CAIAccounting | Class that keeps track of the costs, so you can request how much a block of commands did cost in total |
CAIAirport | Class that handles all airport related functions |
CAIBase | Class that handles some basic functions |
CAIBaseStation | Base class for stations and waypoints |
CAIBridge | Class that handles all bridge related functions |
CAIBridgeList | Create a list of bridges types |
CAIBridgeList_Length | Create a list of bridges types that can be built on a specific length |
CAICargo | Class that handles all cargo related functions |
CAICargoList | Creates a list of cargoes that can be produced in the current game |
CAICargoList_IndustryAccepting | Creates a list of cargoes that the given industry accepts |
CAICargoList_IndustryProducing | Creates a list of cargoes that the given industry can produce |
CAICargoList_StationAccepting | Creates a list of cargoes that the given station accepts |
CAICompany | Class that handles all company related functions |
CAIController | The Controller, the class each AI should extend |
CAIDate | Class that handles all date related (calculation) functions |
CAIDepotList | Creates a list of the locations of the depots (and hangars) of which you are the owner |
CAIEngine | Class that handles all engine related functions |
CAIEngineList | Create a list of engines based on a vehicle type |
CAIError | Class that handles all error related functions |
CAIEvent | Class that handles all event related functions |
CAIEventAircraftDestTooFar | Event AircraftDestTooFar, indicating the next destination of an aircraft is too far away |
CAIEventCompanyAskMerger | Event Company Ask Merger, indicating a company can be bought (cheaply) by you |
CAIEventCompanyBankrupt | Event Company Bankrupt, indicating a company has gone bankrupt |
CAIEventCompanyInTrouble | Event Company In Trouble, indicating a company is in trouble and might go bankrupt soon |
CAIEventCompanyMerger | Event Company Merger, indicating a company has been bought by another company |
CAIEventCompanyNew | Event Company New, indicating a new company has been created |
CAIEventCompanyRenamed | Event Company Renamed, indicating a company has changed name |
CAIEventCompanyTown | Base class for events involving a town and a company |
CAIEventController | Class that handles all event related functions |
CAIEventDisasterZeppelinerCleared | Event Disaster Zeppeliner Cleared, indicating a previously crashed zeppeliner has been removed, and the airport is operating again |
CAIEventDisasterZeppelinerCrashed | Event Disaster Zeppeliner Crashed, indicating a zeppeliner has crashed on an airport and is blocking the runway |
CAIEventEngineAvailable | Event Engine Available, indicating a new engine is available |
CAIEventEnginePreview | Event Engine Preview, indicating a manufacturer offer you to test a new engine |
CAIEventExclusiveTransportRights | Event Exclusive Transport Rights, indicating that company bought exclusive transport rights in a town |
CAIEventIndustryClose | Event Industry Close, indicating an industry is going to be closed |
CAIEventIndustryOpen | Event Industry Open, indicating a new industry has been created |
CAIEventPresidentRenamed | Event President Renamed, indicating a company's president's name has changed |
CAIEventRoadReconstruction | Event Road Reconstruction, indicating that company triggered road reconstructions in a town |
CAIEventStationFirstVehicle | Event Station First Vehicle, indicating a station has been visited by a vehicle for the first time |
CAIEventSubsidyAwarded | Event Subsidy Awarded, indicating a subsidy is awarded to some company |
CAIEventSubsidyExpired | Event Subsidy Expired, indicating a route that was once subsidized no longer is |
CAIEventSubsidyOffer | Event Subsidy Offered, indicating someone offered a subsidy |
CAIEventSubsidyOfferExpired | Event Subsidy Offer Expired, indicating a subsidy will no longer be awarded |
CAIEventTownFounded | Event Town Founded, indicating a new town has been created |
CAIEventVehicleAutoReplaced | Event VehicleAutoReplaced, indicating a vehicle has been auto replaced |
CAIEventVehicleCrashed | Event Vehicle Crash, indicating a vehicle of yours is crashed |
CAIEventVehicleLost | Event Vehicle Lost, indicating a vehicle can't find its way to its destination |
CAIEventVehicleUnprofitable | Event Vehicle Unprofitable, indicating a vehicle lost money last year |
CAIEventVehicleWaitingInDepot | Event VehicleWaitingInDepot, indicating a vehicle has arrived a depot and is now waiting there |
CAIExecMode | Class to switch current mode to Execute Mode |
CAIGameSettings | Class that handles all game settings related functions |
CAIGroup | Class that handles all group related functions |
CAIGroupList | Creates a list of groups of which you are the owner |
CAIIndustry | Class that handles all industry related functions |
CAIIndustryList | Creates a list of industries that are currently on the map |
CAIIndustryList_CargoAccepting | Creates a list of industries that accepts a given cargo |
CAIIndustryList_CargoProducing | Creates a list of industries that can produce a given cargo |
CAIIndustryType | Class that handles all industry-type related functions |
CAIIndustryTypeList | Creates a list of valid industry types |
CAIInfo | 'Abstract' class of the AIs use to register themselves |
CAIInfrastructure | Class that handles all company infrastructure related functions |
CAIList | Class that creates a list which can keep item/value pairs, which you can walk |
CAILog | Class that handles all log related functions |
CAIMap | Class that handles all map related functions |
CAIMarine | Class that handles all marine related functions |
CAINewGRF | Class that handles all NewGRF related functions |
CAINewGRFList | Create a list of loaded NewGRFs |
CAIObjectType | Class that handles all object-type related functions |
CAIObjectTypeList | Creates a list of valid object types |
CAIOrder | Class that handles all order related functions |
CAIPriorityQueue | Class that creates a queue which keeps its items ordered by an item priority |
CAIRail | Class that handles all rail related functions |
CAIRailTypeList | Creates a list of all available railtypes |
CAIRoad | Class that handles all road related functions |
CAIRoadTypeList | Creates a list of all available roadtypes |
CAISign | Class that handles all sign related functions |
CAISignList | Create a list of signs your company has created |
CAIStation | Class that handles all station related functions |
CAIStationList | Creates a list of stations of which you are the owner |
CAIStationList_Cargo | Creates a list of stations associated with cargo at a station |
CAIStationList_CargoPlanned | Creates a list of stations associated with cargo planned to pass a station |
CAIStationList_CargoPlannedByFrom | Creates a list of origin stations of cargo planned to pass a station, with the monthly amounts of cargo planned for each of those origin stations as values |
CAIStationList_CargoPlannedByVia | Creates a list of next hops of cargo planned to pass a station, with the monthly amounts of cargo planned for each of those next hops as values |
CAIStationList_CargoPlannedFromByVia | Creates a list of next hops of cargo planned to pass a station and originating from another station, with the monthly amounts of cargo planned for each of those next hops as values |
CAIStationList_CargoPlannedViaByFrom | Creates a list of origin stations of cargo planned to pass a station going via another station, with the monthly amounts of cargo planned for each of those origin stations as values |
CAIStationList_CargoWaiting | Creates a list of stations associated with cargo waiting at a station |
CAIStationList_CargoWaitingByFrom | Creates a list of origin stations of waiting cargo at a station, with the amounts of cargo waiting from each of those origin stations as values |
CAIStationList_CargoWaitingByVia | Creates a list of next hops of waiting cargo at a station, with the amounts of cargo waiting for each of those next hops as values |
CAIStationList_CargoWaitingFromByVia | Creates a list of next hops of waiting cargo from a specific station at another station, with the amounts of cargo waiting for each of those next hops as values |
CAIStationList_CargoWaitingViaByFrom | Creates a list of origin stations of cargo waiting at a station for a transfer via another station, with the amounts of cargo waiting from each of those origin stations as values |
CAIStationList_Vehicle | Creates a list of stations which the vehicle has in its orders |
CAISubsidy | Class that handles all subsidy related functions |
CAISubsidyList | Creates a list of all current subsidies |
CAITestMode | Class to switch current mode to Test Mode |
CAITile | Class that handles all tile related functions |
CAITileList | Creates an empty list, in which you can add tiles |
CAITileList_IndustryAccepting | Creates a list of tiles that will accept cargo for the given industry |
CAITileList_IndustryProducing | Creates a list of tiles which the industry checks to see if a station is there to receive cargo produced by this industry |
CAITileList_StationCoverage | Creates a list of tiles in the catchment area of the StationID |
CAITileList_StationType | Creates a list of tiles which have the requested StationType of the StationID |
CAITown | Class that handles all town related functions |
CAITownEffectList | Creates a list of all TownEffects known in the game |
CAITownList | Creates a list of towns that are currently on the map |
CAITunnel | Class that handles all tunnel related functions |
CAIVehicle | Class that handles all vehicle related functions |
CAIVehicleList | Creates a list of vehicles of which you are the owner |
CAIVehicleList_DefaultGroup | Creates a list of vehicles that are in the default group |
CAIVehicleList_Depot | Creates a list of vehicles that have orders to a given depot |
CAIVehicleList_Group | Creates a list of vehicles that are in a group |
CAIVehicleList_SharedOrders | Creates a list of vehicles that share orders |
CAIVehicleList_Station | Creates a list of vehicles that have orders to a given station |
CAIWaypoint | Class that handles all waypoint related functions |
CAIWaypointList | Creates a list of waypoints of which you are the owner |
CAIWaypointList_Vehicle | Creates a list of waypoints which the vehicle has in its orders |