OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
Types related to the vehicle widgets. More...
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Types related to the vehicle widgets.
Definition in file vehicle_widget.h.
enum VehicleDetailsWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the VehicleDetailsWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_VD_CAPTION | Caption of window. |
WID_VD_TOP_DETAILS | Panel with generic details. |
WID_VD_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL | Increase the servicing interval. |
WID_VD_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL | Decrease the servicing interval. |
WID_VD_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN | Dropdown to select default/days/percent service interval. |
WID_VD_SERVICING_INTERVAL | Information about the servicing interval. |
WID_VD_MIDDLE_DETAILS | Details for non-trains. |
WID_VD_MATRIX | List of details for trains. |
WID_VD_SCROLLBAR | Scrollbar for train details. |
WID_VD_DETAILS_CARGO_CARRIED | Show carried cargo per part of the train. |
WID_VD_DETAILS_TRAIN_VEHICLES | Show all parts of the train with their description. |
WID_VD_DETAILS_CAPACITY_OF_EACH | Show the capacity of all train parts. |
WID_VD_DETAILS_TOTAL_CARGO | Show the capacity and carried cargo amounts aggregated per cargo of the train. |
Definition at line 47 of file vehicle_widget.h.
enum VehicleListWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the VehicleListWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_VL_CAPTION | Caption of window (for non shared orders windows). |
WID_VL_CAPTION_SHARED_ORDERS | Caption of window (for shared orders windows). |
WID_VL_CAPTION_SELECTION | Selection for caption. |
WID_VL_ORDER_VIEW | Button to open order window (for shared orders windows). |
WID_VL_GROUP_ORDER | Group order. |
WID_VL_GROUP_BY_PULLDOWN | Group by dropdown list. |
WID_VL_SORT_ORDER | Sort order. |
WID_VL_SORT_BY_PULLDOWN | Sort by dropdown list. |
WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO | Cargo filter dropdown list. |
WID_VL_FILTER_BY_CARGO_SEL | Cargo filter dropdown list panel selector. |
WID_VL_LIST | List of the vehicles. |
WID_VL_SCROLLBAR | Scrollbar for the list. |
WID_VL_HIDE_BUTTONS | Selection to hide the buttons. |
WID_VL_AVAILABLE_VEHICLES | Available vehicles. |
WID_VL_MANAGE_VEHICLES_DROPDOWN | Manage vehicles dropdown list. |
WID_VL_STOP_ALL | Stop all button. |
WID_VL_START_ALL | Start all button. |
Definition at line 64 of file vehicle_widget.h.
enum VehicleRefitWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the RefitWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_VR_CAPTION | Caption of window. |
WID_VR_VEHICLE_PANEL_DISPLAY | Display with a representation of the vehicle to refit. |
WID_VR_SHOW_HSCROLLBAR | Selection widget for the horizontal scrollbar. |
WID_VR_HSCROLLBAR | Horizontal scrollbar or the vehicle display. |
WID_VR_SELECT_HEADER | Header with question about the cargo to carry. |
WID_VR_MATRIX | Options to refit to. |
WID_VR_SCROLLBAR | Scrollbar for the refit options. |
WID_VR_INFO | Information about the currently selected refit option. |
WID_VR_REFIT | Perform the refit. |
Definition at line 34 of file vehicle_widget.h.
enum VehicleViewWidgets : WidgetID |
Widgets of the VehicleViewWindow class.
Enumerator | |
WID_VV_CAPTION | Caption of window. |
WID_VV_VIEWPORT | Viewport widget. |
WID_VV_START_STOP | Start or stop this vehicle, and show information about the current state. |
WID_VV_RENAME | Rename vehicle. |
WID_VV_LOCATION | Center the main view on this vehicle. |
WID_VV_ORDER_LOCATION | Center the main view on the order's target location. |
WID_VV_GOTO_DEPOT | Order this vehicle to go to the depot. |
WID_VV_REFIT | Open the refit window. |
WID_VV_SHOW_ORDERS | Show the orders of this vehicle. |
WID_VV_SHOW_DETAILS | Show details of this vehicle. |
WID_VV_CLONE | Clone this vehicle. |
WID_VV_SELECT_DEPOT_CLONE | Selection widget between 'goto depot', and 'clone vehicle' buttons. |
WID_VV_SELECT_REFIT_TURN | Selection widget between 'refit' and 'turn around' buttons. |
WID_VV_TURN_AROUND | Turn this vehicle around. |
WID_VV_FORCE_PROCEED | Force this vehicle to pass a signal at danger. |
WID_VV_HONK_HORN | Honk the vehicles horn (not drawn on UI, only used for hotkey). |
Definition at line 14 of file vehicle_widget.h.