OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
ConvertibleThroughBase Concept Reference

A type is considered 'convertible through base()' when it has a 'base()' function that returns something that can be converted to int64_t. More...

#include <convertible_through_base.hpp>

Concept definition

template<typename T>
concept ConvertibleThroughBase = requires(T const a) {
typename T::BaseType;
{ a.base() } noexcept -> std::convertible_to<int64_t>;
A type is considered 'convertible through base()' when it has a 'base()' function that returns someth...

Detailed Description

A type is considered 'convertible through base()' when it has a 'base()' function that returns something that can be converted to int64_t.

Template Parameters
TThe type under consideration.

Definition at line 19 of file convertible_through_base.hpp.