OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
NWidgetLeaf Class Reference

Leaf widget. More...

#include <widget_type.h>

Inheritance diagram for NWidgetLeaf:
NWidgetCore NWidgetResizeBase NWidgetBase

Public Member Functions

 NWidgetLeaf (WidgetType tp, Colours colour, WidgetID index, const WidgetData &data, StringID tip)
 Nested leaf widget.
void SetupSmallestSize (Window *w) override
 Compute smallest size needed by the widget.
void Draw (const Window *w) override
 Draw the widgets of the tree.
bool ButtonHit (const Point &pt)
 For a NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, test whether pt refers to the button or to the drop-down.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NWidgetCore
 NWidgetCore (WidgetType tp, Colours colour, WidgetID index, uint fill_x, uint fill_y, const WidgetData &widget_data, StringID tool_tip)
 Initialization of a 'real' widget.
void SetString (StringID string)
 Set string of the nested widget.
void SetStringTip (StringID string, StringID tool_tip)
 Set string and tool tip of the nested widget.
void SetSprite (SpriteID sprite)
 Set sprite of the nested widget.
void SetSpriteTip (SpriteID sprite, StringID tool_tip)
 Set sprite and tool tip of the nested widget.
void SetMatrixDimension (uint32_t columns, uint32_t rows)
 Set the matrix dimension.
void SetResizeWidgetType (ResizeWidgetValues type)
 Set the resize widget type of the nested widget.
void SetToolTip (StringID tool_tip)
 Set the tool tip of the nested widget.
StringID GetToolTip () const
 Get the tool tip of the nested widget.
void SetTextStyle (TextColour colour, FontSize size)
 Set the text style of the nested widget.
void SetAlignment (StringAlignment align)
 Set the text/image alignment of the nested widget.
StringID GetString () const
 Get the string that has been set for this nested widget.
WidgetID GetIndex () const
 Get the WidgetID of this nested widget.
WidgetID GetScrollbarIndex () const
 Get the WidgetID of this nested widget's scrollbar.
void SetLowered (bool lowered)
 Lower or raise the widget.
bool IsLowered () const
 Return whether the widget is lowered.
void SetDisabled (bool disabled)
 Disable (grey-out) or enable the widget.
bool IsDisabled () const
 Return whether the widget is disabled.
TextColour GetTextColour () const
FontSize GetFontSize () const
void FillWidgetLookup (WidgetLookup &widget_lookup) override
 Fill the Window::widget_lookup with pointers to nested widgets in the tree.
NWidgetCoreGetWidgetFromPos (int x, int y) override
 Retrieve a widget by its position.
bool IsHighlighted () const override
 Return whether the widget is highlighted.
TextColour GetHighlightColour () const override
 Return the colour of the highlight.
void SetHighlighted (TextColour highlight_colour) override
 Highlight the widget or not.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NWidgetResizeBase
 NWidgetResizeBase (WidgetType tp, uint fill_x, uint fill_y)
 Constructor for resizable nested widgets.
void AdjustPaddingForZoom () override
void SetMinimalSize (uint min_x, uint min_y)
 Set minimal size of the widget.
void SetMinimalSizeAbsolute (uint min_x, uint min_y)
 Set absolute (post-scaling) minimal size of the widget.
void SetMinimalTextLines (uint8_t min_lines, uint8_t spacing, FontSize size)
 Set minimal text lines for the widget.
void SetFill (uint fill_x, uint fill_y)
 Set the filling of the widget from initial size.
void SetResize (uint resize_x, uint resize_y)
 Set resize step of the widget.
void SetAspect (float ratio, AspectFlags flags=AspectFlag::ResizeX)
 Set desired aspect ratio of this widget.
void SetAspect (int x_ratio, int y_ratio, AspectFlags flags=AspectFlag::ResizeX)
 Set desired aspect ratio of this widget, in terms of horizontal and vertical dimensions.
bool UpdateMultilineWidgetSize (const std::string &str, int max_lines)
 Try to set optimum widget size for a multiline text widget.
bool UpdateSize (uint min_x, uint min_y)
 Set absolute (post-scaling) minimal size of the widget.
bool UpdateVerticalSize (uint min_y)
 Set absolute (post-scaling) minimal size of the widget.
void AssignSizePosition (SizingType sizing, int x, int y, uint given_width, uint given_height, bool rtl) override
 Assign size and position to the widget.
- Public Member Functions inherited from NWidgetBase
 NWidgetBase (WidgetType tp)
void ApplyAspectRatio ()
virtual NWidgetBaseGetWidgetOfType (WidgetType tp)
 Retrieve a widget by its type.
template<class NWID >
NWID * GetParentWidget ()
 Get parent widget of type NWID.
template<class NWID >
const NWID * GetParentWidget () const
 Get parent widget of type NWID.
void SetPadding (uint8_t top, uint8_t right, uint8_t bottom, uint8_t left)
 Set additional space (padding) around the widget.
void SetPadding (const RectPadding &padding)
 Set additional space (padding) around the widget.
uint GetHorizontalStepSize (SizingType sizing) const
 Get the horizontal sizing step.
uint GetVerticalStepSize (SizingType sizing) const
 Get the vertical sizing step.
virtual void SetDirty (const Window *w) const
 Mark the widget as 'dirty' (in need of repaint).
Rect GetCurrentRect () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void InvalidateDimensionCache ()
 Reset the cached dimensions.

Static Public Attributes

static Dimension dropdown_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a dropdown widget.
static Dimension resizebox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a resizebox widget.
static Dimension closebox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a closebox widget.

Static Private Attributes

static Dimension shadebox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a shadebox widget.
static Dimension debugbox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a debugbox widget.
static Dimension defsizebox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a defsizebox widget.
static Dimension stickybox_dimension = {0, 0}
 Cached size of a stickybox widget.

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from NWidgetCore
NWidgetDisplayFlags disp_flags
 Flags that affect display and interaction with the widget.
Colours colour
 Colour of this widget.
- Data Fields inherited from NWidgetResizeBase
uint min_x = 0
 Minimal horizontal size of only this widget.
uint min_y = 0
 Minimal vertical size of only this widget.
bool absolute = false
 Set if minimum size is fixed and should not be resized.
uint uz_min_x = 0
 Unscaled Minimal horizontal size of only this widget.
uint uz_min_y = 0
 Unscaled Minimal vertical size of only this widget.
uint8_t uz_text_lines = 0
 'Unscaled' text lines, stored for resize calculation.
uint8_t uz_text_spacing = 0
 'Unscaled' text padding, stored for resize calculation.
FontSize uz_text_size {}
 'Unscaled' font size, stored for resize calculation.
- Data Fields inherited from NWidgetBase
WidgetType type {}
 Type of the widget / nested widget.
uint fill_x = 0
 Horizontal fill stepsize (from initial size, 0 means not resizable).
uint fill_y = 0
 Vertical fill stepsize (from initial size, 0 means not resizable).
uint resize_x = 0
 Horizontal resize step (0 means not resizable).
uint resize_y = 0
 Vertical resize step (0 means not resizable).
uint smallest_x = 0
 Smallest horizontal size of the widget in a filled window.
uint smallest_y = 0
 Smallest vertical size of the widget in a filled window.
uint current_x = 0
 Current horizontal size (after resizing).
uint current_y = 0
 Current vertical size (after resizing).
float aspect_ratio = 0
 Desired aspect ratio of widget.
AspectFlags aspect_flags = AspectFlag::ResizeX
 Which dimensions can be resized.
int pos_x = 0
 Horizontal position of top-left corner of the widget in the window.
int pos_y = 0
 Vertical position of top-left corner of the widget in the window.
RectPadding padding {}
 Padding added to the widget. Managed by parent container widget. (parent container may swap left and right for RTL)
RectPadding uz_padding {}
 Unscaled padding, for resize calculation.
NWidgetBaseparent = nullptr
 Parent widget of this widget, automatically filled in when added to container.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NWidgetBase
void StoreSizePosition (SizingType sizing, int x, int y, uint given_width, uint given_height)
 Store size and position.
- Protected Attributes inherited from NWidgetCore
const WidgetID index = -1
 Index of the nested widget (-1 means 'not used').
WidgetData widget_data {}
 Data of the widget.
StringID tool_tip {}
 Tooltip of the widget.
WidgetID scrollbar_index = -1
 Index of an attached scrollbar.
TextColour highlight_colour {}
 Colour of highlight.
TextColour text_colour {}
 Colour of text within widget.
FontSize text_size = FS_NORMAL
 Size of text within widget.
StringAlignment align = SA_CENTER
 Alignment of text/image within widget.

Detailed Description

Leaf widget.

Definition at line 918 of file widget_type.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NWidgetLeaf()

Member Function Documentation

◆ ButtonHit()

bool NWidgetLeaf::ButtonHit ( const Point pt)

For a NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, test whether pt refers to the button or to the drop-down.

ptPoint in the widget.
The point refers to the button.
The magic constants are also used at DrawButtonDropdown.

Definition at line 3094 of file widget.cpp.

References _current_text_dir, NWidgetBase::current_x, NWidgetBase::pos_x, and TD_LTR.

◆ Draw()

void NWidgetLeaf::Draw ( const Window w)

Draw the widgets of the tree.

The function calls Window::DrawWidget for each widget with a non-negative index, after the widget itself is painted.

wWindow that owns the tree.

Implements NWidgetBase.

Definition at line 2964 of file widget.cpp.

References _current_text_dir, NWidgetCore::align, AWV_DECREASE, AWV_INCREASE, AWV_LEFT, AWV_RIGHT, WidgetDimensions::bevel, NWidgetCore::colour, NWidgetBase::current_x, NWidgetBase::current_y, NWidgetCore::disp_flags, DrawButtonDropdown(), DrawCaption(), DrawCloseBox(), DrawDebugBox(), DrawDefSizeBox(), DrawFrameRect(), DrawImageButtons(), DrawLabel(), DrawMatrix(), DrawResizeBox(), DrawShadeBox(), DrawStickyBox(), DrawText(), Window::DrawWidget(), DropdownActive, FillDrawPixelInfo(), FILLRECT_CHECKER, Window::flags, GetColourGradient(), Window::GetQueryString(), GfxFillRect(), NWidgetCore::index, NWidgetCore::IsDisabled(), NWidgetCore::IsLowered(), Window::IsShaded(), Lowered, NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, Window::owner, PC_BLACK, NWidgetBase::pos_x, NWidgetBase::pos_y, RWV_SHOW_BEVEL, WidgetDimensions::scaled, ScaleGUITrad(), Rect::Shrink(), SizingLeft, SizingRight, Sticky, TD_RTL, BaseBitSet< Timpl, Tvalue_type, Tstorage, Tmask >::Test(), NWidgetCore::text_colour, NWidgetCore::text_size, NWidgetBase::type, NWidgetCore::widget_data, Window::width, WWT_ARROWBTN, WWT_CAPTION, WWT_CLOSEBOX, WWT_DEBUGBOX, WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, WWT_DROPDOWN, WWT_EDITBOX, WWT_EMPTY, WWT_IMGBTN, WWT_IMGBTN_2, WWT_LABEL, WWT_MATRIX, WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, WWT_PUSHBTN, WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, WWT_RESIZEBOX, WWT_SHADEBOX, WWT_STICKYBOX, WWT_TEXT, WWT_TEXTBTN, and WWT_TEXTBTN_2.

◆ InvalidateDimensionCache()

void NWidgetLeaf::InvalidateDimensionCache ( )

◆ SetupSmallestSize()

void NWidgetLeaf::SetupSmallestSize ( Window w)

Compute smallest size needed by the widget.

The smallest size of a widget is the smallest size that a widget needs to display itself properly. In addition, filling and resizing of the widget are computed. The function calls Window::UpdateWidgetSize for each leaf widget and background widget without child with a non-negative index.

wWindow owning the widget.
After the computation, the results can be queried by accessing the smallest_x and smallest_y data members of the widget.

Implements NWidgetBase.

Definition at line 2797 of file widget.cpp.

References _current_text_dir, _settings_client, WidgetDimensions::captiontext, WidgetDimensions::closebox, closebox_dimension, WidgetDimensions::debugbox, debugbox_dimension, WidgetDimensions::defsizebox, defsizebox_dimension, dropdown_dimension, WidgetDimensions::dropdowntext, NWidgetBase::fill_x, NWidgetBase::fill_y, WidgetDimensions::framerect, WidgetDimensions::frametext, WidgetDimensions::fullbevel, GetScaledSpriteSize(), GetStringBoundingBox(), ClientSettings::gui, RectPadding::Horizontal(), WidgetDimensions::imgbtn, NWidgetCore::index, Window::IsNewGRFInspectable(), WidgetDimensions::matrix, maxdim(), NWidgetResizeBase::min_x, NWidgetResizeBase::min_y, GUISettings::newgrf_developer_tools, NWID_BUTTON_DROPDOWN, NWidgetBase::padding, NWidgetBase::resize_x, NWidgetBase::resize_y, WidgetDimensions::resizebox, resizebox_dimension, WidgetDimensions::scaled, ScaleGUITrad(), WidgetDimensions::shadebox, shadebox_dimension, NWidgetBase::smallest_x, NWidgetBase::smallest_y, WidgetDimensions::stickybox, stickybox_dimension, TD_RTL, NWidgetCore::text_size, NWidgetBase::type, Window::UpdateWidgetSize(), RectPadding::Vertical(), WidgetDimensions::vscrollbar, NWidgetCore::widget_data, WWT_ARROWBTN, WWT_CAPTION, WWT_CLOSEBOX, WWT_DEBUGBOX, WWT_DEFSIZEBOX, WWT_DROPDOWN, WWT_EDITBOX, WWT_EMPTY, WWT_IMGBTN, WWT_IMGBTN_2, WWT_LABEL, WWT_MATRIX, WWT_PUSHARROWBTN, WWT_PUSHBTN, WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, WWT_RESIZEBOX, WWT_SHADEBOX, WWT_STICKYBOX, WWT_TEXT, WWT_TEXTBTN, and WWT_TEXTBTN_2.

Field Documentation

◆ closebox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::closebox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a closebox widget.

Definition at line 2680 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by GetAutoPlacePosition(), InvalidateDimensionCache(), LocalGetWindowPlacement(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ debugbox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::debugbox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a debugbox widget.

Definition at line 2676 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by InvalidateDimensionCache(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ defsizebox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::defsizebox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a defsizebox widget.

Definition at line 2677 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by InvalidateDimensionCache(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ dropdown_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::dropdown_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a dropdown widget.

Definition at line 2681 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by DrawButtonDropdown(), InvalidateDimensionCache(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ resizebox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::resizebox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a resizebox widget.

Definition at line 2679 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by InvalidateDimensionCache(), LocalGetWindowPlacement(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ shadebox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::shadebox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a shadebox widget.

Definition at line 2675 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by InvalidateDimensionCache(), and SetupSmallestSize().

◆ stickybox_dimension

Dimension NWidgetLeaf::stickybox_dimension = {0, 0}

Cached size of a stickybox widget.

Definition at line 2678 of file widget_type.h.

Referenced by InvalidateDimensionCache(), and SetupSmallestSize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: