OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Aircraft Struct Referencefinal

Aircraft, helicopters, rotors and their shadows belong to this class. More...

#include <aircraft.h>

Inheritance diagram for Aircraft:
SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT > Vehicle Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool > BaseVehicle BaseConsist

Public Member Functions

 Aircraft ()
 We don't want GCC to zero our struct! It already is zeroed and has an index!
virtual ~Aircraft ()
 We want to 'destruct' the right class.
void MarkDirty () override
 Marks the vehicles to be redrawn and updates cached variables.
void UpdateDeltaXY () override
 Updates the x and y offsets and the size of the sprite used for this vehicle.
ExpensesType GetExpenseType (bool income) const override
 Sets the expense type associated to this vehicle type.
bool IsPrimaryVehicle () const override
 Whether this is the primary vehicle in the chain.
void GetImage (Direction direction, EngineImageType image_type, VehicleSpriteSeq *result) const override
 Gets the sprite to show for the given direction.
int GetDisplaySpeed () const override
 Gets the speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into string parameters for string processing.
int GetDisplayMaxSpeed () const override
 Gets the maximum speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into string parameters for string processing.
int GetSpeedOldUnits () const
int GetCurrentMaxSpeed () const override
 Calculates the maximum speed of the vehicle under its current conditions.
Money GetRunningCost () const override
 Gets the running cost of a vehicle.
bool IsInDepot () const override
 Check whether the vehicle is in the depot.
bool Tick () override
 Calls the tick handler of the vehicle.
void OnNewCalendarDay () override
 Calendar day handler.
void OnNewEconomyDay () override
 Economy day handler.
uint Crash (bool flooded=false) override
 Crash the (whole) vehicle chain.
TileIndex GetOrderStationLocation (StationID station) override
 Determine the location for the station where the vehicle goes to next.
TileIndex GetCargoTile () const override
ClosestDepot FindClosestDepot () override
 Find the closest depot for this vehicle and tell us the location, DestinationID and whether we should reverse.
bool IsNormalAircraft () const
 Check if the aircraft type is a normal flying device; eg not a rotor or a shadow.
uint16_t GetRange () const
 Get the range of this aircraft.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >
 SpecializedVehicle ()
 Set vehicle type correctly.
AircraftFirst () const
 Get the first vehicle in the chain.
AircraftLast ()
 Get the last vehicle in the chain.
const AircraftLast () const
 Get the last vehicle in the chain.
AircraftNext () const
 Get next vehicle in the chain.
AircraftPrevious () const
 Get previous vehicle in the chain.
AircraftGetNextArticulatedPart ()
 Get the next part of an articulated engine.
AircraftGetNextArticulatedPart () const
 Get the next part of an articulated engine.
AircraftGetFirstEnginePart ()
 Get the first part of an articulated engine.
const AircraftGetFirstEnginePart () const
 Get the first part of an articulated engine.
AircraftGetLastEnginePart ()
 Get the last part of an articulated engine.
AircraftGetNextVehicle () const
 Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
AircraftGetPrevVehicle () const
 Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
void UpdateViewport (bool force_update, bool update_delta)
 Update vehicle sprite- and position caches.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Vehicle
virtual uint16_t GetMaxWeight () const
 Calculates the weight value that this vehicle will have when fully loaded with its current cargo.
 Vehicle (VehicleType type=VEH_INVALID)
 Vehicle constructor.
void PreDestructor ()
 Destroy all stuff that (still) needs the virtual functions to work properly.
virtual ~Vehicle ()
 We want to 'destruct' the right class.
void BeginLoading ()
 Prepare everything to begin the loading when arriving at a station.
void CancelReservation (StationID next, Station *st)
 Return all reserved cargo packets to the station and reset all packets staged for transfer.
void LeaveStation ()
 Perform all actions when leaving a station.
GroundVehicleCacheGetGroundVehicleCache ()
 Access the ground vehicle cache of the vehicle.
const GroundVehicleCacheGetGroundVehicleCache () const
 Access the ground vehicle cache of the vehicle.
uint16_t & GetGroundVehicleFlags ()
 Access the ground vehicle flags of the vehicle.
const uint16_t & GetGroundVehicleFlags () const
 Access the ground vehicle flags of the vehicle.
void DeleteUnreachedImplicitOrders ()
 Delete all implicit orders which were not reached.
void HandleLoading (bool mode=false)
 Handle the loading of the vehicle; when not it skips through dummy orders and does nothing in all other cases.
uint GetOldAdvanceSpeed (uint speed)
 Determines the effective direction-specific vehicle movement speed.
uint GetAdvanceDistance ()
 Determines the vehicle "progress" needed for moving a step.
virtual void PlayLeaveStationSound (bool force=false) const
 Play the sound associated with leaving the station.
const EngineGetEngine () const
 Retrieves the engine of the vehicle.
const GRFFileGetGRF () const
 Retrieve the NewGRF the vehicle is tied to.
uint32_t GetGRFID () const
 Retrieve the GRF ID of the NewGRF the vehicle is tied to.
void InvalidateNewGRFCache ()
 Invalidates cached NewGRF variables.
void InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain ()
 Invalidates cached NewGRF variables of all vehicles in the chain (after the current vehicle)
debug_inline bool IsGroundVehicle () const
 Check if the vehicle is a ground vehicle.
virtual bool IsChainInDepot () const
 Check whether the whole vehicle chain is in the depot.
bool IsStoppedInDepot () const
 Check whether the vehicle is in the depot and stopped.
void ShiftDates (TimerGameEconomy::Date interval)
 Shift all dates by given interval.
virtual Trackdir GetVehicleTrackdir () const
 Returns the Trackdir on which the vehicle is currently located.
Money GetDisplayRunningCost () const
 Gets the running cost of a vehicle that can be sent into string parameters for string processing.
Money GetDisplayProfitThisYear () const
 Gets the profit vehicle had this year.
Money GetDisplayProfitLastYear () const
 Gets the profit vehicle had last year.
void SetNext (Vehicle *next)
 Set the next vehicle of this vehicle.
VehicleNext () const
 Get the next vehicle of this vehicle.
VehiclePrevious () const
 Get the previous vehicle of this vehicle.
VehicleFirst () const
 Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
VehicleLast ()
 Get the last vehicle of this vehicle chain.
const VehicleLast () const
 Get the last vehicle of this vehicle chain.
VehicleMove (int n)
 Get the vehicle at offset n of this vehicle chain.
const VehicleMove (int n) const
 Get the vehicle at offset n of this vehicle chain.
OrderGetFirstOrder () const
 Get the first order of the vehicles order list.
void AddToShared (Vehicle *shared_chain)
 Adds this vehicle to a shared vehicle chain.
void RemoveFromShared ()
 Removes the vehicle from the shared order list.
VehicleNextShared () const
 Get the next vehicle of the shared vehicle chain.
VehiclePreviousShared () const
 Get the previous vehicle of the shared vehicle chain.
VehicleFirstShared () const
 Get the first vehicle of this vehicle chain.
bool IsOrderListShared () const
 Check if we share our orders with another vehicle.
VehicleOrderID GetNumOrders () const
 Get the number of orders this vehicle has.
VehicleOrderID GetNumManualOrders () const
 Get the number of manually added orders this vehicle has.
StationIDStack GetNextStoppingStation () const
 Get the next station the vehicle will stop at.
void ResetRefitCaps ()
 Reset all refit_cap in the consist to cargo_cap.
void ReleaseUnitNumber ()
 Release the vehicle's unit number.
void CopyVehicleConfigAndStatistics (Vehicle *src)
 Copy certain configurations and statistics of a vehicle after successful autoreplace/renew The function shall copy everything that cannot be copied by a command (like orders / group etc), and that shall not be resetted for the new vehicle.
bool HandleBreakdown ()
 Handle all of the aspects of a vehicle breakdown This includes adding smoke and sounds, and ending the breakdown when appropriate.
bool NeedsAutorenewing (const Company *c, bool use_renew_setting=true) const
 Function to tell if a vehicle needs to be autorenewed.
bool NeedsServicing () const
 Check if the vehicle needs to go to a depot in near future (if a opportunity presents itself) for service or replacement.
bool NeedsAutomaticServicing () const
 Checks if the current order should be interrupted for a service-in-depot order.
virtual void SetDestTile (TileIndex tile)
CommandCost SendToDepot (DoCommandFlags flags, DepotCommandFlags command)
 Send this vehicle to the depot using the given command(s).
void UpdateVisualEffect (bool allow_power_change=true)
 Update the cached visual effect.
void ShowVisualEffect () const
 Draw visual effects (smoke and/or sparks) for a vehicle chain.
void UpdatePosition ()
 Update the position of the vehicle.
void UpdateViewport (bool dirty)
 Update the vehicle on the viewport, updating the right hash and setting the new coordinates.
void UpdateBoundingBoxCoordinates (bool update_cache) const
 Update the bounding box co-ordinates of the vehicle.
void UpdatePositionAndViewport ()
 Update the position of the vehicle, and update the viewport.
bool MarkAllViewportsDirty () const
 Marks viewports dirty where the vehicle's image is.
uint16_t GetServiceInterval () const
void SetServiceInterval (uint16_t interval)
bool ServiceIntervalIsCustom () const
bool ServiceIntervalIsPercent () const
void SetServiceIntervalIsCustom (bool on)
void SetServiceIntervalIsPercent (bool on)
bool HasFullLoadOrder () const
 Check if the current vehicle has a full load order.
bool HasConditionalOrder () const
 Check if the current vehicle has a conditional order.
bool HasUnbunchingOrder () const
 Check if the current vehicle has an unbunching order.
void LeaveUnbunchingDepot ()
 Leave an unbunching depot and calculate the next departure time for shared order vehicles.
bool IsWaitingForUnbunching () const
 Check whether a vehicle inside a depot is waiting for unbunching.
void IncrementImplicitOrderIndex ()
 Increments cur_implicit_order_index, keeps care of the wrap-around and invalidates the GUI.
void IncrementRealOrderIndex ()
 Advanced cur_real_order_index to the next real order, keeps care of the wrap-around and invalidates the GUI.
void UpdateRealOrderIndex ()
 Skip implicit orders until cur_real_order_index is a non-implicit order.
OrderGetOrder (int index) const
 Returns order 'index' of a vehicle or nullptr when it doesn't exists.
OrderGetLastOrder () const
 Returns the last order of a vehicle, or nullptr if it doesn't exists.
bool IsEngineCountable () const
 Check if a vehicle is counted in num_engines in each company struct.
bool HasEngineType () const
 Check whether Vehicle::engine_type has any meaning.
bool HasDepotOrder () const
 Checks if a vehicle has a depot in its order list.
void HandlePathfindingResult (bool path_found)
 Handle the pathfinding result, especially the lost status.
debug_inline bool IsFrontEngine () const
 Check if the vehicle is a front engine.
bool IsArticulatedPart () const
 Check if the vehicle is an articulated part of an engine.
bool HasArticulatedPart () const
 Check if an engine has an articulated part.
VehicleGetNextArticulatedPart () const
 Get the next part of an articulated engine.
VehicleGetFirstEnginePart ()
 Get the first part of an articulated engine.
const VehicleGetFirstEnginePart () const
 Get the first part of an articulated engine.
VehicleGetLastEnginePart ()
 Get the last part of an articulated engine.
VehicleGetNextVehicle () const
 Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
VehicleGetPrevVehicle () const
 Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
IterateWrapper Orders () const
 Returns an iterable ensemble of orders of a vehicle.
uint32_t GetDisplayMaxWeight () const
 Calculates the maximum weight of the ground vehicle when loaded.
uint32_t GetDisplayMinPowerToWeight () const
 Calculates the minimum power-to-weight ratio using the maximum weight of the ground vehicle.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >
void * operator new (size_t size)
 Allocates space for new Titem.
void * operator new (size_t size, Tindex index)
 Allocates space for new Titem with given index.
void * operator new (size_t, void *ptr)
 Allocates space for new Titem at given memory address.
void operator delete (void *p, size_t size)
 Marks Titem as free.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseConsist
void CopyConsistPropertiesFrom (const BaseConsist *src)
 Copy properties of other BaseConsist.
void ResetDepotUnbunching ()
 Resets all the data used for depot unbunching.

Data Fields

uint16_t crashed_counter = 0
 Timer for handling crash animations.
uint8_t pos = 0
 Next desired position of the aircraft.
uint8_t previous_pos = 0
 Previous desired position of the aircraft.
StationID targetairport = StationID::Invalid()
 Airport to go to next.
uint8_t state = 0
 State of the airport.
Direction last_direction = INVALID_DIR
uint8_t number_consecutive_turns = 0
 Protection to prevent the aircraft of making a lot of turns in order to reach a specific point.
uint8_t turn_counter = 0
 Ticks between each turn to prevent > 45 degree turns.
uint8_t flags = 0
 Aircraft flags.
AircraftCache acache {}
- Data Fields inherited from Vehicle
TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE
 Current tile index.
TileIndex dest_tile = INVALID_TILE
 Heading for this tile.
Money profit_this_year = 0
 Profit this year << 8, low 8 bits are fract.
Money profit_last_year = 0
 Profit last year << 8, low 8 bits are fract.
Money value = 0
 Value of the vehicle.
CargoPaymentcargo_payment = nullptr
 The cargo payment we're currently in.
Rect coord {}
 NOSAVE: Graphical bounding box of the vehicle, i.e. what to redraw on moves.
Vehiclehash_viewport_next = nullptr
 NOSAVE: Next vehicle in the visual location hash.
Vehicle ** hash_viewport_prev = nullptr
 NOSAVE: Previous vehicle in the visual location hash.
Vehiclehash_tile_next = nullptr
 NOSAVE: Next vehicle in the tile location hash.
Vehicle ** hash_tile_prev = nullptr
 NOSAVE: Previous vehicle in the tile location hash.
Vehicle ** hash_tile_current = nullptr
 NOSAVE: Cache of the current hash chain.
SpriteID colourmap {}
 NOSAVE: cached colour mapping.
TimerGameCalendar::Year build_year {}
 Year the vehicle has been built.
TimerGameCalendar::Date age {}
 Age in calendar days.
TimerGameEconomy::Date economy_age {}
 Age in economy days.
TimerGameCalendar::Date max_age {}
 Maximum age.
TimerGameEconomy::Date date_of_last_service {}
 Last economy date the vehicle had a service at a depot.
TimerGameCalendar::Date date_of_last_service_newgrf {}
 Last calendar date the vehicle had a service at a depot, unchanged by the date cheat to protect against unsafe NewGRF behavior.
uint16_t reliability = 0
uint16_t reliability_spd_dec = 0
 Reliability decrease speed.
uint8_t breakdown_ctr = 0
 Counter for managing breakdown events.
uint8_t breakdown_delay = 0
 Counter for managing breakdown length.
uint8_t breakdowns_since_last_service = 0
 Counter for the amount of breakdowns.
uint8_t breakdown_chance = 0
 Current chance of breakdowns.
int32_t x_pos = 0
 x coordinate.
int32_t y_pos = 0
 y coordinate.
int32_t z_pos = 0
 z coordinate.
Direction direction = INVALID_DIR
Owner owner = INVALID_OWNER
 Which company owns the vehicle?
uint8_t spritenum = 0
 currently displayed sprite index 0xfd == custom sprite, 0xfe == custom second head sprite 0xff == reserved for another custom sprite
uint8_t x_extent = 0
 x-extent of vehicle bounding box
uint8_t y_extent = 0
 y-extent of vehicle bounding box
uint8_t z_extent = 0
 z-extent of vehicle bounding box
int8_t x_bb_offs = 0
 x offset of vehicle bounding box
int8_t y_bb_offs = 0
 y offset of vehicle bounding box
int8_t x_offs = 0
 x offset for vehicle sprite
int8_t y_offs = 0
 y offset for vehicle sprite
EngineID engine_type = EngineID::Invalid()
 The type of engine used for this vehicle.
TextEffectID fill_percent_te_id = INVALID_TE_ID
 a text-effect id to a loading indicator object
UnitID unitnumber {}
 unit number, for display purposes only
uint16_t cur_speed = 0
 current speed
uint8_t subspeed = 0
 fractional speed
uint8_t acceleration = 0
 used by train & aircraft
uint32_t motion_counter = 0
 counter to occasionally play a vehicle sound.
uint8_t progress = 0
 The percentage (if divided by 256) this vehicle already crossed the tile unit.
uint8_t waiting_triggers = 0
 Triggers to be yet matched before rerandomizing the random bits.
uint16_t random_bits = 0
 Bits used for randomized variational spritegroups.
StationID last_station_visited = StationID::Invalid()
 The last station we stopped at.
StationID last_loading_station = StationID::Invalid()
 Last station the vehicle has stopped at and could possibly leave from with any cargo loaded.
TimerGameTick::TickCounter last_loading_tick {}
 Last TimerGameTick::counter tick that the vehicle has stopped at a station and could possibly leave with any cargo loaded.
VehicleCargoList cargo {}
 The cargo this vehicle is carrying.
CargoType cargo_type {}
 type of cargo this vehicle is carrying
uint8_t cargo_subtype = 0
 Used for livery refits (NewGRF variations)
uint16_t cargo_cap = 0
 total capacity
uint16_t refit_cap = 0
 Capacity left over from before last refit.
uint16_t cargo_age_counter = 0
 Ticks till cargo is aged next.
int8_t trip_occupancy = 0
 NOSAVE: Occupancy of vehicle of the current trip (updated after leaving a station).
uint8_t day_counter = 0
 Increased by one for each day.
uint8_t tick_counter = 0
 Increased by one for each tick.
uint8_t running_ticks = 0
 Number of ticks this vehicle was not stopped this day.
uint16_t load_unload_ticks = 0
 Ticks to wait before starting next cycle.
VehStates vehstatus {}
uint8_t subtype = 0
 subtype (Filled with values from AircraftSubType/DisasterSubType/EffectVehicleType/GroundVehicleSubtypeFlags)
Order current_order {}
 The current order (+ status, like: loading)
union { 
   OrderList *   orders = nullptr 
 Pointer to the order list for this vehicle. More...
   Order *   old_orders 
 Only used during conversion of old save games. More...
NewGRFCache grf_cache {}
 Cache of often used calculated NewGRF values.
VehicleCache vcache {}
 Cache of often used vehicle values.
GroupID group_id = GroupID::Invalid()
 Index of group Pool array.
MutableSpriteCache sprite_cache {}
 Cache of sprites and values related to recalculating them, see MutableSpriteCache.
- Data Fields inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >
Tindex index
 Index of this pool item.
- Data Fields inherited from BaseVehicle
VehicleType type = VEH_INVALID
 Type of vehicle.
- Data Fields inherited from BaseConsist
std::string name {}
 Name of vehicle.
TimerGameTick::Ticks current_order_time {}
 How many ticks have passed since this order started.
TimerGameTick::Ticks lateness_counter {}
 How many ticks late (or early if negative) this vehicle is.
TimerGameTick::TickCounter timetable_start {}
 At what tick of TimerGameTick::counter the vehicle should start its timetable.
TimerGameTick::TickCounter depot_unbunching_last_departure {}
 When the vehicle last left its unbunching depot.
TimerGameTick::TickCounter depot_unbunching_next_departure {}
 When the vehicle will next try to leave its unbunching depot.
TimerGameTick::Ticks round_trip_time
 How many ticks for a single circumnavigation of the orders.
uint16_t service_interval = 0
 The interval for (automatic) servicing; either in days or %.
VehicleOrderID cur_real_order_index = 0
 The index to the current real (non-implicit) order.
VehicleOrderID cur_implicit_order_index = 0
 The index to the current implicit order.
uint16_t vehicle_flags = 0
 Used for gradual loading and other miscellaneous things (.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >
typedef SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, Type > SpecializedVehicleBase
 Our type.
- Public Types inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >
typedef struct Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache > Pool
 Type of the pool this item is going to be part of.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >
static bool IsValidID (auto index)
 Tests whether given index is a valid index for vehicle of this type.
static AircraftGet (auto index)
 Gets vehicle with given index.
static AircraftGetIfValid (auto index)
 Returns vehicle if the index is a valid index for this vehicle type.
static AircraftFrom (Vehicle *v)
 Converts a Vehicle to SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
static const AircraftFrom (const Vehicle *v)
 Converts a const Vehicle to const SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< AircraftIterate (size_t from=0)
 Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid vehicles of type T.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Vehicle
static uint GetAdvanceSpeed (uint speed)
 Determines the effective vehicle movement speed.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem<&_vehicle_pool >
static bool CanAllocateItem (size_t n=1)
 Helper functions so we can use PoolItem::Function() instead of _poolitem_pool.Function()
static bool CleaningPool ()
 Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no.
static bool IsValidID (auto index)
 Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-nullptr) Titem.
static Titem * Get (auto index)
 Returns Titem with given index.
static Titem * GetIfValid (auto index)
 Returns Titem with given index.
static size_t GetPoolSize ()
 Returns first unused index.
static size_t GetNumItems ()
 Returns number of valid items in the pool.
static void PostDestructor (size_t index)
 Dummy function called after destructor of each member.
static Pool::IterateWrapper< Titem > Iterate (size_t from=0)
 Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid Titem.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >
static const VehicleType EXPECTED_TYPE
 Specialized type.

Detailed Description

Aircraft, helicopters, rotors and their shadows belong to this class.

Definition at line 72 of file aircraft.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Aircraft()

Aircraft::Aircraft ( )

We don't want GCC to zero our struct! It already is zeroed and has an index!

Definition at line 86 of file aircraft.h.

◆ ~Aircraft()

virtual Aircraft::~Aircraft ( )

We want to 'destruct' the right class.

Definition at line 88 of file aircraft.h.

References Vehicle::PreDestructor().

Member Function Documentation

◆ Crash()

uint Aircraft::Crash ( bool  flooded = false)

Crash the (whole) vehicle chain.

floodedwhether the cause of the crash is flooding or not.
the number of lost souls.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 1321 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References Vehicle::Crash(), and crashed_counter.

Referenced by CrashAirplane().

◆ FindClosestDepot()

ClosestDepot Aircraft::FindClosestDepot ( )

Find the closest depot for this vehicle and tell us the location, DestinationID and whether we should reverse.

A structure with information about the closest depot, if found.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 399 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References Station::airport, CanVehicleUseStation(), FindNearestHangar(), SpecializedStation< Station, false >::Get(), GetTargetAirportIfValid(), Airport::HasHangar(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tpool_type, Tcache >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, and BaseStation::xy.

◆ GetCargoTile()

TileIndex Aircraft::GetCargoTile ( ) const

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 112 of file aircraft.h.

◆ GetCurrentMaxSpeed()

int Aircraft::GetCurrentMaxSpeed ( ) const

Calculates the maximum speed of the vehicle under its current conditions.

Current maximum speed in native units.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 98 of file aircraft.h.

◆ GetDisplayMaxSpeed()

int Aircraft::GetDisplayMaxSpeed ( ) const

Gets the maximum speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into string parameters for string processing.

the vehicle's maximum speed

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 96 of file aircraft.h.

References VehicleCache::cached_max_speed, and Vehicle::vcache.

◆ GetDisplaySpeed()

int Aircraft::GetDisplaySpeed ( ) const

Gets the speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into string parameters for string processing.

the vehicle's speed

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 95 of file aircraft.h.

References Vehicle::cur_speed.

◆ GetExpenseType()

ExpensesType Aircraft::GetExpenseType ( bool  income) const

Sets the expense type associated to this vehicle type.

incomewhether this is income or (running) expenses of the vehicle

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 92 of file aircraft.h.


◆ GetImage()

void Aircraft::GetImage ( Direction  direction,
EngineImageType  image_type,
VehicleSpriteSeq result 
) const

Gets the sprite to show for the given direction.

directionthe direction the vehicle is facing
[out]resultVehicle sprite sequence.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 174 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References Vehicle::direction, Vehicle::GetEngine(), VehicleSpriteSeq::IsValid(), Engine::original_image_index, VehicleSpriteSeq::Set(), and Vehicle::spritenum.

◆ GetOrderStationLocation()

TileIndex Aircraft::GetOrderStationLocation ( StationID  station)

Determine the location for the station where the vehicle goes to next.

Things done for example are allocating slots in a road stop or exact location of the platform is determined for ships.

stationthe station to make the next location of the vehicle.
the location (tile) to aim for.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 1300 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References AircraftNextAirportPos_and_Order(), FLYING, and state.

Referenced by UpdateOrderDest().

◆ GetRange()

uint16_t Aircraft::GetRange ( ) const

Get the range of this aircraft.

Range in tiles or 0 if unlimited range.

Definition at line 133 of file aircraft.h.

References AircraftCache::cached_max_range.

Referenced by DrawOrderString().

◆ GetRunningCost()

Money Aircraft::GetRunningCost ( ) const

Gets the running cost of a vehicle.

the vehicle's running cost

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 441 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References Vehicle::GetEngine(), Engine::GetGRF(), GetPrice(), and PROP_AIRCRAFT_RUNNING_COST_FACTOR.

Referenced by OnNewEconomyDay().

◆ GetSpeedOldUnits()

int Aircraft::GetSpeedOldUnits ( ) const

Definition at line 97 of file aircraft.h.

◆ IsInDepot()

bool Aircraft::IsInDepot ( ) const

Check whether the vehicle is in the depot.

true if and only if the vehicle is in the depot.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 101 of file aircraft.h.

References Hidden, IsHangarTile(), IsPrimaryVehicle(), BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), Vehicle::tile, and Vehicle::vehstatus.

◆ IsNormalAircraft()

bool Aircraft::IsNormalAircraft ( ) const

Check if the aircraft type is a normal flying device; eg not a rotor or a shadow.

Returns true if the aircraft is a helicopter/airplane and false if it is a shadow or a rotor

Definition at line 121 of file aircraft.h.

References AIR_AIRCRAFT, and Vehicle::subtype.

Referenced by AfterLoadVehiclesPhase2(), CalculateCompanyAssetValue(), GetLoadAmount(), Vehicle::HasEngineType(), Vehicle::IsEngineCountable(), IsPrimaryVehicle(), IterateVehicleParts(), NewVehicleAvailable(), OnNewCalendarDay(), OnNewEconomyDay(), ReserveConsist(), Tick(), and UpdateAirplanesOnNewStation().

◆ IsPrimaryVehicle()

bool Aircraft::IsPrimaryVehicle ( ) const

Whether this is the primary vehicle in the chain.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 93 of file aircraft.h.

References IsNormalAircraft().

Referenced by IsInDepot().

◆ MarkDirty()

void Aircraft::MarkDirty ( )

Marks the vehicles to be redrawn and updates cached variables.

This method marks the area of the vehicle on the screen as dirty. It can be use to repaint the vehicle.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 1311 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References AIR_HELICOPTER, Vehicle::colourmap, EIT_ON_MAP, SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >::Next(), Vehicle::sprite_cache, MutableSpriteCache::sprite_seq, Vehicle::subtype, and SpecializedVehicle< Aircraft, VEH_AIRCRAFT >::UpdateViewport().

◆ OnNewCalendarDay()

void Aircraft::OnNewCalendarDay ( )

Calendar day handler.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 449 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References AgeVehicle(), and IsNormalAircraft().

◆ OnNewEconomyDay()

◆ Tick()

bool Aircraft::Tick ( )

◆ UpdateDeltaXY()

void Aircraft::UpdateDeltaXY ( )

Updates the x and y offsets and the size of the sprite used for this vehicle.

Reimplemented from Vehicle.

Definition at line 49 of file aircraft_cmd.cpp.

References AIR_AIRCRAFT, AIR_HELICOPTER, AIR_ROTOR, AIR_SHADOW, ENDTAKEOFF, FLYING, HELILANDING, LANDING, state, Vehicle::subtype, Vehicle::x_extent, Vehicle::x_offs, Vehicle::y_extent, Vehicle::y_offs, and Vehicle::z_extent.

Referenced by AircraftLandAirplane(), and CmdBuildAircraft().

Field Documentation

◆ acache

AircraftCache Aircraft::acache {}

Definition at line 83 of file aircraft.h.

◆ crashed_counter

uint16_t Aircraft::crashed_counter = 0

Timer for handling crash animations.

Definition at line 73 of file aircraft.h.

Referenced by Crash(), and HandleCrashedAircraft().

◆ flags

uint8_t Aircraft::flags = 0

Aircraft flags.

See also

Definition at line 81 of file aircraft.h.

Referenced by AircraftController(), AircraftHandleDestTooFar(), and CmdStartStopVehicle().

◆ last_direction

Direction Aircraft::last_direction = INVALID_DIR

Definition at line 78 of file aircraft.h.

◆ number_consecutive_turns

uint8_t Aircraft::number_consecutive_turns = 0

Protection to prevent the aircraft of making a lot of turns in order to reach a specific point.

Definition at line 79 of file aircraft.h.

Referenced by AircraftController().

◆ pos

◆ previous_pos

uint8_t Aircraft::previous_pos = 0

◆ state

◆ targetairport

◆ turn_counter

uint8_t Aircraft::turn_counter = 0

Ticks between each turn to prevent > 45 degree turns.

Definition at line 80 of file aircraft.h.

Referenced by AircraftController().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: