OpenTTD Source 20250205-master-gfd85ab1e2c
subsidy.cpp File Reference

Handling of subsidies. More...

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "subsidy_base.h"
#include "subsidy_func.h"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"
#include "core/container_func.hpp"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "string_func.h"
#include "tile_cmd.h"
#include "subsidy_cmd.h"
#include "timer/timer.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_economy.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "safeguards.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


std::pair< NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceTypeSetupSubsidyDecodeParam (const Subsidy *s, SubsidyDecodeParamType mode, uint parameter_offset)
 Setup the string parameters for printing the subsidy at the screen, and compute the news reference for the subsidy.
static void SetPartOfSubsidyFlag (SourceType type, SourceID index, PartOfSubsidy flag)
 Sets a flag indicating that given town/industry is part of subsidised route.
void RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache ()
 Perform a full rebuild of the subsidies cache.
void DeleteSubsidyWith (SourceType type, SourceID index)
 Delete the subsidies associated with a given cargo source type and id.
static bool CheckSubsidyDuplicate (CargoType cargo, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, SourceType dst_type, SourceID dst)
 Check whether a specific subsidy already exists.
static bool CheckSubsidyDistance (SourceType src_type, SourceID src, SourceType dst_type, SourceID dst)
 Checks if the source and destination of a subsidy are inside the distance limit.
void CreateSubsidy (CargoType cargo_type, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, SourceType dst_type, SourceID dst)
 Creates a subsidy with the given parameters.
CommandCost CmdCreateSubsidy (DoCommandFlag flags, CargoType cargo_type, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, SourceType dst_type, SourceID dst)
 Create a new subsidy.
bool FindSubsidyPassengerRoute ()
 Tries to create a passenger subsidy between two towns.
bool FindSubsidyCargoDestination (CargoType cargo_type, SourceType src_type, SourceID src)
 Tries to find a suitable destination for the given source and cargo.
bool FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute ()
 Tries to create a cargo subsidy with a town as source.
bool FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute ()
 Tries to create a cargo subsidy with an industry as source.
bool CheckSubsidised (CargoType cargo_type, CompanyID company, SourceType src_type, SourceID src, const Station *st)
 Tests whether given delivery is subsidised and possibly awards the subsidy to delivering company.


SubsidyPool _subsidy_pool ("Subsidy")
 Pool for the subsidies.
static IntervalTimer< TimerGameEconomy_economy_subsidies_monthly ({TimerGameEconomy::MONTH, TimerGameEconomy::Priority::SUBSIDY}, [](auto) { bool modified=false;for(Subsidy *s :Subsidy::Iterate()) { if(--s->remaining==0) { if(!s->IsAwarded()) { std::pair< NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType > reftype=SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsWithdrawn);AddNewsItem(STR_NEWS_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED, NT_SUBSIDIES, NF_NORMAL, reftype.first, s->src, reftype.second, s->dst);AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyOfferExpired(s->index));} else { if(s->awarded==_local_company) { std::pair< NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType > reftype=SetupSubsidyDecodeParam(s, SubsidyDecodeParamType::NewsWithdrawn);AddNewsItem(STR_NEWS_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE, NT_SUBSIDIES, NF_NORMAL, reftype.first, s->src, reftype.second, s->dst);} AI::BroadcastNewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));Game::NewEvent(new ScriptEventSubsidyExpired(s->index));} delete s;modified=true;} } if(modified) { RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache();} else if(_settings_game.difficulty.subsidy_duration==0) { return;} else if(_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_mail !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_armoured !=DT_MANUAL &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_default !=DT_MANUAL) { return;} bool passenger_subsidy=false;bool town_subsidy=false;bool industry_subsidy=false;int random_chance=RandomRange(16);if(random_chance< 2 &&_settings_game.linkgraph.distribution_pax==DT_MANUAL) { int n=1000;do { passenger_subsidy=FindSubsidyPassengerRoute();} while(!passenger_subsidy &&n--);} else if(random_chance==2) { int n=1000;do { town_subsidy=FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute();} while(!town_subsidy &&n--);} else if(random_chance==3) { int n=1000;do { industry_subsidy=FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute();} while(!industry_subsidy &&n--);} modified|=passenger_subsidy||town_subsidy||industry_subsidy;if(modified) InvalidateWindowData(WC_SUBSIDIES_LIST, 0);})
 Perform the economy monthly update of open subsidies, and try to create a new one.

Detailed Description

Handling of subsidies.

Definition in file subsidy.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CheckSubsidised()

bool CheckSubsidised ( CargoType  cargo_type,
CompanyID  company,
SourceType  src_type,
SourceID  src,
const Station st 

Tests whether given delivery is subsidised and possibly awards the subsidy to delivering company.

cargo_typetype of cargo
companycompany delivering the cargo
src_typetype of src
srcindex of source
ststation where the cargo is delivered to
is the delivery subsidised?

Definition at line 564 of file subsidy.cpp.

References Town::cache, Station::catchment_tiles, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::Get(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool >::Get(), include(), Station::industries_near, Industry, INVALID_SOURCE, INVALID_TILE, IsTileType(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool >::Iterate(), MP_HOUSE, TownCache::part_of_subsidy, POS_DST, POS_SRC, BaseStation::rect, and Town.

Referenced by DeliverGoods().

◆ CheckSubsidyDistance()

static bool CheckSubsidyDistance ( SourceType  src_type,
SourceID  src,
SourceType  dst_type,
SourceID  dst 

Checks if the source and destination of a subsidy are inside the distance limit.

src_typeType of src.
srcIndex of source.
dst_typeType of dst.
dstIndex of destination.
True if they are inside the distance limit.

Definition at line 197 of file subsidy.cpp.

References DistanceManhattan(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool >::Get(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::Get(), SUBSIDY_MAX_DISTANCE, and Town.

Referenced by FindSubsidyCargoDestination().

◆ CheckSubsidyDuplicate()

static bool CheckSubsidyDuplicate ( CargoType  cargo,
SourceType  src_type,
SourceID  src,
SourceType  dst_type,
SourceID  dst 

Check whether a specific subsidy already exists.

cargoCargo type.
src_typeType of source of the cargo, affects interpretation of src.
srcId of the source.
dst_typeType of the destination of the cargo, affects interpretation of dst.
dstId of the destination.
true if the subsidy already exists, false if not.

Definition at line 177 of file subsidy.cpp.

References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool >::Iterate().

Referenced by FindSubsidyCargoDestination(), and FindSubsidyPassengerRoute().

◆ CmdCreateSubsidy()

CommandCost CmdCreateSubsidy ( DoCommandFlag  flags,
CargoType  cargo_type,
SourceType  src_type,
SourceID  src,
SourceType  dst_type,
SourceID  dst 

Create a new subsidy.

flagstype of operation
cargo_typeCargoType of subsidy.
src_typeSourceType of source.
srcSourceID of source.
dst_typeSourceType of destination.
dstSourceID of destination.
the cost of this operation or an error

Definition at line 244 of file subsidy.cpp.

References _current_company, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool >::CanAllocateItem(), CMD_ERROR, CreateSubsidy(), DC_EXEC, CargoSpec::Get(), Industry, Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::IsValidID(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool >::IsValidID(), NUM_CARGO, OWNER_DEITY, and Town.

◆ CreateSubsidy()

◆ DeleteSubsidyWith()

void DeleteSubsidyWith ( SourceType  type,
SourceID  index 

Delete the subsidies associated with a given cargo source type and id.

typeCargo source type of the id.
indexId to remove.

Definition at line 151 of file subsidy.cpp.

References InvalidateWindowData(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_subsidy_pool >::Iterate(), RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache(), and WC_SUBSIDIES_LIST.

Referenced by Town::~Town().

◆ FindSubsidyCargoDestination()

bool FindSubsidyCargoDestination ( CargoType  cargo_type,
SourceType  src_type,
SourceID  src 

Tries to find a suitable destination for the given source and cargo.

cargo_typeSubsidized cargo.
src_typeType of src.
srcIndex of source.
True iff the subsidy was created.

Definition at line 426 of file subsidy.cpp.

References Chance16(), CheckSubsidyDistance(), CheckSubsidyDuplicate(), CreateSubsidy(), OrthogonalTileArea::Expand(), Industry::GetRandom(), Town::GetRandom(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem< Tpool >::index, Industry, Industry::IsCargoAccepted(), IsTileType(), MP_HOUSE, SUBSIDY_TOWN_CARGO_RADIUS, Town, and Town::xy.

Referenced by FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute(), and FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute().

◆ FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute()

◆ FindSubsidyPassengerRoute()

◆ FindSubsidyTownCargoRoute()

◆ RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache()

◆ SetPartOfSubsidyFlag()

static void SetPartOfSubsidyFlag ( SourceType  type,
SourceID  index,
PartOfSubsidy  flag 

Sets a flag indicating that given town/industry is part of subsidised route.

typeis it a town or an industry?
indexindex of town/industry
flagflag to set

Definition at line 124 of file subsidy.cpp.

References Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_town_pool >::Get(), Pool< Titem, Tindex, Tgrowth_step, Tmax_size, Tpool_type, Tcache, Tzero >::PoolItem<&_industry_pool >::Get(), Industry, and Town.

Referenced by CreateSubsidy(), and RebuildSubsidisedSourceAndDestinationCache().

◆ SetupSubsidyDecodeParam()

std::pair< NewsReferenceType, NewsReferenceType > SetupSubsidyDecodeParam ( const Subsidy s,
SubsidyDecodeParamType  mode,
uint  parameter_offset 

Setup the string parameters for printing the subsidy at the screen, and compute the news reference for the subsidy.

sSubsidy being printed.
modeType of subsidy news message to decide on parameter format.
parameter_offsetThe location/index in the String DParams to start decoding the subsidy's parameters. Defaults to 0.
Reference of the subsidy in the news system.

Definition at line 75 of file subsidy.cpp.

References _settings_game, Subsidy::cargo_type, GameSettings::difficulty, Subsidy::dst, Subsidy::dst_type, CargoSpec::Get(), Industry, CargoSpec::name, NewsAwarded, NewsOffered, NR_INDUSTRY, NR_NONE, NR_TOWN, SetDParam(), Subsidy::src, Subsidy::src_type, DifficultySettings::subsidy_duration, and Town.

Referenced by Subsidy::AwardTo(), CreateSubsidy(), and SubsidyListWindow::DrawWidget().