Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- CanBuildConnectedRoadParts() : GSRoad
- CanBuildConnectedRoadPartsHere() : GSRoad
- CanBuildIndustry() : GSIndustryType
- CanProspectIndustry() : GSIndustryType
- CanPullCargo() : GSEngine
- CanRefitCargo() : GSEngine
- CanRunOnRail() : GSEngine
- CanRunOnRoad() : GSEngine
- Chance() : GSBase
- ChanceItem() : GSBase
- ChangeBankBalance() : GSCompany
- ChangeRating() : GSTown
- Clear() : GSList, GSPriorityQueue
- CloneVehicle() : GSVehicle
- Close() : GSWindow
- CloseQuestion() : GSGoal
- Convert() : GSEventAdminPort, GSEventCompanyBankrupt, GSEventCompanyInTrouble, GSEventCompanyMerger, GSEventCompanyNew, GSEventCompanyRenamed, GSEventCompanyTown, GSEventExclusiveTransportRights, GSEventGoalQuestionAnswer, GSEventIndustryClose, GSEventIndustryOpen, GSEventPresidentRenamed, GSEventRoadReconstruction, GSEventStationFirstVehicle, GSEventStoryPageButtonClick, GSEventStoryPageTileSelect, GSEventStoryPageVehicleSelect, GSEventSubsidyAwarded, GSEventSubsidyExpired, GSEventSubsidyOffer, GSEventSubsidyOfferExpired, GSEventTownFounded, GSEventVehicleCrashed, GSEventWindowWidgetClick
- ConvertRailType() : GSRail
- ConvertRoadType() : GSRoad
- CopyOrders() : GSOrder
- Count() : GSList, GSPriorityQueue
- Create() : GSNews, GSSubsidy
- CreateGroup() : GSGroup
- CreateInstance() : GSInfo