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Types related to the network widgets. More...
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Types related to the network widgets.
Definition in file network_widget.h.
enum ClientListWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the NetworkClientListWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_CL_PANEL | Panel of the window. |
WID_CL_SERVER_SELECTOR | Selector to hide the server frame. |
WID_CL_SERVER_NAME | Server name. |
WID_CL_SERVER_NAME_EDIT | Edit button for server name. |
WID_CL_SERVER_VISIBILITY | Server visibility. |
WID_CL_SERVER_INVITE_CODE | Invite code for this server. |
WID_CL_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE | The type of connection the Game Coordinator detected for this server. |
WID_CL_CLIENT_NAME | Client name. |
WID_CL_CLIENT_NAME_EDIT | Edit button for client name. |
WID_CL_MATRIX | Company/client list. |
WID_CL_SCROLLBAR | Scrollbar for company/client list. |
WID_CL_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT | Count of clients and companies. |
Definition at line 77 of file network_widget.h.
enum NetworkAskRelayWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the NetworkAskRelayWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_NAR_CAPTION | Caption of the window. |
WID_NAR_TEXT | Text in the window. |
WID_NAR_NO | "No" button. |
WID_NAR_YES_ONCE | "Yes, once" button. |
WID_NAR_YES_ALWAYS | "Yes, always" button. |
Definition at line 100 of file network_widget.h.
enum NetworkAskSurveyWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the NetworkAskSurveyWindow class.
Definition at line 109 of file network_widget.h.
enum NetworkGameWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the NetworkGameWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_NG_MAIN | Main panel. |
WID_NG_CLIENT_LABEL | Label in front of client name edit box. |
WID_NG_CLIENT | Panel with editbox to set client name. |
WID_NG_FILTER_LABEL | Label in front of the filter/search edit box. |
WID_NG_FILTER | Panel with the edit box to enter the search text. |
WID_NG_NAME | 'Name' button. |
WID_NG_CLIENTS | 'Clients' button. |
WID_NG_MAPSIZE | 'Map size' button. |
WID_NG_DATE | 'Date' button. |
WID_NG_YEARS | 'Years' button. |
WID_NG_INFO | Third button in the game list panel. |
WID_NG_MATRIX | Panel with list of games. |
WID_NG_SCROLLBAR | Scrollbar of matrix. |
WID_NG_LASTJOINED_LABEL | Label "Last joined server:". |
WID_NG_LASTJOINED | Info about the last joined server. |
WID_NG_LASTJOINED_SPACER | Spacer after last joined server panel. |
WID_NG_DETAILS | Panel with game details. |
WID_NG_JOIN | 'Join game' button. |
WID_NG_REFRESH | 'Refresh server' button. |
WID_NG_NEWGRF | 'NewGRF Settings' button. |
WID_NG_NEWGRF_SEL | Selection 'widget' to hide the NewGRF settings. |
WID_NG_NEWGRF_MISSING | 'Find missing NewGRF online' button. |
WID_NG_NEWGRF_MISSING_SEL | Selection widget for the above button. |
WID_NG_SEARCH_INTERNET | 'Search internet server' button. |
WID_NG_SEARCH_LAN | 'Search LAN server' button. |
WID_NG_ADD | 'Add server' button. |
WID_NG_START | 'Start server' button. |
WID_NG_CANCEL | 'Cancel' button. |
Definition at line 14 of file network_widget.h.
enum NetworkJoinStatusWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the NetworkJoinStatusWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_NJS_PROGRESS_BAR | Simple progress bar. |
WID_NJS_PROGRESS_TEXT | Text explaining what is happening. |
WID_NJS_CANCELOK | Cancel / OK button. |
Definition at line 93 of file network_widget.h.
Widgets of the NetworkStartServerWindow class.
Definition at line 52 of file network_widget.h.