= {
static uint16_t sub_date_fract
Subpart of date_fract that we use when calendar days are slower than economy days.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static DateFract date_fract
Fractional part of the day.
static Date date
Current date in days (day counter).
static DateFract date_fract
Fractional part of the day.
static TickCounter counter
Monotonic counter, in ticks, since start of game.
uint _cur_company_tick_index
used to generate a name for one company that doesn't have a name yet per tick
TimeoutTimer< TimerGameTick > _new_competitor_timeout({ TimerGameTick::Priority::COMPETITOR_TIMEOUT, 0 }, []() { if(_game_mode==GM_MENU||!AI::CanStartNew()) return;if(_networking &&Company::GetNumItems() >=_settings_client.network.max_companies) return;if(_settings_game.difficulty.competitors_interval==0) return;uint8_t n=0;for(const Company *c :Company::Iterate()) { if(c->is_ai) n++;} if(n >=_settings_game.difficulty.max_no_competitors) return;Command< CMD_COMPANY_CTRL >::Post(CCA_NEW_AI, CompanyID::Invalid(), CRR_NONE, INVALID_CLIENT_ID);})
Start a new competitor company if possible.
GameSessionStats _game_session_stats
Statistics about the current session.
PauseModes _pause_mode
The current pause mode.
uint16_t _disaster_delay
Delay counter for considering the next disaster.
uint8_t _age_cargo_skip_counter
Skip aging of cargo? Used before savegame version 162.
uint8_t _trees_tick_ctr
Determines when to consider building more trees.
Randomizer _random
Random used in the game state calculations.
#define SLEG_CONDSSTR(name, variable, type, from, to)
Storage of a global std::string in some savegame versions.
#define SLEG_VAR(name, variable, type)
Storage of a global variable in every savegame version.
309 PR#10653 Removal of individual AI start dates and added a generic one.
@ SLV_4
4.0 1 4.1 122 0.3.3, 0.3.4 4.2 1222 0.3.5 4.3 1417 4.4 1426
313 PR#10719 Add an unique ID to every savegame (used to deduplicate surveys).
328 PR#11428 Add sub_date_fract to measure calendar days.
326 PR#10700 Split calendar and economy timers and dates.
300 PR#10035 Make tick counter 64bit to avoid wrapping.
std::string savegame_id
Unique ID of the savegame.
uint32_t state[2]
The state of the randomizer.