repaint.
Point GetViewportStationMiddle (const Viewport *vp, const Station *st)
void SetViewportCatchmentStation (const Station *st, bool sel)
 Select or deselect station for coverage area highlight.
void SetViewportCatchmentWaypoint (const Waypoint *wp, bool sel)
 Select or deselect waypoint for coverage area highlight.
void SetViewportCatchmentTown (const Town *t, bool sel)
 Select or deselect town for coverage area highlight.
void MarkCatchmentTilesDirty ()
template<class T >
void SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation (const T *st, bool sel)
void SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation (const Station *st, bool sel)
void SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation (const Waypoint *st, bool sel)


static const int TILE_HEIGHT_STEP = 50
 One Z unit tile height difference is displayed as 50m.
Point _tile_fract_coords

Detailed Description

Functions related to (drawing on) viewports.

Definition in file viewport_func.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddChildSpriteScreen()

void AddChildSpriteScreen ( SpriteID  image,
PaletteID  pal,
int  x,
int  y,
bool  transparent,
const SubSprite sub,
bool  scale,
bool  relative 

Add a child sprite to a parent sprite.

imagethe image to draw.
palthe provided palette.
xsprite x-offset (screen coordinates) relative to parent sprite.
ysprite y-offset (screen coordinates) relative to parent sprite.
transparentif true, switch the palette between the provided palette and the transparent palette,
subOnly draw a part of the sprite.
scaleif true, scale offsets to base zoom level.
relativeif true, draw sprite relative to parent sprite offsets.

Definition at line 829 of file viewport.cpp.

References LAST_CHILD_NONE, LAST_CHILD_PARENT, ViewportDrawer::last_foundation_child, MAX_SPRITES, ChildScreenSpriteToDraw::next, PALETTE_MODIFIER_TRANSPARENT, PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT, SetBit(), SPRITE_MASK, and ChildScreenSpriteToDraw::sub.

Referenced by AddChildSpriteToFoundation(), AddCombinedSprite(), and DrawCommonTileSeq().

◆ AddSortableSpriteToDraw()

void AddSortableSpriteToDraw ( SpriteID  image,
PaletteID  pal,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  dz,
int  z,
bool  transparent,
int  bb_offset_x,
int  bb_offset_y,
int  bb_offset_z,
const SubSprite sub 

Draw a (transparent) sprite at given coordinates with a given bounding box.

The bounding box extends from (x + bb_offset_x, y + bb_offset_y, z + bb_offset_z) to (x + w - 1, y + h - 1, z + dz - 1), both corners included. Bounding boxes with bb_offset_x == w or bb_offset_y == h or bb_offset_z == dz are allowed and produce thin slices.

Bounding boxes are normally specified with bb_offset_x = bb_offset_y = bb_offset_z = 0. The extent of the bounding box in negative direction is defined by the sprite offset in the grf file. However if modifying the sprite offsets is not suitable (e.g. when using existing graphics), the bounding box can be tuned by bb_offset.
w >= bb_offset_x, h >= bb_offset_y, dz >= bb_offset_z. Else w, h or dz are ignored.
imagethe image to combine and draw,
palthe provided palette,
xposition X (world) of the sprite,
yposition Y (world) of the sprite,
wbounding box extent towards positive X (world),
hbounding box extent towards positive Y (world),
dzbounding box extent towards positive Z (world),
zposition Z (world) of the sprite,
transparentif true, switch the palette between the provided palette and the transparent palette,
bb_offset_xbounding box extent towards negative X (world),
bb_offset_ybounding box extent towards negative Y (world),
bb_offset_zbounding box extent towards negative Z (world)
subOnly draw a part of the sprite.

Definition at line 673 of file viewport.cpp.

References AddCombinedSprite(), ViewportDrawer::combine_sprites, ParentSpriteToDraw::first_child, Sprite::height, ParentSpriteToDraw::image, LAST_CHILD_NONE, LAST_CHILD_PARENT, ParentSpriteToDraw::left, MAX_SPRITES, Normal, ParentSpriteToDraw::pal, PALETTE_MODIFIER_TRANSPARENT, PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT, RemapCoords(), SetBit(), SPRITE_COMBINE_ACTIVE, SPRITE_COMBINE_PENDING, SPRITE_MASK, ParentSpriteToDraw::sub, ParentSpriteToDraw::top, Sprite::width, ParentSpriteToDraw::x, Sprite::x_offs, ParentSpriteToDraw::xmax, ParentSpriteToDraw::xmin, ParentSpriteToDraw::y, Sprite::y_offs, ParentSpriteToDraw::ymax, ParentSpriteToDraw::ymin, ParentSpriteToDraw::zmax, and ParentSpriteToDraw::zmin.

Referenced by DoDrawVehicle(), DrawBridgeMiddle(), DrawBridgeRoadBits(), DrawCommonTileSeq(), DrawFoundation(), DrawPillar(), DrawRailCatenary(), DrawRailCatenaryOnBridge(), DrawRailCatenaryOnTunnel(), DrawRailCatenaryRailway(), DrawRoadDetail(), DrawRoadTypeCatenary(), DrawTile_Town(), DrawTile_TunnelBridge(), DrawTrackFence(), and DrawWaterTileStruct().

◆ ClearAllCachedNames()

void ClearAllCachedNames ( )

Definition at line 235 of file afterload.cpp.

◆ ConstrainAllViewportsZoom()

void ConstrainAllViewportsZoom ( )

Definition at line 2090 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ DeleteWindowViewport()

void DeleteWindowViewport ( Window w)

Definition at line 208 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ DoZoomInOutWindow()

bool DoZoomInOutWindow ( ZoomStateChange  how,
Window w 

◆ DrawGroundSprite()

void DrawGroundSprite ( SpriteID  image,
PaletteID  pal,
const SubSprite sub,
int  extra_offs_x,
int  extra_offs_y 

Draws a ground sprite for the current tile.

If the current tile is drawn on top of a foundation the sprite is added as child sprite to the "foundation"-ParentSprite.

imagethe image to draw.
palthe provided palette.
subOnly draw a part of the sprite.
extra_offs_xPixel X offset for the sprite position.
extra_offs_yPixel Y offset for the sprite position.

Definition at line 589 of file viewport.cpp.

References DrawGroundSpriteAt().

Referenced by DrawCommonTileSeq(), DrawRoadBits(), DrawRoadGroundSprites(), DrawRoadOverlays(), DrawSeaWater(), DrawTile_Road(), DrawTile_Town(), DrawTile_TunnelBridge(), DrawTileLayout(), DrawTrackBits(), DrawWaterLock(), and DrawWaterSprite().

◆ DrawGroundSpriteAt()

void DrawGroundSpriteAt ( SpriteID  image,
PaletteID  pal,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int  z,
const SubSprite sub,
int  extra_offs_x,
int  extra_offs_y 

Draws a ground sprite at a specific world-coordinate relative to the current tile.

If the current tile is drawn on top of a foundation the sprite is added as child sprite to the "foundation"-ParentSprite.

imagethe image to draw.
palthe provided palette.
xposition x (world coordinates) of the sprite relative to current tile.
yposition y (world coordinates) of the sprite relative to current tile.
zposition z (world coordinates) of the sprite relative to current tile.
subOnly draw a part of the sprite.
extra_offs_xPixel X offset for the sprite position.
extra_offs_yPixel Y offset for the sprite position.

Definition at line 566 of file viewport.cpp.

References AddChildSpriteToFoundation(), AddTileSpriteToDraw(), ViewportDrawer::foundation, ViewportDrawer::foundation_part, FOUNDATION_PART_NONE, FOUNDATION_PART_NORMAL, RemapCoords(), TileInfo::x, TileInfo::y, and TileInfo::z.

Referenced by DrawGroundSprite(), and DrawRoadBits().

◆ EndSpriteCombine()

void EndSpriteCombine ( )

Terminates a block of sprites started by StartSpriteCombine.

Take a look there for details.

Definition at line 779 of file viewport.cpp.

References ViewportDrawer::combine_sprites, and SPRITE_COMBINE_NONE.

Referenced by DoDrawVehicle(), DrawBridgeMiddle(), DrawBridgeRoadBits(), and DrawTile_TunnelBridge().

◆ FixTitleGameZoom()

void FixTitleGameZoom ( int  zoom_adjust = 0)

Definition at line 155 of file main_gui.cpp.

◆ GetTileBelowCursor()

Point GetTileBelowCursor ( )

Definition at line 466 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ GetTileZoomCenterWindow()

Point GetTileZoomCenterWindow ( bool  in,
Window w 

Definition at line 472 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ GetViewportStationMiddle()

Point GetViewportStationMiddle ( const Viewport vp,
const Station st 

Definition at line 3554 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ HandleViewportClicked()

bool HandleViewportClicked ( const Viewport vp,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 2471 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ HandleZoomMessage()

void HandleZoomMessage ( Window w,
const Viewport vp,
WidgetID  widget_zoom_in,
WidgetID  widget_zoom_out 

Update the status of the zoom-buttons according to the zoom-level of the viewport.

This will update their status and invalidate accordingly

wWindow pointer to the window that has the zoom buttons
vppointer to the viewport whose zoom-level the buttons represent
widget_zoom_inwidget index for window with zoom-in button
widget_zoom_outwidget index for window with zoom-out button

Definition at line 496 of file viewport.cpp.

References _settings_client, ClientSettings::gui, Window::SetWidgetDirty(), Window::SetWidgetDisabledState(), Viewport::zoom, GUISettings::zoom_max, and GUISettings::zoom_min.

Referenced by MainToolbarWindow::OnInvalidateData(), ScenarioEditorToolbarWindow::OnInvalidateData(), and ExtraViewportWindow::OnInvalidateData().

◆ InitializeWindowViewport()

void InitializeWindowViewport ( Window w,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
std::variant< TileIndex, VehicleID focus,
ZoomLevel  zoom 

Initialize viewport of the window for use.

wWindow to use/display the viewport in
xOffset of left edge of viewport with respect to left edge window w
yOffset of top edge of viewport with respect to top edge window w
widthWidth of the viewport
heightHeight of the viewport
focusEither the tile index or vehicle ID to focus.
zoomZoomlevel to display

Definition at line 224 of file viewport.cpp.

References _settings_client, Clamp(), ViewportData::dest_scrollpos_x, ViewportData::dest_scrollpos_y, ViewportData::follow_vehicle, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >::Get(), GetMainWindow(), GetSlopePixelZ(), ClientSettings::gui, Viewport::height, INVALID_TILE, Viewport::left, Window::left, ScaleByZoom(), ViewportData::scrollpos_x, ViewportData::scrollpos_y, TILE_SIZE, TileX(), TileY(), Viewport::top, Window::top, Window::viewport, Viewport::virtual_height, Viewport::virtual_left, Viewport::virtual_top, Viewport::virtual_width, Viewport::width, Vehicle::x_pos, Vehicle::y_pos, Vehicle::z_pos, Viewport::zoom, GUISettings::zoom_max, and GUISettings::zoom_min.

Referenced by NWidgetViewport::InitializeViewport().

◆ IsPtInWindowViewport()

Viewport * IsPtInWindowViewport ( const Window w,
int  x,
int  y 

Is a xy position inside the viewport of the window?

wWindow to examine its viewport
xX coordinate of the xy position
yY coordinate of the xy position
Pointer to the viewport if the xy position is in the viewport of the window, otherwise nullptr is returned.

Definition at line 413 of file viewport.cpp.

References Viewport::height, IsInsideMM(), Viewport::left, Viewport::top, Window::viewport, and Viewport::width.

Referenced by HandleAutoscroll(), and TooltipsWindow::OnMouseLoop().

◆ MarkCatchmentTilesDirty()

void MarkCatchmentTilesDirty ( )

Definition at line 3623 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ MaxZoomInOut()

void MaxZoomInOut ( ZoomStateChange  how,
Window w 

Zoom a viewport as far as possible in the given direction.

howZooming direction.
wWindow owning the viewport.
how should not be ZOOM_NONE.

Definition at line 46 of file viewport_func.h.

References DoZoomInOutWindow().

Referenced by MainWindow::OnHotkey().

◆ OffsetGroundSprite()

void OffsetGroundSprite ( int  x,
int  y 

Called when a foundation has been drawn for the current tile.

Successive ground sprites for the current tile will be drawn as child sprites of the "foundation"-ParentSprite, not as TileSprites.

xsprite x-offset (screen coordinates) of ground sprites relative to the "foundation"-ParentSprite.
ysprite y-offset (screen coordinates) of ground sprites relative to the "foundation"-ParentSprite.

Definition at line 601 of file viewport.cpp.

References ViewportDrawer::foundation, ViewportDrawer::foundation_offset, ViewportDrawer::foundation_part, FOUNDATION_PART_HALFTILE, FOUNDATION_PART_NONE, FOUNDATION_PART_NORMAL, LAST_CHILD_NONE, and ViewportDrawer::last_foundation_child.

Referenced by DrawFoundation().

◆ RebuildViewportOverlay()

void RebuildViewportOverlay ( Window w)

Definition at line 2503 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ ScrollMainWindowTo()

bool ScrollMainWindowTo ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  instant 

Scrolls the main window to given coordinates.

xx coordinate
yy coordinate
zz coordinate; -1 to scroll to terrain height
instantscroll instantly (meaningful only when smooth_scrolling is active)
did the viewport position change?

Definition at line 2078 of file smallmap_gui.cpp.

References FindWindowById(), GetMainWindow(), ScrollWindowTo(), SmallMapWindow::SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos(), and WC_SMALLMAP.

Referenced by HandleViewportScroll(), NewsWindow::OnClick(), VehicleViewWindow::OnClick(), MainWindow::OnHotkey(), and ScrollMainWindowToTile().

◆ ScrollMainWindowToTile()

bool ScrollMainWindowToTile ( TileIndex  tile,
bool  instant 

Scrolls the viewport of the main window to a given location.

tileDesired tile to center on.
instantJump to the location instead of slowly moving to it.
Destination of the viewport was changed (to activate other actions when the viewport is already at the desired position).

Definition at line 2568 of file viewport.cpp.

References ScrollMainWindowTo(), TILE_SIZE, TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by CmdScrollViewport(), DEF_CONSOLE_CMD(), StationViewWindow::DrawEntries(), GenerateWorld(), GoalListWindow::HandleClick(), CompanyWindow::OnClick(), DepotWindow::OnClick(), IndustryViewWindow::OnClick(), IndustryDirectoryWindow::OnClick(), LandInfoWindow::OnClick(), NewsWindow::OnClick(), OrdersWindow::OnClick(), SignListWindow::OnClick(), SignWindow::OnClick(), CompanyStationsWindow::OnClick(), StationViewWindow::OnClick(), TownViewWindow::OnClick(), TownDirectoryWindow::OnClick(), VehicleViewWindow::OnClick(), WaypointWindow::OnClick(), and StoryBookWindow::OnPageElementClick().

◆ ScrollWindowTo()

bool ScrollWindowTo ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
Window w,
bool  instant 

Scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location.

xDesired x location of the map to scroll to (world coordinate).
yDesired y location of the map to scroll to (world coordinate).
zDesired z location of the map to scroll to (world coordinate). Use -1 to scroll to the height of the map at the x, y location.
wWindow containing the viewport.
instantJump to the location instead of slowly moving to it.
Destination of the viewport was changed (to activate other actions when the viewport is already at the desired position).

Definition at line 2522 of file viewport.cpp.

References ViewportData::CancelFollow(), ViewportData::dest_scrollpos_x, ViewportData::dest_scrollpos_y, GetSlopePixelZ(), ViewportData::scrollpos_x, ViewportData::scrollpos_y, Map::SizeX(), Map::SizeY(), TILE_SIZE, TileHeightOutsideMap(), and Window::viewport.

Referenced by SmallMapWindow::OnClick(), ScrollMainWindowTo(), and ScrollWindowToTile().

◆ ScrollWindowToTile()

bool ScrollWindowToTile ( TileIndex  tile,
Window w,
bool  instant 

Scrolls the viewport in a window to a given location.

tileDesired tile to center on.
wWindow containing the viewport.
instantJump to the location instead of slowly moving to it.
Destination of the viewport was changed (to activate other actions when the viewport is already at the desired position).

Definition at line 2557 of file viewport.cpp.

References ScrollWindowTo(), TILE_SIZE, TileX(), and TileY().

Referenced by WaypointWindow::OnInvalidateData(), IndustryViewWindow::OnResize(), NewsWindow::OnResize(), TownViewWindow::OnResize(), and WaypointWindow::OnResize().

◆ SetRedErrorSquare()

void SetRedErrorSquare ( TileIndex  tile)

Set a tile to display a red error square.

tileTile that should show the red error square.

Definition at line 2577 of file viewport.cpp.

References INVALID_TILE, MarkTileDirtyByTile(), and TileHighlightData::redsq.

Referenced by CcBuildRailTunnel(), CcBuildRoadTunnel(), and ErrmsgWindow::Close().

◆ SetSelectionRed()

void SetSelectionRed ( bool  b)

Definition at line 2238 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ SetTileSelectBigSize()

void SetTileSelectBigSize ( int  ox,
int  oy,
int  sx,
int  sy 

Definition at line 2603 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ SetTileSelectSize()

void SetTileSelectSize ( int  w,
int  h 

Highlight w by h tiles at the cursor.

wWidth of the highlighted tiles rectangle.
hHeight of the highlighted tiles rectangle.

Definition at line 2595 of file viewport.cpp.

References TileHighlightData::new_outersize, TileHighlightData::new_size, and TILE_SIZE.

Referenced by BuildRailClick_Remove(), CompanyWindow::OnClick(), BuildDocksStationWindow::OnPaint(), BuildRailStationWindow::OnPaint(), BuildRoadStationWindow::OnPaint(), ScenarioEditorLandscapeGenerationWindow::OnPaint(), SetObjectToPlace(), and VpHandlePlaceSizingDrag().

◆ SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation() [1/2]

void SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation ( const Station st,
bool  sel 

Definition at line 111 of file viewport_func.h.

◆ SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation() [2/2]

void SetViewportCatchmentSpecializedStation ( const Waypoint st,
bool  sel 

Definition at line 117 of file viewport_func.h.

◆ SetViewportCatchmentStation()

◆ SetViewportCatchmentTown()

void SetViewportCatchmentTown ( const Town t,
bool  sel 

Select or deselect town for coverage area highlight.

Selecting a town will deselect a station.

*tTown in question
selSelect or deselect given town

Definition at line 3709 of file viewport.cpp.

References _viewport_highlight_town, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, MarkWholeScreenDirty(), SetWindowDirty(), and WC_TOWN_VIEW.

Referenced by TownViewWindow::Close(), and TownViewWindow::OnClick().

◆ SetViewportCatchmentWaypoint()

void SetViewportCatchmentWaypoint ( const Waypoint wp,
bool  sel 

Select or deselect waypoint for coverage area highlight.

Selecting a waypoint will deselect a town.

*wpWaypoint in question
selSelect or deselect given waypoint

Definition at line 3689 of file viewport.cpp.

References _viewport_highlight_waypoint, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, SetWindowDirty(), and WC_WAYPOINT_VIEW.

Referenced by BuildRailToolbarWindow::Close(), WaypointWindow::Close(), WaypointWindow::OnClick(), and BuildRailToolbarWindow::OnPlaceObjectAbort().

◆ StartSpriteCombine()

void StartSpriteCombine ( )

Starts a block of sprites, which are "combined" into a single bounding box.

Subsequent calls to AddSortableSpriteToDraw will be drawn into the same bounding box. That is: The first sprite that is not clipped by the viewport defines the bounding box, and the following sprites will be child sprites to that one.

That implies:

  • The drawing order is definite. No other sprites will be sorted between those of the block.
  • You have to provide a valid bounding box for all sprites, as you won't know which one is the first non-clipped one. Preferable you use the same bounding box for all.
  • You cannot use AddChildSpriteScreen inside the block, as its result will be indefinite.

The block is terminated by EndSpriteCombine.

You cannot nest "combined" blocks.

Definition at line 769 of file viewport.cpp.

References ViewportDrawer::combine_sprites, SPRITE_COMBINE_NONE, and SPRITE_COMBINE_PENDING.

Referenced by DoDrawVehicle(), DrawBridgeMiddle(), DrawBridgeRoadBits(), and DrawTile_TunnelBridge().

◆ TranslateXYToTileCoord()

Point TranslateXYToTileCoord ( const Viewport vp,
int  x,
int  y,
bool  clamp_to_map 

Translate screen coordinate in a viewport to underlying tile coordinate.

Returns exact point of the map that is visible in the given place of the viewport (3D perspective), height of tiles and foundations matter.

vpViewport that contains the (x, y) screen coordinate
xScreen x coordinate, distance in pixels from the left edge of viewport frame
yScreen y coordinate, distance in pixels from the top edge of viewport frame
clamp_to_mapClamp the coordinate outside of the map to the closest, non-void tile within the map
Tile coordinate or (-1, -1) if given x or y is not within viewport frame

Definition at line 437 of file viewport.cpp.

References Viewport::height, InverseRemapCoords2(), IsInsideBS(), Viewport::left, ScaleByZoom(), Viewport::top, Viewport::virtual_left, Viewport::virtual_top, Viewport::width, and Viewport::zoom.

◆ UpdateAllVirtCoords()

void UpdateAllVirtCoords ( )

◆ UpdateViewportPosition()

◆ ViewportAddString()

std::string * ViewportAddString ( const DrawPixelInfo dpi,
const ViewportSign sign,
ViewportStringFlags  flags,
Colours  colour 

Add a string to draw in the current viewport.

dpicurrent viewport area
signsign position and dimension
flagsViewportStringFlags to control the string's appearance.
colourcolour of the sign background; or INVALID_COLOUR if transparent
Pointer to std::string to filled with sign, or nullptr if string would be outside the viewport bounds.

Definition at line 1321 of file viewport.cpp.

References AddStringToDraw(), ViewportSign::center, FS_NORMAL, FS_SMALL, GetCharacterHeight(), ScaleByZoom(), WidgetDimensions::scaled, Small, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), ViewportSign::top, ViewportSign::width_normal, and ViewportSign::width_small.

Referenced by ViewportAddSignStrings(), ViewportAddStationStrings(), and ViewportAddTownStrings().

◆ ViewportDoDraw()

void ViewportDoDraw ( const Viewport vp,
int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 

Definition at line 1792 of file viewport.cpp.

◆ ZoomInOrOutToCursorWindow()

void ZoomInOrOutToCursorWindow ( bool  in,
Window w 

Definition at line 138 of file main_gui.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _tile_fract_coords

Point _tile_fract_coords

Definition at line 104 of file viewport.cpp.


const int TILE_HEIGHT_STEP = 50

One Z unit tile height difference is displayed as 50m.

Definition at line 20 of file viewport_func.h.

Referenced by CalcHeightdiff(), SmallMapWindow::DrawWidget(), and SmallMapWindow::OnInit().