OpenTTD Source 20250312-master-gcdcc6b491d
cargoaction.h File Reference

Actions to be applied to cargo packets. More...

#include "cargopacket.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  CargoRemoval< Tsource >
 Abstract action of removing cargo from a vehicle or a station. More...
class  CargoDelivery
 Action of final delivery of cargo. More...
class  CargoMovement< Tsource, Tdest >
 Abstract action for moving cargo from one list to another. More...
class  CargoTransfer
 Action of transferring cargo from a vehicle to a station. More...
class  CargoLoad
 Action of loading cargo from a station onto a vehicle. More...
class  CargoReservation
 Action of reserving cargo from a station to be loaded onto a vehicle. More...
class  CargoReturn
 Action of returning previously reserved cargo from the vehicle to the station. More...
class  CargoShift
 Action of shifting cargo from one vehicle to another. More...
class  CargoReroute< Tlist >
 Action of rerouting cargo between different cargo lists and/or next hops. More...
class  StationCargoReroute
 Action of rerouting cargo in a station. More...
class  VehicleCargoReroute
 Action of rerouting cargo staged for transfer in a vehicle. More...

Detailed Description

Actions to be applied to cargo packets.

Definition in file cargoaction.h.